[1] [2] [3] The Scots hauing receiued the monie, turned their march toward the west parts, and iournieng thréescore miles, came to Fourneis, burning all the countrie thereabouts, and tooke awaie with them all the goods and prisoners, both men and women which they might laie hands on, and so returned, reioising most of such iron as they had got in that iournie, for they had great want in Scotland of that kind of me|tall in those daies. The dearth by reason of the vnsea|sonable weather in the summer and haruest last past still increased, Anno Reg. 10. The dearth increased. for that which with much adoo was in|ned, after when it came to the proofe, yéelded nothing to the value of that which in sheafe it séemed to con|teine, so that wheat and other graine which was at a sore price before, now was inhanced to a farre higher rate, the scarsitie thereof being so great, that a quar|ter of wheat was sold for fortie shillings, which was a great price, if we shall consider the allaie of monie then currant. ¶ Also by reason of the murren that fell among cattell, béefes and muttons were vnreso|nablie priced.