[1] [2] The Spensers (some write) procured hir banish|ment out of France, and that she was aduised by the earle of Arthois chéefelie to repaire into Hei|nault. Also I find, that the Spensers deliuered fiue barrels of siluer, Caxton. the summe amounting vnto fiue thousand marks, vnto one Arnold of Spaine a bro|ker, appointing him to conueie it ouer into France, to bestowe it vpon such freends as they had there of the French kings counsell, by whose means the king of France did banish his sister out of his relme. But this monie was met with vpon the sea by certeine Zelanders, and taken, togither with the said Arnold, and presented to the earle of Heinault, vnder whose dominion the Zelanders in those daies remained, of which good hap the earle and queene Isabell great|lie reioised.