[1] [2] [3] They wrote also to the prelats, iustices, and barons of the excheker, to induce the king to giue his assent to that which in the tenor of their letters was contei|ned. The earle of Hereford, the lord Roger Morti|mer of Cherke,The barons againe [...] armour. & the lord Roger Mortimer of Wig|more, entring the marches of Wales, came to Glo|cester, and tooke that citie. The castell was also deli|uered vnto them by the constable thereof. The king hauing his people comming dailie vnto him, where|by his armie was hugelie increased, about the feast of saint Nicholas he set foorth from London, and with him there went his brother Edmund earle of Kent, Iohn earle of Richmond, Edmund earle of A|rundell, and manie other great lords and barons. The quéene with hir children he left in the tower of London.The lord saint Iohn. The lord Iohn de saint Iohn comming to submit himselfe vnto the king, at the intercession of diuerse noble men, with much adoo had his pardon at length granted him.