[1] Within three daies after, when the lord treasu|rer Walter de Langton bishop of Couentri [...] and Lichfield (thorough whose complaint Péers de Ga|ueston had beene banished the land) was going to|wards Westminster, to make preparation for the same buriall, he was vpon commandement from the new king arrested, commi [...]ted to prison, and after deliuered to the hands of the said Péers, being then returned againe into the realme,The bishop of Couentrie committed to prison. who sent him from castell to castell as a prisoner. His lands and tene|ments were seized to the kings vse, but his moouea|bles were giuen to the foresaid Peers. Walter Reig|nold that had beene the kings tutor in his childhood, was then made lord treasurer, and after when the fée of Worcester was void, at the kings instance he was by the pope to that bishoprike preferred. Also, Rafe bishop of London was deposed from the office of lord Chancellour,Officers re|mooued. and Iohn Langton bishop of Chichester was therto restored. Likewise, the barons of the excheker were remooued, and other put in their places. And Amerie de Ualence earle of Penbroke was discharged of the wardenship of Scotland, and Iohn de Britaine placed in that office, whom he also made earle of Richmond.