[1] [2] [3] The Scots not onelie thus inuaded Ireland, Ri. Southw. but also continued their rage against England. For the same yeare about the feast of Peter and Paule,The bishop|rike of Dur|ham spoiled [...] the Scots. they entered into the bishoprike of Durham, & spoi|led the countrie vnto Hartilpoole, which towne they robbed of all the goods which they there found, the in|habitants being fled with their ships to the sea. About Mandelentide following, the king of Scots entred England with a mightie armie on the west borders, Anno Reg. [...]. Rob. Bruce inuadeth [...]gland. Carleill be|sieged. and comming to Carleill besieged the citie, remai|ning before it ten daies, but they within so valiantlie defended themselues and their wals, that the Scots lost more than they wan, sauing that during their a|bode at this siege, they robbed and wasted the coun|tries of Allerdale, Copeland, and Westmerland. The 11 day after their comming thither, when they had assaied all their force and policie to win the citie, and saw themselues nothing to preuaile, but to lose their men and trauell, they raised their field, and re|turned into Scotland with dishonor,The siege raised. leauing behind them all their engines of warre, so that besides the dishonour which he susteined by the repulse, in lieu of lucre he suffered losse, and therefore this lesson by ex|emplification would be learned and practised, that
Res le [...]e quisque gereus lucra [...] inde ferens.Now as they went their waie,Iohn de Murrey taken. certeine Englishmen following them, tooke Iohn de Murrey, who in the battell of Striueling had for his part 13 English knights prisoners, beside esquiers and others. They tooke also with him one Robert Berdolfe a great e|nemie of the Englishmen