[1] Neuerthelesse the barons being come in forceable wise (as yee haue heard) vnto this parlement, Matt. VVest. they constreined the earle of Richmond, Arundell, War|ren, and Penbroke, to agree vnto their purpose; and likewise some of the bishops they compelled through feare to take an oth to ioine with them in their pur|pose, for the expelling of the Spensers out of the realme, and so comming all togither before the king, they published certeine articles against the said Spensers,The Spen|sers banished by the decrée of the barons. both the father and sonne, wherevpon they made an award, that they should be disherited and banished the land during their liues, if by the king and consent of all the lords in parlement assembled, they should not be restored. They had day and place appointed where to passe foorth of the land, to wit, at Douer, and not elsewhere, betwixt the daie of his a|ward made, and the feast of the decollation of saint Iohn Baptist, that day to be counted for one. Diuers articles (as before is said) were laid to the charge of those Spensers.