[1] Hereby such hartburning rose against the Spen|sers, that vpon complaint made by the erle of Here|ford vnto the earle of Lancaster, of their presumptu|ous dealing, by ruling all things about the king as séemed best to their likings, it was thought expedi|ent by the said earles that some remedie in time (if it were possible) should be prouided. Wherevpon the said earls of Lancaster and Hereford, with the lords Roger Tuchet, Roger Clifford, Iocelin Deieuille, Roger Bernsfield, the two Mortimers, Roger the vncle and Roger the nephue, William de Sullie, William de Elmbrige, Iohn Gifford of Brimes|field, and Henrie Tieis, all barons; the which with di|uerse other lords and knights, and men of name, as|sembling togither at Shierborne in Elmedone, sware each of them to stand by other, till they had a|mended the state of the realme. But yet notwith|standing this their oth, the most part of them after|wards forsaking the enterprise, submitted them|selues to the king.