[1] [2] In this fight was s [...]aine the earle of Hereford, the lord William de Sullie,

The earle [...] Here [...]ord slaine.

The earle [...] Lancaster taken.

with sir Roger de Bourgh|field, and diuerse others. And there were taken Tho|mas earle of Lancaster, the lord Roger Clifford son to that lord Roger which died in the battell of Ban|nockesborne in Scotland, the lord Gilbert Talbot, the lord Iohn [...]owbraie, [...] the lord Hugh de Willing|ton, the lord Thomas [...]anduit, the lord Warren de Lisle, the lord Phillip Darcie, the lord Thomas Wi|ther, [page 331] the lord Henrie de Willington, the lord Hugh de Knouill, the lord Philip de Beche, the lord Hen|rie de Leiborne, the lord Henrie de Bradborne, the lord Iohn de Beckes, the lord Thomas Louell, the lord William fitz William, Robert de Wateuille, Iohn de Strikeland, Odnell Heron, Walter Paue|lie of Stretton, and a great number of other es|quires and gentlemen.The battell of [...]orough bridge. This battell was fought on the fiftéenth day of March, in the yeare 1322 after the accompt of them that begin the yeare at the Cir|cumcision, which was in the said fiftéenth yé ere of this kings reigne.