[1] [2] [3] The king sent from hence the lord Iohn Hastings into Southwales, to take in his name the seizine of the castels belonging to the earle of Hereford, the lord Roger Damorie, and the lord Hugh Spenser the yoonger, which the barons had the last yeare got into their hands, all which being now taken to the kings vse, were furnished with faithfull garrisons. ¶ The king, after this, comming to Glocester, con|demned the shiriffe of Hereford to be hanged, for that he had taken part against him with the barons. The lord Maurice Berkley came to the king to Glo|cester,The lord Berkley sub|mitteth him|selfe to the K. submitting himselfe to the kings pleasure. After this the king came by Weston vnder edge to|wards Couentrie, where he had appointed aswell such as he had latlie licenced to depart to their homes to refresh themselues for a time, as also diuerse other, to assemble with their powers to go with him from thence against his aduersaries.They appoin|ted to méet at Couentrie. The day of this as|semblie was the friday next after the first sundaie in Lent. The king from Couentrie went to Merinall, and there lodged in the abbeie for his more ease, wri|ting to William Sutton vnder-constable of War|wike castell,Wil. Sutton. commanding him to be attendant on the shiriffe of Warwike, in helping him to watch the entries and issues to and from the castell of Killing|worth that was holden against him.Killingworth holden a|gainst the K. Tik [...]hil castle besieged. In the meane time certeine of the lords that were gone to the earle of Lancaster besieged Tikehill castell fiftéene daies togither, but preuailed not.