[1] Wherefore the archbishop of Yorke, meaning in time of such necessitie to doo his indeuour in defense of his countrie, assembled such power as he could get togither, of clearkes, moonks, canons, and other spi|rituall men of the church, with husbandmen and such other vnapt people for the warres: and thus with a great number of men, and see to warlike or discréet chéefeteins, he togither with the bishop of Elie, as then lord chancellour, came foorth against the Scots, Auesburie. and incountred with them at a place called Mitton vpon Suale, the twelfth day of October. Here as the Englishmen p [...]ssed ouer the [...] of Suale, the Scots set [...] vpon [...]erteine [...] of haie,The disco [...]ture of Mit|ton vpon Suale. Caxton. the smoke whereof was [...], that the Englishmen a might not be where the Scotsla [...]e (And when the English|men were ouer got ouer the [...] the Scots came vpon them with a wing in good order of battell, in [...] to a shield, egerlie assailing their enimies, who for lacke of good gouernement were easilie bea|ten downe and discomfited, without shewing any great resistance: so that there were slaine to the [page 324] [...] [page 325] number of two thousand and the residue shamefullie put to flight. Polydor.