[1] In Lent this yeare, a parlement was holden at London,1 [...]24 in the which diuerse things were intreated, amongst other the cheefest was,A parlement. to determine for the sending of some honorable ambassage to the French king, to excuse the king for not comming to him to doo his homage, according to the pretended sum|mons.The bishop of Hereford ar|rested. ¶ In the same parlement, Adam bishop of Hereford was arrested, and examined vpon points of treason, for aiding, succouring, and mainteining the Mortimers, and other of the rebels. This bishop was reckoned to be wise, Thom. de la More. subtill, and learned, but o|therwise wilfull, presumptuous, and giuen to main|teine factions. At the first, he disdeined to make anie answer at all, and finallie, when he was in manner forced thereto, he flatlie told the king, that he might not make any answere to such matters as he was charged with, Thom. Wals. except by the licence and consent of his metropolitane the archbishop of Canturburie, and other his péeres. Héerevpon, the said archbishop and other bishops made such sute, that he was commit|ted to the kéeping of the said archbishop, with him to remaine, till the king had taken order for his further answer.