[1] [2] After the Epiphanie, when the truce failed betwixt the two realmes of England and Scotland, Rich. South. The Scots inuade Eng|land. an ar|mie of Scots entred England, and came into the bishoprike of Durham. The earle of Murrey staied at Darington, but Iames Dowglas and the stew|ard of Scotland went foorth to waste the countrie, the one towards Hartlepoole and Cleueland, and the o|ther towards Richmond: but they of the countie of Richmond (as before they had doone) gaue a great summe of monie to saue their countrie from inuasi|on. The Scots at that time remained within Eng|land by the space of fiftéene daies or more. The knights and gentlemen of the north parts did come vnto the earle of Lancaster that laie the same time at Pomfret, offering to go foorth with him to giue the enimies battell, if he would assist them: but the earle séemed that he had no lust to fight in defense of his prince, that sought to oppresse him wrongfullie (as he tooke it) and therefore he dissembled the matter, and so the Scots returned at their pleasure without encounter.