[1] Finallie it was thought good, that the queene shuld go ouer to hir brother the French king,The quéene is sent ouer into France to talke with hir brother the French king. to confirme that treatie of peace vpon some reasonable conditi|ons. She willinglie tooke vpon hir the charge, and so with the lord Iohn Crumwell, & other foure knights, without any other great traine, taking sea, she landed in France, where of the king hir brother she was ioi|fullie receiued,A peace and concord a|gréed vpon. and finallie she being the mediatrix, it was finallie accorded, that the K. of England should giue to his eldest sonne the duchie of Aquitaine, and the countie of Pontieu, and that the French king re|ceiuing homage of him for the same, he should re|store into his hands the said countie, and the lands in Guien, for the which they were at variance, and for those countries which had beene forraied and spoiled, the earle of Aniou should fullie see him satisfied, as right did require.