[1] [2] 1310 Anno Reg. 4In the fourth yeare of king Edward was a coun|cell holden at London against the templers, the which councell indured from the beginning of Maie,The addition to Triuet. till Iune. In this councell they confessed the fame, but not the fact of the crimes laid to their charge, ex|cept two or thrée ribalds that were amongst them: but bicause they could not cleare themselues, they were adiudged vnto perpetuall penance within certeine monasteries.The earle of Cornewall placed in Bambourgh castell. The king this yeare fearing the enuie of the lords against Peers de Gaueston, placed him for his more safetie in Bambourgh ca|stell, bearing the prelats and lords in hand, that he had committed him there to prison for their plea|sures.