[1] [2] From Glocester she passed by Berkley, and re|stored the castell of Berkley (which the earle of Glo|cester,The lord Berkley. Hugh Spenser the yoonger had held) vnto the lord Thomas Berkley, heire to the lord Maurice Berkley latelie before deceassed in prison, within the castell of Wallingford, togither with all the appurte|nances to the honor of Berkley belonging. From thence she went to Bristow,The quéene commeth to Bristow. and the morrow after hir thither comming, being the euen of the apostles Simon and Iude, through the instant calling vpon of the people,The earle of Winchester executed. the earle of Winchester was drawne foorth in his cote armor vnto the common gallows, and there hanged. His head was after cut off, and sent to Winchester, whereof he was earle.