[1] [2] In the meane while Roger de Mortimer the kings deputie arriued at Waterford with a great armie, by reason wherof Edward le Bruce for feare depar|ted, and got him into the vttermost parts of Ulne|ster,Iohn fitz Thomas erle of Kildare. and Iohn fitz Thomas was made earle of Kil|dare. [page 324] Also Occoner of Conneigh, and manie other Irishmen of Cornagh and Meth were slaine néere to Aurie by the Englishmen of those parts. There was a great slaughter also made of the Irishmen néere vnto Thistildermote, by the lord Edmund But|ler, and an other also at Baliteham of Omorth by the same Edmund. The lord deputie deliuered the earle of Ulnester out of prison, and after Whitsuntide ba|nished out of Meth sir Walter Lacie, and sir Hugh Lacie, giuing their lands awaie from them vnto his knights, and they went ouer into Scotland with Ed|ward Bruce, Croxden. who returned thither about that time. The death still increased as by some writers it should appeare.