[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Thomas earle of Lancaster came toward Ber|wike, to doo homage to the king for the earledome of Lincolne fallen to him in right of his wife, now af|ter the deceasse of hir father the late earle of Lin|colne. But he was counselled not to go foorth of the realme to the king, so that therevpon rose no small displeasure, and great doubt least there would haue followed ciuill warres about it. Neuerthelesse, at length the king was persuaded to come ouer the wa|ter vnto Hagerston, foure miles distant from Ber|wike, and there receiued homage of the earle, and so they continued fréends, and for that time departed a|sunder in louing maner. The lords perceiuing the mischeefe that dailie followed and increased by that naughtie man (as they tooke it) the earle of Corne|wall, Fabian. Hen. Marle. assembled at Lincolne, and there tooke counsell togither, and concluded eftsoones to banish him out of the realme, and so therevpon shortlie after, about Christmasse (as some write) or rather, as other haue, within the quindene of saint Michaell, Rich. So [...] The car [...] [...] Cornewall banished [...] Flanders. he was exiled into Flanders, sore against the kings will and plea|sure, who made such account of him, that (as appea|red) he could not be quiet in mind without his com|panie, & therfore about Can [...]lemasse he eftsoones re|uoked [page 321] [...] [page 322] Whitsundaie at the coronation of Philip sonne to the French king, created that day king of Nauarre. ¶ Iohn de Drokensford bishop of Bath and Welles was appointed warden of the realme till the kings returne. Anno Reg. 7. Record. Tur. In Iulie the king returned backe from his iournie into France, and landed at Sandwich the mondaie before the feast of S. Margaret, hauing dis|patched his businesse with the French king in good and honorable maner, for his lands and countrie of Gascoine. Hen. Marle. Mariages. ¶ About this season Maurice fitz Tho|mas, and Thomas fitz Iohn maried two sisters that were daughters to Richard earle of Ulnester. In this meane time, Robert Bruce recouered the most part of all Scotland, winning out of the English|mens hands such castels as they held within Scot|land,The successe of Robert Bruce. chasing all the souldiers which laie there in gar|rison, out of the countrie, and subduing such of the Scots as held on the English part.