[1] The king escapeth.The king escaped with a few about him, in great danger to haue béene either taken or slaine. Manie were drowned in a little riuer called Banokesborne, neere to the which the battell was foughten.The battell of Banokes|borne. There were slaine of noble men, Gilbert earle of Gloce|ster, Robert lord Clifford, the lord Giles Argentine, the lord Paine Tiptost, the lord William Marshall the lord Reginald Daincourt, the lord Edmund of Mauley the kings steward, with other lords and ba|rons to the number of 42, and of knights and baro|nets to the number of 67. There were slaine of all sorts vpon the English part that daie about ten thou|sand men,The great slaughter of Englishmen. Polydor. ouer and beside the prisoners that were ta|ken. Amongst the which were accounted 22 men of name, as the earle of Hereford, the lord Iohn Se|graue, Fabian. Croxden. Addition to Triuet and Matth. Paris. William lord Latimer, Maurice lord Berk|ley, and others. He that listeth to heare more of this discomfiture may read thereof further at large in the Scotish historie.