[1] After that she had refreshed hir people a little space at saint Edmundsburie, she marched foorth to seeke the aduersaries of hir and of the realme, as she bruted it; but they still kéeping themselues néere to the kings person, that vnder the shadow of the wings of his protection they might remaine in more safegard, durst not depart from his presence. At the time of the queenes landing he was at London, and being sore amazed with the newes, he required aid of the Londoners.The answer of the Lon|doners to the king. They answered, that they would doo all the honour they might vnto the king, the queene, and to their sonne the lawfull heire of the land: but as for strangers & traitors to the realme, they would kéepe them out of their gates, and resist them with all their forces: but to go foorth of the citie further than that they might returne before sunne-setting, they refused, pretending certeine liberties in that behalfe to them granted in times past, as they alledged.