[1] The French K. being latelie come to the crowne, sent certeine ambassadors vnto king Edward, to wit, the lord Beouille, and one Andreas de Floren|tia a notarie, to giue summons vnto him from the French king, to come and doo homage for the lands which he held in France,The Fren [...] king taketh townes in A|quitaine. as for the duchie of Aqui|taine, and the countie of Pontieu. And though the lord chamberleine Hugh Spenser the sonne, and the lord chancellour Robert Baldocke did what they could to procure these ambassadors, not to declare the cause of their comming to the king, yet when they should depart, they admonished the king to come and doo his homage vnto the French king, and vpon this admonition the said Andreas framed a publike in|strument, by vertue whereof, the French king made processe against the king of England, and [...]eized into his hands diuerse townes and castels in Aquitaine, alledging that he did it for the contumacie shewed by the king of England, in refusing to come to doo his homage, being lawfullie summoned, although the king was throughlie informed, that the summons was neither lawfull, nor touched him anie thing at all.