[1] [2] The archbishop, Auesburie. the lord chancellor, and the abbat of Selbie, with helpe of their swift horsses escaped, and diuerse other. The maior of Yorke named Ni|cholas Fleming was slaine, & sir William Diremin preest taken prisoner. Manie were drowned, by rea|son that the Scots had gotten betwixt the English|men and the bridge, Caxton. so that the Englishmen fled be|twixt that wing of the Scots and their maine bat|tell, which had compassed the Englishmen about on the one side, as the wing did vpon the other. And bi|cause so manie spirituall men died in this battell, it was after named of manie writers The white bat|tell. The king of England informed of this ouer|throw giuen by the Scots to the Northerne men, he brake vp his siege incontinentlie, and returned to Yorke.