[1] [2] [3] About this season, or somewhat before, about Mid|summer (as Southwell saith) a naughtie fellow called Iohn Poidras, or (as some books haue) Ponderham, a tanners son of Excester commmig to Oxford, and there thrusting himselfe into the kings hall that stood without the wals, gaue foorth that he was sonne and right heire of king Edward the first, and that by means of a false nursse he was stolne out of his cra|dle, and this Edward the second being a carters son was brought in and laid in his place, so that he by reason thereof was afterwards hardlie fostered and brought vp in the north part of Wales. At length be|ing laid for, he fled to the church of the white friers in Oxford, trusting there to be safe through the immuni|tie of the place, bicause king Edward the first was their founder. But when he could not keepe his toong, but still fondlie vttered his follie, and stood in his opi|nion, so that great rumor thereof was raised, he was at length taken out of that church, & caried to North|hampton, where he was there arreigned, condem|ned, and had foorth to a place in the countrie called the copped oke, where he was drawne, hanged, and as a traitour bowelled. At the houre of his death he con|fessed, that in his house he had a spirit in likenesse of a cat, which amongst other things assured him that he should be king of England.