[1] [2] In this season, to wit, in the yeare 1319, a great murreine and death of cattell chanced through the whole realme, spreading from place to place, Murren of cattell. but spe|ciallie this yeare it reigned most in the north, where as in the yeares before it began in the south parts. The king desirous to be reuenged of the Scots, Anno Reg. 1 [...]. made preparation to leuie a mightie armie; and for want of sufficient numbers of men in other places to|wards the north parts, the king caused much people to come vnto him out of the south and east parts of the realme, amongst the which the citie of London was constreined to find at their costs and charges two hundred men, sending them to Yorke, where the generall assemblie of the armie was made. From thence, after he had receiued his men from sundrie countries and good townes of his realme, he went to Berwike, & laid siege to the towne.The king go|eth to Ber|wike. In which meane time the Scots being assembled, came to the bor|ders, passed by the English host, and entring into England, came in secreet wise downe into the mar| [...]hes of Yorkeshire, and there slue the people,The Scots come into t [...] parts of Yorke. and rob|bed them in most cruell wise.