[1] [2] [3] Anno Reg. 15.The king fauouring inough the causes and petiti|ons of the Spensers, granted their requests, and de|liuered the petitions vnto the archbishop of Cantur|burie and his suffragans,The king as|keth the opi|nions of the prelats. the which at the same time were there assembled in their prouinciall councell a|foresaid, requiring to haue their aduise and opinion therein. He likewise requested of the earles and ba|rons that were then with him, and of the counsellers in law, what they thought of this matter. The prelats vpon deliberation had, declared that in their opini|on, the said award as touching the disheriting and banishing of the Spensers, the father and sonne was erronious,The declara|tion of the prelats. and not rightlie decréed, and for them|selues they denied that they either did or could thinke it reason to consent therevnto, and therefore they re|quired that it might be repealed, and the kings bro|ther Edmund earle of Kent, Iohn de Britaine earle of Richmond,The declara|tion of the earles. Aimer de Ualence earle of Penbroke, and Edmund earle of Arundell, then being in pre|sence of the king, and likewise of the foresaid prelats, affirmed that the said award pronounced against the Spensers was made contrarie to law and right, and therefore as the prelats requested, that the same might be repealed.