[1] There were letters intercepted about the same time, which a messenger brought foorth of Scotland,Letters in|tercepted. thrée closed and thrée open, for there were six in all. The king sent them to the archbishop of Canturbu|rie, who by his commandement published them in o|pen audience at London. The first was closed with the seale of the lord Thomas Randulfe earle of Mur|rie, lord of Annandale and of Man, lieutenant to Ro|bert le Bruce king of Scotland, which conteined a safe conduct for sir Thomas Top [...]liue chapleine, and one to be associate with him to come into Scotland, and to returne from thence in safetie. The second was sealed with the seale of sir Iames Dowglas for a like safe conduct for the same persons. The third was closed with the seale of the said earle of Murrie for the safe conduct of the lord Iohn de Mowbraie, and the lord Iohn de Clifford, and fortie horsses with their pages for their safe comming vnto the said erle into Scotland, and for their abiding there and re|turning backe. The fourth was closed with the seale of Iames Dowglas, directed to king Arthur.King Arthur a name feined of purpose. The fift was closed with the seale of Iames Dowglas directed vnto the lord Rafe Neuill. The sixt had no direction, but the tenour thereof was this as followeth.