[1] [2] On the same day, the lord William Tuchet, the lord William fitz William, the lord Warren de Lisle, the lord Henrie Bradborne, and the lord Willi|am; Chenie barons, with Iohn Page an esquire, were drawne and hanged at Pomfret aforesaid, and then shortlie after, Roger lord Clifford, Iohn lord Mowbraie, and sir Gosein d' Eeuill barons,Lords exe|cuted. were drawne and hanged at Yorke. At Bristow in like manner were executed sir Henrie de Willington, and sir Henrie Montfort baronets; and at Glocester, the lord Iohn Gifford, and sir William Elmebridge knight; and at London, the lord Henrie Teies ba|ron; at Winchelsie, sir Thomas Culpepper knight; at Windsor, the lord Francis de Aldham baron; and at Canturburie, the lord Bartholomew de Badelis|mere, and the lord Bartholomew de Ashbornham, barons. Also at Cardiffe in Wales, sir William Fleming knight was executed: diuerse were exe|cuted in their countries, as sir Thomas Mandit and others.