[1] [2] A parlement at Yorke.When the king had subdued the barons, shortlie after, about the feast of the Ascension of our lord, he held a parlement at Yorke, in which parlement, the record and whole processe of the decree or iudgement concerning the disheriting of the Spensers,The record touching the banishing of the Spensers reuersed. ordei|ned by the lords in parlement assembled at London the last summer, was now throughlie examined, and for their errours therein found, the same record and processe was cléerelie adnthilated and reuersed, and the said Spensers were restored to all their lands and offices,Creation of earls. as before. And in the same parlement the lord Hugh Spenser the father was made earle of Winchester, and the lord Andrew de Herklie earle of Carleill. Moreouer, in the same parlement, all such were disherited as had taken part with the earls of Lancaster & Hereford,The lord Audelie pardoned. except the lord Hugh Aude|lie the yoonger, and a few other, the which lord Hugh was pardoned, bicause he had married the kings néece, that was sister to Gilbert de Clare earle of Glocester, which was slaine in Scotland, at the bat|tell of Bannockesborne, as before is mentioned.