[1] [2] [3] [4] The bodie of the earle of Hereford was sent to Yorke, two friers of the order of preachers being appointed to looke to it, till the king tooke order for the burieng of it. The lord Clifford also, bicause he was wounded with an arrow, was sent vnto Yorke. At the same time, the lord Henrie Percie tooke the lord Henrie Tieis, and Iohn de Goldington knight, with two esquires, and within a few daies after, Do|nald de Mar tooke the lord Bartholomew de Bade|lismere, the lord Hugh Audelie the yoonger, the lord Iohn Gifford, the lord William Tuche [...], and in ma|ner all those which escaped by flight from this battell were taken in one place or other, by such of the kings seruants and fréends as pursued them.The castell of Pom [...]ret is rendred to the king. Upon the one and twentith of March, came sir Andrew de Harkley vnto Pomfret, bringing with him the earle of Lan|caster and other prisoners. The king was come thi|ther a few daies before, and had the castell yeelded to him by the constable, that not manie daies past was appointed to the kéeping thereof by the earle, which earle now being brought thither captiue, was moc|ked, scorned, and in derision called king Arthur.