Snippet: 34 of 154 (1587, Volume 6, p. 324)
Anno Reg. 12. Additions to Triuet.
The king & the earle of Lancaster made fréends.
In the 12 yeare of Edward the seconds reigne, in August, the king and
the earle of Lancaster came to talke togither in a plaine beside Leicester,
where they were made freends to the outward shew, so that in the yeare next
following, the said earle went with the king to the siege of Berwike. About
the feast of the Natiuitie of our ladie, the two cardinals, which were yet
remaining in England, sent foorth com|mandements vnto all the prelats and
priests with|in the realme, that thrée times in euerie solemne masse,Rob. Bruce pronounced
accursed. they should denounce Robert Bruce that cal|led himselfe
king of Scotland accursed, with all his councellors and fautors, and on the
behalfe of the pope, they depriued him by denunciation of all ho|nour, and
put all his lands vnder interdiction, dis|abling all their children [to the
second degrée] that held with him, as vnworthie & vnfit to receiue
or take vpon them any ecclesiasticall function. They de|nounced also all the
prelats of Scotland and men of religion,
exempt, and not exempt, excommunicate and accursed.