[1] About this season, Thom. Wals. the lord William de Bruce that in the marches of Wales enioied diuerse faire pos|sessions to him descended from his ancestors, but through want of good gouernement was run behind hand, offered to sell a certeine portion of his lands called Gowers land lieng in the marches there, vnto diuerse noble men that had their lands adioining to the same, as to the earle of Hereford, and to the two lords Mortimers, the vncle & nephue, albeit the lord Mowbraie that had maried the onelie daughter and heire of the lord Bruce, thought verelie in the end to haue had it, as due to his wife by right of inheri|tance. But at length (as vnhap would) Hugh Spen|ser the yoonger lord chamberleine, coueting that land (bicause it laie néere on each side to other lands that he had in those parts) found such means through the kings furtherance and helpe,The chéefe cause of the variance be|twixt ye lords and the Spẽ|sers. that he went awaie with the purchase, to the great displeasure of the other lords that had beene in hand to buie it.