[1] [2] [3] At the same time Hugh Spenser the sonne, being latelie come from the sea,The lord chã|berleine yeel|deth himselfe to the law. yéelded himselfe prisoner to the kings ward, beséeching the king that he might haue right ministred to him, concerning the wrongs and iniuries to him doone by the barons in maner as before ye haue heard, speciallie for the award which in parlement they had procured to be enacted against him, the errours committed in the processe, whereof he besought the king that he might be ad|mitted to shew: as first, in that they made them|selues iudges: secondlie, in that he was not called to answer: thirdlie, for that the same award was made without the assent of the prelats, who are péeres of the parlement as well as the temporall lords: fourth|lie, in that the said barons had no record in their pur|suit vpon the causes conteined in that award: fiftlie, in that the award was made against the forme of the great charter of franchises, wherein is conteined that none shall be foreiudged nor destroied but by lawfull iudgement of his péers, according to the law of the land. Further, he alledged that it was to be considered, how the said barons and great men being summoned to come in due maner vnto that parlement, they came in forceable wise with all their powers. A like petition was also exhibited on the be|halfe of Hugh Spenser the father, for redresse to be had of the wrongs and losses, which in like case he had susteined.