[1] [2] The bishop of Excester le [...]t in charge with the citie of London.The king at his departure from London, left mai|ster Walter Stapleton the bishop of Excester be|hind him, to haue the rule of the citie of London. Then shortlie after, the quéene with hir son, making towards London, wrote a letter to the maior, and the citizens, requiring to haue assistance for the putting downe of the Spensers, not onelie knowne enimies of theirs, but also common enimies to all the realme of England. To this letter no answer at the first was made, Caxton. wherefore an other was sent, dated at Baldocke the sixt daie of October, vnder the names of Isabell by the grace of God queene of England, ladie of Ireland, and countesse of Pontieu, and of Ed|ward eldest sonne to the king of England, duke of Guien, earle of Chester, of Pontieu and of Muttrell. This letter being directed to the maior and commu|naltie of London, conteining in effect, that the cause of their landing and entring into the realme at that time, was onelie for the honor of the king and wealth of the realme, meaning hurt to no maner of person, but to the Spensers, was fastened vpon the crosse in Cheape, then called the new crosse in Cheape, on the night before the ninth daie of October. Diuerse co|pies of the same letter were set vp, and fastened vpon windowes and doores in other places of the citie, and one of the same copies was tacked vpon the lord ma|iors gates.