[1] Neuerthelesse, whether for that the king by a pro|clamation set foorth the sixteenth of March, had com|manded (as some write) that the lords Mowbraie, [page 326] Clifford, and Deieuille for disobeieng to make their personall appearance before him, should auoid the land within ten daies next insuing, or for that they meant with all speed to put their enterprise in execu|tion, we find that the earle of Hereford, the lords Mortimer, the vncle and nephue, the lord Roger Da|morie, the lord Iohn Mowbraie, the lord Hugh Aude|lie, and his sonne named also Hugh, the lord Clifford, the lord Iohn Gifford of Brimesfield, the lord Morice Berkeley, the lord Henrie Tieis, the lord Iohn Ma|trauers, with manie other that were alied togither, hauing the consent also of the earle of Lancaster, on the wednesdaie next after the feast of the Inuention of the crosse,The lords take armes vpon them against the Spensers. hauing with them to the number of eigth hundred men of armes, fiue hundred hoblers, and ten thousand men on foot, came with the kings banner spread vnto Newport in Wenloks lands, where they tooke the castell that belonged vnto the lord chamberleine Hugh Spenser the yoonger.