[1] The king, Record. Tur. when such earles and lords as he had li|cenced for a time were returned (his brother the earle of Northfolke excepted) & that the most part of those men of warre were assembled that had summons, although diuerse came not at all; about the first sun|daie in Lent he set forward towards his enimies, hauing with him to the number of sixtéene hundred men of armes on horssebacke,

The king set|teth forward towards his enimies.

He made a proclamation.

and footmen innume|rable, with this power passing foorth towards his ad|uersaries, he caused proclamation to be made, that he was readie to receiue all men to his peace, that would come and submit themselues, those excepted which had beene at the siege of Tikehill castell, or at the taking of the citie of Glocester, or at the inuasi|on made vpon his men at Bridgenorth.