[1] [2] [3] Then were sent ouer other ambassadors, as the lord Iohn de Sullie a Frenchman borne,The lord de Sullie sent into France in ambassage. and one maister Iohn de Shordich, but the lord Sullie had so strange interteinment for some displeasure which the French king conceiued against him, that if the French quéene had not the beter intreated for him, he had lost his head; and as for the other, he had also returned home without bringing any thing to passe, of that for the which he was sent. After this, the pope sent the archbishop of Uienna,The pope sendeth am|bassadors to the kings of England and France. and the bishop of O|range, to the princes of either realme, to exhort them to some agréement, but they could doo no good, and so taking monie of the cleargie for their expenses, they returned. After this, about the twentith daie after Christmasse, there was a parlement called at Lon|don, in the which the king required to haue the aduise of the lords, how he might worke for sauing, of the duchie of Guien, sore molested by the French. Hervp|on it was concluded,Other ambas|sadors sent o|ouer into France. that the bishops of Winchester and Norwich, and Iohn de Britaine earle of Rich|mond, should go ouer as ambassadors to the French king, who comming into France, after manie argu|mentations, allegations, and excuses, made on both parts, at length receiued a certeine forme of pacifica|tion at the French kings hands, with the which the bishop of Winchester was sent backe to England, the bishop of Norwich, and the earle of Richmond re|maining there, till it might be knowen how the king of England would like thereof.