[1] Wherevpon when the Scots tooke no regard to the popes admonition, the archbishop procéeded to the pronouncing of the foresaid sentence, so that Ro|bert Br [...]ce, Iames Dowglas, and Thomas Ran|dulfe earle of Murrey, and all other that kept him companie, or them in any wise mainteined, were ac|curssed throughout England euerie day at masse three times. Howbeit, this nothing holpe the matter, but put the king and the realme to great cost and charge, and in the meane season the commons of the realme were sore oppressed by sundrie waies and means, diuerse of them lost their goods and possessi|ons, being taken from them vpon surmised and fei|ned quarels, so that manie were vtterlie vndoone, and a few singular and misordered persons were ad|uanced.