[1] [2] [3] About the two and twentith of Ianuarie, the king sailed ouer into France,The K. pas|s [...]th ouer [...] France. and at Bullongne in Pi|cardie on the foure and twentith day of Ianuarie, he did homage to the French king for his lands of Gas|coine and Pontieu, and on the morrow after,1 [...]0 [...] maried Isabell the French kings daughter,He w [...]s mar|ried the 2 [...] [...] Februarie [...] Tho. de la More [...] and on the sea|uenth of Februarie he returned with hir into Eng|land, and comming to London, was ioifullie recei|ued of the citizens, and on the fiue and twentith daie [page 319] of Februarie, being Shrouesundaie in the leape yeare,The king and quéene crow|ned. they were solemnlie crowned by the bishop of Winchester, bicause that Robert the archbishop of Canturburie was not as then within the realme. There was such prease and throng of people at this coronation,

Tho. Walsin. Sir Iohn Blackwell smoothered and thrust to death.

Continuation of N. Triuet.

that a knight called sir Iohn Bakewell aliàs Blackwell, was thrust or crowded to death. ¶On the day of the circumcision this yeare, a great tem|pest of thunder and lightning began about euensong time, that continued the most part of the night fol|lowing.