[figure appears here on page 1720]
[1] Queene Marie._MArie eldeſt daugh|ter of King Hen|rie the eyght, by the Ladie Katherine of Spayne, his firſte wife, and ſiſter vn|to King Edwarde the ſixth, by the fa|thers ſide, beganne hir reygne the vj. day of Iulye, which daye the King hir brother dyed, and ſhe was proclaymed at London (as is before remembred in the ende of the hiſtorie of King Edwarde the ſixth,1552 the xix. daye of the ſame moneth,Quene Marie proclaymed. in the yeare of our Lorde 1553. After the creation of the worlde 5520. In the xxxv. yeare of Charles the v. Emperour of Al|mayne. In the vij. yeare of Henrie the ſeconde of that name, king of Fraunce, and in the xj. of Marie Queene of Scotlande.
[1] The Duke of Northumber|land arreſted.The xx. of Iuly the Duke of Northumber|lande being come backe vnto Cambridge, beard that the Proclamation of Queene Marie was come thither, whereof he being aduertiſed, called for a trumpetter and an Heralt, but none could be founde. Wherevpon he ryding into the mar|ket place with the Maior, and the Lorde Mar|ques of Northampton, made the Proclama|tion himſelfe, and threwe vp his cappe in token of ioy.
[1] The Lorde Marques after this, wente to Queene Marie, but the Duke, for that he was appoynted generall of the armie, in the quarrell of the Ladie Iane of Suffolke, was by the Maior of Cambridge and a Sergeaunt at armes, arreſted of treaſon, and the xxv. day of the ſayde Moneth, he with Frauncis Earle of Huntington, Iohn Earle of Warwicke ſonne and heire to the ſayde Duke, and two other of his yonger ſonnes, the Lorde Ambroſe and the Lorde Henrie Dudley, Sir Andrewe Dudley, Sir Iohn Gates Captaine of the Garde to king Edwarde the ſixth, ſir Henrie Gates, brethren, Sir Thomas Palmer, Knightes, and Doctor Sandes, were brought to the tower by the earle of Arundell. But as they entered within the tower gate, the Earle of Arundell diſcharged the Lord Haſtings, taking him out of the tower with him.
[1] The xxvj. of Iulye, the Lorde Marques of Northampton, the Biſhop of London, the L. Robert Dudley, and Sir Robert Corbet were brought from the Queenes Campe vnto the Tower.
[1] The xxviij. of Iuly, the Duke of Suffolke was committed to the tower, but the xxj. of the ſame Moneth, he was ſet at libertie by the dili|gent ſuite of the Ladie Frauncis grace his wife.
[1] After that Queene Marie was thus with full conſent of the Nobles and Commons of the Realme proclaymed Queene, ſhee being then in Norffolke, at hir Caſtell of Framingham,Queene Marie commeth to London. re|payred with all ſpeede to the Citie of London, and the thirde day of the ſayd moneth of Auguſt ſhe came to the ſayde citie, and ſo to the tower, where the Ladie Iane of Suffolke (late afore proclaymed Queene) with hir huſbande the Lorde Guilforde, a little before hir comming, were comitted towarde, and there remained al|moſt after fiue monethes. And by the waye, as the Queene thus paſſed, ſhe was ioyfully ſalu|ted of all the people, without anye miſliking, ſauing that it was much feared of manye, that ſhe woulde alter the religion ſet forth by King Edwarde hir brother, whereof then were giuen iuſt occaſions, bicauſe (notwithſtanding diuers lawes made to the contrarie) ſhee had daylye Maſſe and Latine ſeruice ſayde before hir in the Tower.
[1] At hir entrie into the Tower there were pre|ſented to hir certaine priſoners,Priſoners diſcharged. namely Tho|mas Duke of Norffolke, who in the laſt yeare of king Henrie the eyght (as you haue hearde) was ſuppoſed to be attainted of treaſon, but in the Parliament holden in this firſt yeare of Queene Marie, the ſayde ſuppoſed attaindour was by the authoritie and acte of Parliament, for good and apparaunt cauſes alledged in the ſayde acte, declared to be vtterlye fruſtrate and voyde. Alſo Edwarde Courtney ſonne and heyre of Henrie Marques of Exceter, coſin ger|maine to king Henrie the eyght, and Cuthbert Tunſtall Biſhop of Durham, with other per|ſons of great calling: but eſpeciallye Stephen Gardiner biſhop of Wincheſter, whome ſhe not onely releaſed of impriſonment,Stephen Gar|diner made L. Chancelor. but alſo imme|diately aduaunced and preferred to bee Lorde Chauncelor of Englande, reſtoring him alſo to his former eſtate and Biſhopricke, and remoued from the ſame one Doctor Poynet, who a little before was placed therein by the gifte of King Edward the ſixth.
[1] And touching Edwarde Courtney, ſhe not [page 1721] aduaunced him to the Earledome of Deuon|ſhire,Edward Court+ [...]y created Earle of De|uonſhire. but alſo to ſo muche of his fathers poſſeſ|ſions as there remayned in hir hands, whereby it was then thought of many, that ſhe bare af|fection to him by way of mariage: but it came not ſo to paſſe (for what cauſe I am not able to giue any reaſon) but ſurely the ſubiectes of En|glande were moſt deſirous thereof.
[1] Vpon the receyuing of this newe Queene, all the Biſhops which had bene depriued in the time of King Edwarde the ſixth hir brother, for the cauſe of religion, were nowe againe reſtored to their Biſhoprickes, and ſuch other as were pla|ced in King Edwarde his time, remoued from their ſeates, and other of contrarie religion pla|ced. Amongſt whome, Edmonde Bonner Do|ctor of the lawes, late afore depriued from the ſea of London, and committed priſoner to the Marſhalſee by order of King Edwards Coun|ſayle, was with all fauour reſtored to his libertie and Biſhopricke, maiſter Nicholas Ridley Doctor in Diuinitie, late before aduaunced to the ſame ſea by the ſaide King, was haſtily diſ|placed, and committed priſoner to the tower of London. The cauſe why ſuch extremitie was vſed towardes the ſayde Biſhop Ridley, more than to the reſt, was, for that in the time of La|die Iane, he preached a ſermon at Paules croſſe by the commaundement of King Edwardes Counſayle, wherein he diſſuaded the people, for ſundrie cauſes, from receyuing the Ladie Marie as Queene.
[1] The xiij. of Auguſt, Doctor Bonner reſto|red nowe to his Biſhopricke againe, appointed one late a chaplaine of his called Doctor Borne,Doctor Borne to preach at Paules croſſe, who was then pro|moted to the Queenes ſeruice, and not long af|terwarde was made Biſhop of Bathe, the ſayde Doctor taking occaſion of the Goſpell of that day, ſpake ſomewhat largely in the iuſtifying of Biſhop Bonner being preſent at the Sermon, whiche Biſhop (as the ſayde Preacher then o|penly ſayde) for a Sermon made vpon the ſame Text, and in the ſame place, the ſame day foure yeares afore paſſed, was moſt vniuſtly caſt into the vile dungeon of the Marſhalſee among thee|nes, and there kept during the time of king Ed|wardes reigne. This matter being ſet forth with great vehemencie, ſo muche offended the eares of part of the audience, that they brake ſilence, and began to murmure and throng togither, in ſuch ſort as the Maior and Aldermen with other of the wiſer ſort then preſent, feared muche an vprore.
[1] A dagger throwne at the preacher.During which muttering, one more feruent than his fellowes, threwe a dagger at the Prea|cher, but who it was, came not to knowledge, by reaſon of which outrage, the Preacher with|drewe himſelfe from the Pulpil, and one mai|ſter Bradforde at the requeſt of the Preachers brother, and others ſtanding there, tooke the place, and ſpake ſo mildely to the people, that with fewe wordes he appeaſed their furie, and after the ſayde maiſter Bradforde and maiſter Rogers, although men of contrarie religion, conueyed the ſayd Preacher into Paules ſchole, and there left him in ſafetie.
[1] The next Sundaye following, for feare of a like tumult or worſe, order was taken, that the Queenes garde ſhoulde be preſent in the place to defende the Preacher with weapons. Wher|vpon the wiſer men perceyuing ſuche a number of weapons, and that great perill was not vn|like to enſue, by ſuche apparance, of late not ac|cuſtomed, woulde not bee preſent at the Ser|mon, by reaſon whereof there was left a ſmall auditorie. Wherefore afterwarde there was a commaundement giuen by the Lorde Maior, that the auncients of the companies ſhoulde be preſent at the nexte Sermon in their liueries, and ſo they were, whereby all became quiet.
[1] The xviij. of Auguſt next folowing,The Duke of Northumber|land arreigned the Duke of Northumberlande, the Lorde Marques of Northampton, and the Earle of Warwicke ſonne and heire to the ſayd Duke, were brought into Weſtminſter hall, and there arreygned of highe treaſon, before Thomas Duke of Nor|folke, high Stewarde of Englande.
[1] The Duke of Northumberland at his com|ming to the barre, vſed great reuerence towards the Iudges, and proteſting his faith and alle|giance to the Queenes maieſtie, whome he con|feſſed grieuouſly to haue offended, he ſayde that he ment not to ſpeake any thing in defence of his facte, but woulde firſt vnderſtande the opinion of the Court in two points, firſt whether a man doing any act by authoritie of the Princes coun|ſayle, and by warrant of the great ſeale of Eng|lande, and doing nothing without the ſame, maye be charged with treaſon for anye thing which he might do by warrant therof? Second|ly, whether any ſuche perſons as were equallye culpable in that crime, and thoſe by whoſe let|ters and commaundementes he was directed in all his doings, might be his iudges, or paſſe vp|pon his triall as his peeres? Wherevnto was anſwered, that as concerning the firſt, the great ſeale (which he layde for his warrant) was not the ſeale of the lawfull queene of the Realme, nor paſſed by authoritie, but the ſeale of an vſurper, and therefore coulde be no warrant to him. As to the ſeconde it was alledged, that if any were as deepely to be touched in that caſe as himſelfe, yet ſo long as no atteyndor were of recorde a|gainſt them, they were neuertheleſſe perſons a|ble in lawe to paſſe vpon any triall, and not to be [page 1722] chalenged therefore, but at the Princes plea|ſure.
[1] After whiche aunſwere, the Duke vſing a fewe wordes, declaring his earneſt repentaunce in the caſe, (for he ſawe that to ſtande vpon vt|tering any reaſonable matter, as might ſeeme, woulde little preuayle) he moued the Duke of Norffolke to bee a meane to the Queene for mercie, & without further anſwere confeſſed the inditement, by whoſe example, the other priſo|ners arreygned with him, did likewiſe confeſſe the inditementes produced againſt them, and therevpon had iudgement.
[1] The xix. of Auguſt, Sir Andrewe Dudley, Sir Iohn Gates, and Sir Henrie Gates, bre|thren, and Sir Thomas Palmer, Knightes, were arreygned at Weſtminſter, and confeſ|ſing their inditements, had iudgemẽt which was pronounced by the Marques of Wincheſter high Treaſurer of Englande that ſate that day as chiefe Iuſtice.
The Duke of Northumber|land beheadedThe xxij. of the ſayde moneth of Auguſt, the ſayde Duke, Sir Iohn Gates, and Sir Tho|mas Palmer, were executed at the tower hill, and all the reſt ſhortlye after had their pardons graunted by the Queene, who, as it was thought, coulde alſo haue bene contented to haue pardoned the Duke as well as the other, for the ſpeciall fauour that ſhe had borne to him afore time.
[1] The Archbi|ſhop of Can|terburie com|mitted to the tower.Soone after this, Thomas Cranmer Arch|biſhop of Canterburie, and late before of King Edwards priuie Counſayle, was committed to the tower of London, being charged of treaſon, not onely for giuing aduiſe to the diſhinheriting of Queene Marie: but alſo for ayding the D. of Northumberlande with certayne horſe and men againſt the Queene, in the quarrell of the Ladie Iane of Suffolke.
[1] The laſt day of September next following, the Queene paſſed from the tower through the Citie of London vnto Weſtminſter,Queene Marie crowned. and the next daye being the firſt of October ſhee was crowned at Weſtminſter, by Stephen Gardi|ner Biſhop of Wincheſter (for the Archbiſhops of Caunterburie and Yorke were then priſoners in the tower) as before yee haue hearde, at the time of whoſe coronation, there was publiſhed a generall pardon in hir name, being interlaced with ſo manye exceptions,A pardon with exceptions. as they they needed the ſame moſt, tooke ſmalleſt benefite thereby. In which were excepted by name no ſmal num|ber, not onely of Biſhops and other of the Cler|gie, namely the Archbiſhops of Caunterburie and Yorke, the Biſhop of London, but alſo ma|ny Lordes, Knightes, and Gentlemenne of the laytie, beſide the two chiefe Iuſtices of Eng|lande called Sir Edwarde Mountague, and Sir Roger Cholmeley, and ſome other learned men in the lawe, for counſayling, or at the leaſt conſenting to the depriuation of Queene Ma|rie, and ayding of the foreſayde Duke of Nor|thumberlande, in the pretenſed right of the a|fore named Ladie Iane, the names of whiche perſons ſo being excepted, I haue omitted for ſhortneſſe ſake.
[1] Aſſoone as this pardon was publyſhed, and the ſolemnitie of the feaſt of the Coronation en|ded,Commiſsio|ners. there were certayne Commiſſioners aſſig|ned to take order with all ſuch perſons as were excepted out of the pardon, and others, to com|pounde with the Queene for their ſeuerall of|fences, which Commiſſioners ſate at the Deane of Paules his houſe, at the weſt ende of Paules Church, and there called afore them the ſayde perſons apart, and from ſome, they tooke their fees and offices, graunted before by King Ed|warde the ſixth, and yet neuertheleſſe putting them to their fines, and ſome they committed to warde, depriuing them of their ſtates and li|uings, ſo that for the time, to thoſe that taſted thereof, it ſeemed verye grieuous. God deliuer vs from incurring the lyke daunger of lawe a|gayne.
[1] The v. daye of October next following,A Parliament. the Queene helde hir highe Court of Parliament at Weſtminſter, which continued vntill the xxj. day of the ſayde moneth.
[1] In the firſt ſeſſion of whiche Parliament, there paſſed no more Actes but one, and that was, to declare Queene Marie lawfull heire in diſcent to the crowne of Englande by the com|mon lawes, next after hir brother king Ed|warde,Treaſon. Felonie. Premunire. and to repeale certaine cauſes of treaſon, felonie, and premunire, contayned in diuerſe former Statutes: the whiche acte of Repeale was, for that Cardinall Poole was eſpeciallye looked for (as after ye ſhall heare) for the redu|cing of the Church of Englande to the Popes obedience: and to the ende that the ſayde Car|dinall nowe called into Englande from Rome, might holde his Courtes Legantine withoute the daunger of the Statutes of the Premunire, made in that caſe, wherevnto Cardinall Wol|ſey (when he was Legate) had incurred to his no ſmall loſſe, and to the charge of all the Cler|gie of Englande, for exerciſing the like power: the which acte being once paſſed, forthwith the Queene repayred to the Parliament houſe,The Parlia|ment proro|ged. and gaue therevnto hir royall aſſent, and then pro|roged the Parliament vnto the xxiiij. day of the ſayde Moneth.
[1] In which ſeconde ſeſſion were confirmed and made diuerſe and ſundrie Statutes concerning religion, whereof ſome were reſtored, and other repealed.
[1] [page 1723] At this time many were in trouble for reli|gion, and among other, Sir Iames Hales Knight,Sir Iames Hales in trou|ble for religi|on. one of the Iuſtices of the Common place, whiche Iuſtice being called among other by the Counſayle of King Edwarde to ſub|ſcribe to a deuiſe made for the diſinheriting of Queene Marie, and the Ladie Elizabeth hir ſiſter, woulde in no wiſe aſſent to the ſame, though moſt of the other did: yet that notwith|ſtanding, for that he at a quarter Seſſions hol|den in Kent, gaue charge vpon the Statutes of King Henry the eyght, and King Edwarde the ſixth, in derogation of the Primacie of the Church of Rome, aboliſhed by King Henrie the eight, he was firſt committed priſoner to the Kings bench, then to the Counter, and laſt to the Fleete, where, whether it were through ex|treeme feare, or elſe by reaſon of ſuch talke as the warden of the Fleete vſed vnto him, of more trouble like to inſue, if he perſiſted in his opini|on (or for what other cauſe, God knoweth) he was ſo moued, troubled, & vexed, that he ſought to ryd himſelfe out of this life, whiche thing he firſt attempted in the Fleete, by wounding him|ſelfe with a Penknife, well neare to death. Ne|uertheleſſe afterwarde being recouered of that hurt, he ſeemed to be verye comformable to all the Queenes proceedings, and was therevpon deliuered of his impriſonment, and brought to the Queenes preſence, who gaue him words of great comfort: neuertheleſſe his mynde was not quiet (as afterwarde well appeared) for in the end he drowned himſelf in a riuer not half a mile from his dwelling houſe in Kent,He drowneth himſelfe. the riuer being ſo ſhalow, that he was faine to lye groueling be|fore he coulde diſpatche himſelfe, whoſe death was much lamented. For beſide that he was a man wiſe, vertuous, and learned in the lawes of the Realme, he was alſo a good and true mini|ſter of Iuſtice, whereby he gate him great fauor and eſtimation among all degrees.
[1] A publike diſputation.During the aforeſayde Parliament, aboute the xviij. daye of October, there was kepte at Paules Church in London, a publike diſputa|tion appoynted by the Queenes commaunde|ment, aboute the preſence of Chriſt in the ſa|crament of the Aultar, which diſputation con|tinued ſixe dayes, Doctor Weſton then being Prolocutor of the Conuocation, who vſed ma|ny vnſeemely checkes and tauntes againſt the one part, to the preiudice of their cauſe. By rea|ſon whereof, the diſputers neuer reſolued vpon the article proponed, but grewe daily more and more into contention, without any frute of their long conference, and ſo ended this diſputation, with theſe wordes ſpoken by Doctor Weſton Prolocutor: It is not the Queenes pleaſure that we ſhoulde herein ſpende anye longer time, and ye are well ynough, for you haue the word, and we haue the ſworde. But of this matter ye may reade more in the booke of the Monuments of the Church.
[1] At this time was Cardinall Poole ſent for to Rome by the Queene,Cardinall Pole ſent for home. who was very deſirous of his comming, as well for the cauſes afore de|clared, as alſo for the great affection that ſhee had to him being hir neere kinſeman, and con|ſenting with hir in religion.
[1] This meſſage was moſt thankfully recey|ued at Rome, and order taken to ſende the ſayde Cardinal hither with great expedition: but before his comming, Queene Marie had maried Phi|lip Prince of Spaine, as after ſhall appeare.
[1] But here to touche ſomewhat the comming of the ſayde Cardinal. When he was arriued at Caleys, there was conference had amongſt the Counſaylors of the Queene for the maner of his receyuing:The Counſell deuided about the receyuing of the Cardi|nall. ſome woulde haue had him very honorably met and intertayned, as he was in all places where he had before paſſed, not onelye for that he was a Cardinall, and a Legate from the Pope, but alſo for that he was the Queenes neare kinſeman, of the houſe of Clarence. Ne|uertheleſſe, after much debating, it was thought meeteſt, firſt, for that by the lawes of the realme (which yet were not repealed) he ſtoode attainted by Parliament, & alſo for that it was doubtfull how he being ſent frõ Rome, ſhould be accepted of the people, who in xxv. yeares before, had not bene muche acquainted with the Pope or his Cardinals, that therefore vntill all things might be put in order for that purpoſe, he ſhoulde come without any great ſolemnitie vnto Lambeth, where in the Archbiſhoppes houſe, his lodging was prepared.
[1] The thirde of Nouember nexte following, Thomas Cranmer Archbiſhop of Canterbury, (notwithſtãding that he had once refuſed plainly to ſubſcribe to King Edwardes will, in the diſ|inheriting of his ſiſter Marie, and alledging many reaſons and arguments for the legittima|tion of both the Kings ſiſters) was in the Guild|hall in London arreygned, and attainted of treaſon, namely for ayding the Duke of Nor|thumberlande with horſe and men againſt the Queene, as aforeſayde: and the ſame time alſo, the Ladie Iane of Suffolke (who for a whyle was called Queene Iane) and the Lorde Guil|forde hir huſbande, the Lorde Ambroſe and L. Henrie Dudley ſonnes to the Duke of Nor|thumberlande, were likewiſe arreygned and at|tainted, and therevpon led backe agayne to the Tower.
[1] [2] In the beginning of Ianuarie next follo|wing,Ambaſſadors from the Em|perour. Charles the v. Emperor, ſent into Eng|lande an honorable ambaſſade, amongſt whom [page 1724] was the Conte de Ayguemont Admirall of the low countries, wt Charles Conte de la Laing, Iohn de Montmorancie Lorde of Curriers, and the Chauncellour Nigre, with full Com|miſſion to conclude a mariage betwene Philip Prince of Spaine his ſonne and heyre, and Queene Marie, as you haue hearde: which am|baſſade tooke ſuche place, that ſhortlye after all things were finiſhed accordinglye. But this mariage was not well thought off by the Com|mons, nor much better lyked of many of the no|bilitie, who for this, and for the cauſe of religi|on, conſpired to rayſe warre, rather than to ſee ſuch chaunge of the ſtate, of the which conſpira|cie though there were many confederates, yet the firſte that ſhewed force therein, was one Sir Thomas Wyat a knight in Kent, who in very deede was driuen to preuent the time of the pur|poſed enterpriſe by this happe.
[1] Diuerſe of the partakers in this conſpiracie, being withdrawne from London (where they had deuiſed their drift) home into their countries (amongſt whom the ſayd Sir Thomas Wyat was one) it fell out, that whyleſt he was retur|ned into Kẽt, where his lands and liuings chief|lye laye, a Gentleman of that ſhire, one to the ſayde Sir Thomas Wyat moſt deare, was by the Counſell for other matters committed to the Fleete, wherevpon he verily ſuſpecting that his f [...]r, is were bewreyed, had no other ſhift, as he tooke it, but to put on armour, and to begin the attempt, before the time appointed with his complices, and herevpon giuing intelligence of his determination to his aſſociates, as well at London,Wiat publi|ſheth a procla|mation at Maidſtone. as elſe where, on the Thurſdaye next following, being the xxv. of Ianuarie, at Maid|ſtone, being accompanied with maiſter Tho|mas Iſ [...]ey, and others, publiſheth a proclama|tion againſt the Queenes mariage, deſiring all his neyghburs, frendes, and Engliſhmenne to ioyne with him and others, to defend the realme in daunger to be brought in thraldome to ſtran|gers,He commeth to Rocheſter. and herewith he getteth him to Rocheſter, & met with ſir George Harper by the way,Sir George Harpe [...]. that was one appoynted aſore to ioyne with him in that quarrell. They brake vp the bridge at Ro|cheſter, and fortified the Eaſt part of the town, and ſtayde there, abyding the comming of more ſtrength, and in the meane whyle ſuffered all paſſengers to paſſe quietly through the towne to London or to the ſea, taking nothing frõ them, but onely their weapon.
[1] In the meane while, ſir Henrie Iſley, Anthony Kneuet eſquire, & his brother William Kneuet were buſy in weſt Kent to raiſe the people there, & likewiſe in Eaſt Kent there were other yt were of the ſame confederacie, which ſet forth the like Proclamations at Milton, Aſhforde, and other townes there in that part of the ſhire: and thus in eche part of Kente in a maner was greate ſtirre. But yet ſuch was the diligence and wa|rie circumſpection of Iohn Twyne at that preſent, Maior of Canterburie, for that he miſ|lyked their diſordered attemptes, that there was not any of that Citie knowne to ſtirre, or goe forth to ioyne themſelues with the ſayde Sir Thomas Wyat, or with any other of his con|federates, and yet verilye the more part of the people in all other parts of that ſhire, were mar|ueylouſlye affected to the ſayde Sir Thomas Wyats quarrell, doubting that which myght followe of the Queenes matching hirſelfe thus with a ſtraunger.
[1] At Milton when a Gentlemanne of thoſe partes named Chriſtopher Roper,Chriſtopher Roper taken. went about to reſiſt them that ſet forth this Proclamation, he was taken and conueyed to Rocheſter vnto Maiſter Wyat.
[1] Likewiſe Maiſter Tucke and Maiſter Dor|rell Iuſtices of peace,Maiſter Dor|rell and maiſter Tuck taken. were fetched out of their owne houſes, and likewiſe brought to Roche|ſter where they with the ſayde Roper were kept as priſoners.
[1] Sir Thomas Wiat had written vnto Sir Robert Southwel ſherife of Kẽt to moue him in reſpect of the preſeruation of the common welth nowe in daunger to be ouerrunne of ſtrangers,Sir Thomas Wiat writeth to ſir Robert Southwell. through the pretenſed marriage, if it ſhould go forwarde) to ioyne with him and others,The ſherife of Kent and the Lorde of Bur|gueuennie aſ|ſemble a po|wer againſt Wiat. in ſo neceſſarie a cauſe for the diſappoynting of the ſame mariage, and to worke ſo with the Lorde of Burgueuennie, with whome he might doe much, that it might pleaſe him alſo to ioyne with them: but as well the ſayde Sir Robert Southwell, as the ſayde Lorde of Burgueuen|nie, and one George Clarke aſſembled them|ſelues with ſuch power as they might make a|gainſt the ſayde Sir Thomas Wyat and hys adherentes, and comming to Malling on the Saterday, being the Market daye and xxvij. of Ianuarie, the ſayde ſir Robert Southwell ha|uing penned an exhortation to diſſuade the peo|ple, and to bring them from hauing any liking to Wiates enterpriſe, dyd reade the ſame openlye vnto all the people there aſſembled, in confuting, reprouing, and refelling the procla|mations ſet forth by Sir Thomas Wiat and his adherents.
[1] On the other parte, Sir Henrie Iſley, An|thonie Kneuet, and his brother Willyam Kne|uet being at Tunbridge, proclaymed the She|rife, the Lorde of Burgueuennie, and George Clarke Gentlemanne, traytours to God, the Crowne, and the Common wealth, for reyſing the Queenes Subiectes, to defende the moſte wicked and diueliſhe enterpriſe of certayne of [page 1725] the wicked and perueſe Counſaylors. And this they pronounced in their owne names, and in the names of Sir Thomas Wyat, Sir George Harper, and of all the faithfull Gentle|men of Kent, and truſtie Commons of the ſame.
[1] This done, they marched to Se [...]nnothe, meaning from thence to paſſe to Rocheſter, but in the meane time the foreſayde xxvij. of Ianua|rie, [...] Heraule [...] to Wiat. there came from the Queene an Herau [...]e, and a trumpettour vnto Sir Thomas Wiat, but he was not ſuffered to paſſe the bridge, and ſo did his meſſage at the bridge end, in ye hearing of ſir Thomas Wiat and diuerſe other. The ef|fect of his meſſage was, to offer pardon to ſo many as within xxiiij. houres woulde depart to their houſes, and become quiet ſubiects.
[1] The Lorde was taken.Sir Thomas Cheiney Lorde Warden, ſent alſo vnto Wiat, with wordes of contempt and defiance, deſirous in deede to haue bene doyng with him, if he had not miſtruſted his own peo|ple which he ſhoulde haue brought againſt him, as thoſe that fauoured ſo greatly Wiats cauſe, that they woulde haue bene lothe to haue ſerue him take anye ſoyle, and that Sir Thomas Wiat knewe well inough, and therefore deſired nothing more than to haue him come forth, vn|derſtanding that he wanted no fren [...]es as well about him, as all other that woulde take in hande to repreſſe him with force gathered in that ſhire.
[1] The Lorde of Burgueuennie, the Sherife, Warram Sentleger, and diuerſe other Gen|tlemen that were aſſembled at Malling, laye there within foure myles of Rocheſter Sa|terday night, and hauing aduertiſement that Sir Henrie Iſley, the two Kneuets, and cer|taine other,Weldiſhmen, that is, ſuch as well in h [...]e well of Kent. with fiue hundreth Weldiſhe men, being at Seuennocke, ment earely in the mor|ning to march towards Rocheſter for the ayde of Wiat againſt the Duke of Norffolke that was come to Graueſende with fiue hundreth whyte Coates Londoners, and certayne of the garde, and further that the ſayde Sir Henrie Iſley and the Kneuets ment in their waye to burne and ſpoyle the houſe of George Clarke Gentlemanne. They departing with fiue hundreth Gentlemen and yeomen, very earelye that Sunday in the morning marched out in or|der till they came to Wrotham heath,Wrotham heath where they might eaſilye heare the ſounde of their ad|uerſaries drummes, and therevpon followed af|ter them with all ſpeede till they came to a place called Barrowe greene,Barrow greene, through which laye the right readie waye from Seuennocke towardes maiſter Clarkes houſe. Here the Lorde of Bur|gueuennie ſtayed for the comming of his eni|mies, and vnderſtanding they were at hande, placed his m [...]nne in order, thinking to giue [...] [...]e the [...] throwe. But they vpon their ap|proche, miſ [...]king (as it ſhould ſeeme) the ma [...]c [...], ſhranke aſ [...]e as ſecretly as they coulde, by a bye way, and were ſo farre gone before the Lorde of Burgueuennie vnderſtoode thereof by his ſpi|als, as for doubt of ouertaking them afore their comming as Rocheſter, he was driuen to make ſuch haſte for the ouertaking of them, as diuerſe of his foote men were farre behinde at the [...] giuing.
[1] The firſt fight that the Lorde of Burgue|uennie coulde haue of them, after they forſo [...]e their purpoſe waye, was as they aſc [...] Wrotham hill,Wrotham hil. Yallam. directly vnder Yallam maiſter Peckhams houſe, where they [...] great aduauntage by the winning of the [...]ill, diſplayed their enſignes, thinking they had [...] out of daunger, but the Lord of Burgueuennie made ſuch haſte after them, that ouertaking them at a fielde in the [...] of Wrotham, & myle diſtant from the very [...]oppe of the hill,Black ſoll field cal|led Blacke folle fielde after ſome reſiſtance with ſhowe and ar [...],The skirmiſh. and pr [...]er of [...] made by their horſemen, they were put to [...]ight, and chaſed for the ſpace of four [...] myles, [...] to Harthy woode .Lx. of them were taken pri|ſoners.
[1] [2] Sir Henrie Iſley fled vnto Hãpſhire, And they Kneuet made ſuch ſhift that he got yt night vnto Rocheſter, and the ſame time Sir George Har|per departing from Sir Thomas Wiat, & com|ming to the Duke of Nor [...], ſubmitted him ſelfe but [...] his grace, and the Duke receyued him. Which Duke, as before ye haue partly hea [...], being ſent with fiue hundreth Londoners, and certaine of the Gares for his better defence, to go againſt the Kentiſhe menne thus aſſembled with Sir Thomas Wiat, was come downe to Grau [...]de, ſet forth from thence on mondaye the xxix. of Ianuarie about ten of the clocke in the fortnoone, marching towardes Stroude on this ſide of Rocheſter, and about foure of the clocke in the afternoone of the ſame daye,The Duke of Norffolke ar|riueth at Stroude. he arri|ued at Stroude neare vnto Rocheſter, hauing with him Sir Henrie Ierningham Captayne of the Garde, Sir Edwarde [...]raye, Sir Iohn Fogge, Knightes, Iohn Couert, Roger Apple|ton, Eſquires, Maurice G [...]iſh the Biſhoppe of Rocheſter, Thomas Swan gentleman, with certaine of the garde, and [...]s, to the number of two hundreth or thereabout, b [...]e Bret and other fiue Captaines, who with their bandes [...]a|ried behinde at Spittell hill neere vnto Stroud, whyleſt the Duke we [...]e to Stroude to ſee the placing of the ordinaunce, whiche being readye charged and bent vnto the towne of Rocheſter, and perceyuing by Sir Thomas Wiat and his [page 1726] men by hanging out their enſignes, little to re|garde him, the Duke commaunded one of the peeces to be fired and ſhotte off into Rocheſter, and as the gunner was firing the peece, ſir Ed|warde Brayes eldeſt ſonne came in all haſte to the Duke, and tolde him howe the Londoners woulde betraye him, and herewith turning backe,The reuolting of the Londo|ners. he might beholde howe Brette and the o|ther Captaines of the white Coates with their handes being vppon the hill, and at his backe, made great and loud ſhouts ſundrie times, cry|ing we are all Engliſh men, wear call Engliſh men, faſhioning themſelues in aray, ready bent with their weapons to ſet vpon the Duke, if hee had made any reſiſtance: wherevppon the Duke commaunded the peeces that were bent againſt Rocheſter, to be turned vpon Bret and his fel|lowes, but vpon further conſideration the ſhotte was ſpared, and the Dukes grace, with the cap|taine of the Garde, conſidering with wofull hearts their chiefe ſtrength thus turned againſt them, and being thus enuironned both behinde and before with enimies, ſhifted themſelues a|way, as did alſo their companie. Sir Thomas Wiat accompanied with two or three, and not many mo, came forth halfe a myle from Ro|cheſter, to meete Brette and the other Cap|taynes, amongſt whome was Sir George Harper, notwithſtanding his former ſubmiſ|ſion to the Duke. Their meeting verily ſeemed right ioyfull both in geſture and countenaunce, and therewith hauing ſaluted ech other, they en|tred altogither into Rocheſter.
[1] The Lorde of Burguenennie and the She|rife were greatly abaſhed when they vnderſtoode of this miſhappe, for they doubted that ſuch as were euill diſpoſed afore, woulde not be greatly amended thereby.
[1] The Sherife being then at Maidſtone, ha|ſted to come to Malling,The ſherife of Kent rideth to the Counſaile. where the Lorde of Burgueuennie laye, and vppon his comming thither, hee tooke aduiſe to ryde in poſte to the Counſayle to knowe their mindes howe they woulde direct them.
[1] Sir Thomas Wiat and his aſſociates were greatly recomforted with this newe ſupply ad|ded to their ſtrength, by the reuolting thus of the Londoners, and verilye it bredde no ſmall hope in all their heartes that wiſhed well to his enterpriſe, that he ſhoulde the better attaine vn|to the wiſhed ende of his purpoſe. But it pleaſed God otherwiſe, who neuer proſpereth any that attempt ſuch exploits without publike and law|full authoritie.
[1] In this meane whyle, the Duke of Suffolke being perſuaded to ioine with other in this quar|rell, as he that doubted, as no ſmall number of true Engliſh men then did, leaſt the pretenced mariage with the Spaniſhe King: ſhould bring the whole nobilitie and people of this Realme,The Duke [...] Suffolke g [...] downe into Leyceſterſh [...] into bondage and thraldome of Straungers, after he was once aduertiſed that Sir Thomas Wiat had preuented the time of their purpoſed enterpriſe, hee ſecretelye one euening departed from Sheene, and roade with all ſpeede into Leyceſter ſhire, where in the towne of Leyceſter and other places, he cauſed proclamation to bee made in ſemblable wyſe as Sir Thomas Wiat had done, againſt the Queenes matche whiche ſhe ment to make with the ſayd King of Spain: but fewe there were that woulde willingly har|ken thereto.
[1] [2] But nowe ye muſt vnderſtande,The citie of Couentrie. that before his comming downe, hee was perſuaded that the Citie of Couentrie woulde be opened vnto him, the more part of the citizens being through|ly bent in his fauour, in ſo neceſſarie a quarrell, for defence of the Realme againſt Straungers, as they were then perſuaded. But howſoeuer it chaunced, this proued not altogither true, for whether through the miſliking whiche the Citi|zens had of the matter, or throughe negligence of ſome that were ſente to ſollicite them in the cauſe, or chiefly, as ſhould ſeeme to be moſt true, for that God woulde haue it ſo: When the Duke came with ſixe or ſeauen ſcore horſemen well appointed for the purpoſe,The Duke of Suffolke kep [...] out of Couen+trie. preſenting him|ſelfe before the Citie, in hope to be receyued, hee was kept oute. For the Citizens through com|fort of the Earle of Huntington that was then come downe, ſent by the Queene to ſtaye the Countries from falling to the Duke, and to rayſe a power to apprehende him, had put them ſelues in armor, and made all the prouiſion they coulde to defende the Citie againſte the ſayde Duke. Wherevpon perceyuing himſelfe deſti|tute of all ſuch ayde as hee looked for among his frends in ye two ſhires of Leiceſter & Warwick, he got him to his manour of Aſtley, diſtant from Couentrie fiue myles, where appoynting his companie to diſperſe themſelues, and to make the beſt ſhift eche one for his owne ſafegard that he might, and diſtributing to euerye of them a portion of money, according to their qualities, and his ſtore at that preſent, hee and the Lorde Iohn Grey his brother, beſtowed themſelues in ſecrete places there within Aſtley Parke, but throughe the vntruſtyneſſe of them, to whoſe truſt they did commit themſelues, as hath bene credibilye reported, they were bewrayed to the Earle of Huntington,The Duke of Suffolke ap|prehended. that then was come to Couentrie, and ſo apprehended they were by the ſayde Earle, and afterwardes brought vp to London.
[1] The Duke had ment at the firſt to haue rid awaye, (as I haue crediblye hearde) if promiſe [page 1727] had bene kept by one of his ſeruaunts, appoyn|ted to come to him to bee his guyde: but when be eyther frygning himſelfe ſicke, or being ſicke in deede, came not, the Duke was conſtrayned to remayne in the Parke there at Aſtley, hoping yet to get awaye after that the ſearche had bene paſſed ouer, and the Countrie once in quiet. Howſoeuer it was, there he was taken, as be|fore is ſayde, togither with his brother the Lord Iohn Grey, [...] Iohn [...]aken. but his brother the Lorde Thomas gotte awaye in deede at that time, meaning to haue fledde into Wales, and there to haue got to the ſea ſide, ſo to tranſport himſelfe ouer into Fraunce, or into ſome other forren part: but in the borders of Wales he was likewiſe appre|hended through his great miſhappe, and folly of his man that had forgot his Capcaſe wt money behinde in his Chamber one morning at his Inne, and comming for it againe, vppon exa|mination what he ſhoulde be, it was miſtruſted that his maiſter ſhoulde be ſome ſuche man, as he was in deede, [...]. Thom [...] taken. and ſo was ſtayde, taken, and brought vp to London, where he ſuffered, as af|ter ſhall appeart.
[1] But nowe to returne vnto Sir Thomas Wiat. After that the Londoners were reuolted to him, as before ye haue hearde, the next daye being Tueſdaye the xxx. of Ianuarie, hee mar|ched forth with his bandes, and ſixe peeces of ordinance (which they had gotten of the Quee|nes) beſide their owne, and firſt they came to Cowling caſtell, an holde of the Lorde Cob|hams, foure myles diſtant from Rocheſter, and not much out of their waye towards London, whither they were nowe fully determined to go, in hope of frendes whiche they truſted to finde within and about the Citie.
[1] [...]wling [...]el.At their comming to Cowling, knowing the Lorde Cobham to bee within the Caſtell, they bene their ordinaunce againſt the gate, brea|king it with ſundrie ſhottes, and burning it vp with fire, made a way through it.
[1] The Lorde Cobham.The ſaid Lord Cobham defended the place as ſtoutly as he might, hauing but a fewe agaynſt ſo great a number, and ſo little ſtore of muniti|on for his defence, he himſelfe yet diſcharged his gunne at ſuch as approched the gate right har|dily, and in that aſſault two of his menne were ſlayne.
[1] After this aſſaulte, and talke had with the Lorde Cobham, Sir Thomas Wiat marched to Graueſende, where he reſted that night.
[1] The next daye he came to Dartforde, with his handes, and laye there that night, whither came to him Sir Edwarde Haſtings maiſter of the Queenes horſe, and Sir Thomas Corne|walleys knightes, both being of the Queenes priuie Counſayle, and nowe ſent from hir vn|to Sir Thomas Wiat to vnderſtand the [...] of his commotion.
[1] When hee vnderſtoode they were come, hee tooke with him certaine of his bande to the weſt ende of the towne, where he had lodged his or|dinaunce, and at the lighting downe of Sir Ed|ward Haſtings and his aſſociate, Sir Thomas Wiat hauing a Partiſon in his hande, aduaun|ced himſelfe ſomewhat afore ſuch Gentlemen as were with him, traced neare them, to whom the Maiſter of the horſe ſpake in ſubſtaunce as fol|loweth.
[1] The Queenes Maieſtie requireth to vnder|ſtande the verye cauſe wherefore you haue thus gathered togither in armes hir liege people, which is the part of a traytour, and yet in your Proclamations and perſuaſions, you call your ſelfe a true ſubiect, which can not ſtand togither.
[1] I am no traytor, quoth Wiat, and the cauſe wherefore I haue gathered the people, is to de|fende the Realme from daunger of being ouer|runne with ſtraungers, which muſt follow, this mariage taking place.
[1] Why loueth the Queenes agents, there bene ſtraungers yet come, who eyther for power or number ye neede to ſuſpect. But if this be your onely quarrell, bicauſe yee miſlike the mariage: will ye come to communication touching that caſe, and the Queene of hir gracious goodneſſe is content ye ſhall be hearde.
[1] I yeelde there to quoth Sir Thomas Wiat: but for my ſuretie I will rather be truſted than truſt,Wiats re|queſtes and therefore demaunded as ſome haue written, the cuſtome of the tower, and hir grace within it. Alſo the diſplacing of ſome Counſay|lours about hir, and to haue other placed in their roumes.
[1] There was long and ſta [...]te conference be|tweene them, inſomuche that the Maiſter of the horſe ſayde, Wiat, before thou ſhalte haue thy trayterous demaunde graunted thou ſhalt dye, and twentie thouſande with ther: and ſo the ſayde Maiſter of the horſe, and Sir Thomas Cornewalleys perceiuing they coulde not bring him to that poynt they wiſhed, they returned to the Courte, aduertiſing the Queene what they had hearde of him.
[1] The ſand daye bring the firſt of Februarie, Proclamation was made in London by an He|rault, to ſignifie that the Duke of Suffolkes companie of horſemen were ſcattered, and that he himſelfe and his brethren were fledd [...]. Alſo that Sir Peter Carew, and ſir Gawen Carew Knights, and Willyam Gybbes Eſqu [...], which being parties to the conſpiracie of the ſaid Duke, with Sir Thomas Wiat and others, were likewiſe fledde. T [...]s it was that Sir Peter Carewe perceyuing himſelfe in daunger to bee [page 1728] apprehended aboute the xxiij. of Ianuarie laſt paſt, fledde out of the Realme, and eſcaped into Fraunce, but the other taried behynde and were taken.
[1] The Emperors ambaſsadors flee frõ Wiat.Moreouer, this firſt daye of Februarie being Candlemas euen, the Emperours ambaſſadors, of whome ye haue hearde before, hearing of Wi|ats haſtie approching thus towardes London, ſped themſelues away by water, and that with all haſte.
[1] The Queene then lying at hir pallace of Whyte hall beſide Weſtminſter, and hearing of hir enimies ſo neare, was counſayled for hir ſafegarde to take the tower of London, where|vnto ſhe would by no meanes be perſwaded. Ne|uertheleſſe, to make hir ſelfe more ſtronger of frends in the citie, ſo ſoone as the ſayde Ambaſ|ſadours were departed, ſhe came to the Guilde hall in London, againſt which time, order was taken by the Lorde Maior, that the chiefe Citi|zens in their liueries ſhoulde be there preſent.
[1] After that the Queene had taken hir place in the ſayde hall, and ſilence made, ſhe with verye good countenaunce vttered in effect this oration following.
[1] [2] [3] Queene Ma|ries oration.I am (quoth ſhee) come vnto you in mine owne perſon, to tell you that which already you doe ſee and knowe, that is, howe trayterouſlye and ſediciouſlye a number of Kentiſhe rebelles haue aſſembled themſelues togither againſt both vs and you. Their pretence (as they ſayde at the firſt) was onely to reſiſt a mariage determi|ned betweene vs and the Prince of Spaine, to the which pretenced quarrell, and to all the reſt of their euill contriued articles yee haue bene made priuie. Sithence which time, wee haue cauſed diuerſe of our priuie Counſayle, to re|ſort eftſoones to the ſayde Rebelles, and to de|maunde of them the cauſe of this their continu|ance in their ſeditious enterpriſe: By whoſe an|ſweres made againe to our ſayde Counſayle, it appeared that the marriage is founde to be the leaſt of their quarrell. For they nowe ſwaruing from their former articles, haue bewrayed the inwarde treaſon of their hearts, as moſt arro|gantly demaunding the poſſeſſion of oure per|ſon, the keeping of our tower, and not onely the placing and diſplacing of our Counſaylors, but alſo to vſe them and vs at their pleaſures. Nowe louing ſubiectes, what I am, you right well knowe. I am your Queene, to whome at my Coronation when I was wedded to the Realme, and to the lawes of the ſame, (the ſpouſall ring whereof I haue on my finger, which neuer hitherto was, nor hereafter ſhall be left off) ye promiſed your allegiaunce and obe|dience vnto mee, and that I am the right and true inheritour to the Crowne of this Realme of Englande, I not onely take all Chriſten|dome to witneſſe, but alſo your actes of Par|liament confirming the ſame. My father (as yee all knowe) poſſeſſed the Regall eſtate by right of inheritance, whiche nowe by the ſa [...] right deſcended vnto me. And to him alwayes ye ſhewed your ſelues moſt faithfull and louing ſubiectes, and him obeyed and ſerued as yours liege Lorde and King, and therefore I doubte not but you will ſhewe youre ſelues likewiſe to me his daughter, whiche if you doe, then maye you not ſuffer anye Rebell to vſurpe the gouer|nance of our perſon, or to occupie our eſtate, eſ|pecially being ſo preſumptuous a traytour as this Wiat hath ſhewed himſelfe to bee, who muſt certainly, as he hath abuſed my ignorant ſubiects to bee adherents to his trayterous quar|rell, ſo doth he entende by colour of the ſame, to ſubdue the lawes to his will, and to giue ſcope to ye raſcall and forlorne perſons, to make gene|rall hauocke and ſpoyle of your goodes: and this further I ſay vnto you in the worde of a prince, I cannot tell howe naturallye a mother loueth hir children, for I was neuer ye mother of any: but certainly a Prince and Gouernour maye as naturallye and as earneſtlye loue ſubiectes, as the mother doth hir chylde, then aſſure youre ſelues, that I being youre Soueraigne Ladie and Queene, doe as earneſtly and as tenderlye loue and fauour you, and I thus louing you, cannot but thinke that yee as heartilye and faithfully loue me againe: and ſo ioyning togi|ther in this knotte of loue and concorde, I doubt not, but we togither ſhall bee able to giue theſe Rebels a ſhort & ſpeedie ouerthrow. And as con|cerning the caſe of my intẽded mariage, agaynſt which they pretende their quarrell, yee ſhall vn|derſtande that I entred not into the treatie there|of without aduice of all oure priuie Counſayle, yea, and by aſſent of thoſe to whome the King my father committed his truſte, who ſo conſi|dered and wayed the greate commodities that might enſue thereof, that they not only thought it verye honourable, but expedient, both for the wealth of our Realme, and alſo of all oure lo|uing ſubiectes. And as touching my ſelfe, (I aſſure you) I am not ſo deſirous of wedding, neyther ſo preciſe or wedded to my will, that eyther for mine owne pleaſure I will choſe where I lyſte, or elſe ſo amorous, as needes I muſt haue one: for God I thank him (to whom bee the prayſe thereof) I haue hitherto lyued a virgin, and doubt nothing but with Gods grace ſhall as well bee able ſo to liue ſtill. But if, as my progenitors haue don before, it might pleaſe God that I might leaue ſome fruite of my body behinde me, to be your Gouernour, I truſt you woulde not onelye reioyce thereat, but alſo I [page 1729] knowe it woulde be to your great comfort. And certainly if I eyther did knowe or thinke, that thys maryage ſhoulde eyther turne to the daun|ger or loſſe of any of you my louing ſubiectes, or to the detriment or empayring of any parte or parcell of the royall eſtate of this realme of Eng|lande, I woulde neuer conſent therevnto, ney|ther woulde I euer marry while I lyued. And in the worde of a Queene, I promiſe and aſſure you, that if it ſhall not probably appeare before the Nobilitie and commons in the high Courte of Parliament, that this maryage ſhall be for the ſingular benefit and commoditie of all the whole Realme, that then I will abſtayne not onelye from this maryage, but alſo from any other, whereof perill may enſue to this noble Realme. Wherefore nowe as good and faythfull ſubiectes plucke vp your heartes, and like true men ſtande faſt wyth your lawfull Prince agaynſt theſe re|belles both our enimies and yours, and feare them not: for aſſure you that I feare them no|thing at all, and I will leaue with you my lorde Howarde, and my Lorde Treaſorer to be your aſſyſtants, with my Lorde Maior, for the de|fence and ſafegarde of the Citie from ſpoyle and ſaccage, which is onely the ſcope of this rebelli|ous companie.
[1] After this Oration ended, the Citizens ſee|ming well ſatiſfied therewith, the Queene with the Lordes of the Counſaile returned to white Hall from whence ſhe came, and forthwyth the Lorde William Howarde was aſſociate wyth the Lorde Maior of London, whoſe name was ſir Thomas White, for the protectiõ and defence of the Citie, and for more ſuretie as well of hir owne perſon, as alſo of hir Counſaylours and o|ther ſubiectes, ſhee prepared a greate armie to meete wyth the ſayde Rebelles in the fielde, of which armie William Herbert Earle of Pem|broke was made generall, which Earle wyth all ſpeede requiſite in ſuch a caſe, prepared all things neceſſarie to ſuch a ſeruice belonging.
[1] The ſame daye ſir Thomas Wyat hauing with him fourtene Enſignes, conteyning aboute foure thouſande men, although they were accoũ|ted to be a farre greater number,The mar| [...] to Det|ford [...]han. marched to Det|forde ſtrande, eight myles from Dartforde, and within foure myles of London: where vpon ſuch aduertiſement as hee receyued by ſpyall, of the Queenes being in the Guildhall, and the order of the people to hir wardes, hee remayned that night and the next whole day, dyuerſe of his own companie doubting by his longer tarying there, than in other places, and vpon other preſumpti|ons which they gathered, that he woulde haue paſſed the water into Eſſex.
[1] His Priſoners Chriſtofor Roper, George Dorrell, and Iohn Tucke, Eſquiers, who were kept ſomewhat ſtrayt, for that they ſeemed ſick|ly,Wyat ſuffereth his priſoners to go abrode vpon their worde. and finding within the towne no conuenient harborough or attendance, were licenced by ſir Thomas Wyat, vpon promiſe of their worſhips to be true priſoners, to prouide for themſelues out from the towne, where they beſt might:Wiat cõmeth into South|warke. but they breaking promiſe with him, ſought wayes to e|ſcape, and came no more at him.
[1] On the Saterday folowing very early, Wiat marched to Southwarke, where approching the gate at London bridge foote, called to them with in to haue it opened, which he found not ſo readie as he looked for.
[1] After hee had beene a little while in South|warke, and began to trench at the bridge foot, and ſet two peeces of ordinance agaynſt the gate, dy|uerſe of his ſouldiors went to Wincheſter place, where one of them (being a gentleman) began to fall to ryfling of things found in the houſe, wher|with ſir Thomas Wyat ſeemed ſo much offen|ded, that he threatned ſore to hang him euen pre|ſently there vpon the wharfe, and ſo as he made others to beleeue he ment to haue done, if Cap|taine Bret and other had not intreated for him.
[1] The Lord William Howard Lorde Admi|ral of England, being appointed by the Queenes commiſſion captaine generall with the Lorde Maior ſir Thom. White, watched at the bridge that night with three hundred men, cauſed the draw bridge to be hewen downe into the Tha|mes, made rampires & other fortifications there, fenſing the ſame with great ordinance.
[1] Wiat yet aduentured the breaking downe of a wall out of an houſe ioyning to the gate at the bridge foote,Sir Thomas Wyats deſpe|rate attempt. whereby he might enter into the lea|des ouer the gate, came downe into the lodge a|bout .xj. of the clocke in the night, where he found the Porter in a ſlumber, and his wife with other waking, and watching ouer a cole, but beholding Wyat, they began ſodainly to ſtart as greatly a|mazed. Whiſt quoth Wyat, as you loue your lyues ſit ſtill, you ſhall haue no hurt. Glad were they of that warrãt, and ſo were quiet and made no noyſe.
[1] Wyat and a fewe with him went forth as farre as the draw bridge: on the further ſide wher|of, he ſaw the Lord Admirall, the Lorde Maior, ſir Andrew Iudde, and one or two other in con|ſultation for ordering of the bridge, wherevnto he gaue diligent heede and care a good while, and not ſeene.
[1] This done, he returned and ſayde to ſome of his companie, this place ſits is to hote for vs,Wyat and his complyees fall into conſul|tation. and herevpon falling in counſaile what was beſt to doe, ſome gaue aduice that it ſhoulde bee good to returne to Greenwich, and ſo to paſſe the wa|ter into Eſſex, whereby theyr companie as they thought, ſhould encreaſe, and then aſſay to enter [page 1730] into London by Algate, and ſome were of opi|nion, that it were better to goe to Kingſton vp|pon Thames and ſo further weſt.
[1] Other there were, among the whiche Sir Thomas Wyat himſelfe was chiefe, woulde haue returned into Kent, to meete with the Lord of Burgueuenny, the Lorde Warden, the She|rife, sir Thomas Moyle, ſir Thomas Kempe, ſir Thomas Finch, and others that were at Ro|cheſter comming on Wyats backe, with a great companie well appoynted, perſwading hymſelfe (whether truely or not I know not) that he ſhould finde among them mo friendes than enimies, but whether his deſire to returne into Kent grewe vpon hope he had to finde ayde there, or rather to ſhyft himſelfe away, it was doubted of his owne companie, and ſome of them that knew him wel, (except they were much deceyued,) reported not long before theyr execution, that hys deſyre to re|turne into Kent, was onely to ſhyft hymſelfe o|uer the ſea.
[1] The Lorde Warden.The Lorde Warden being at Rocheſter (as ye haue heard) well furniſhed both with horſe and men, perfitly appoynted to no ſmall number, was willing to haue followed after Wyat, and to haue ſhewed his good will agaynſte him in the Queenes quarell, but yet vpon deliberation had, and aduice taken wyth others that were there with him, he thought good firſt to vnderſtande the Queenes pleaſure, howe to proceede in his dea|lings, and herevpon he roade poſt to the Queene himſelfe, leauing the Lord of Burgueuenny and the reſt of the gentlemen with his and their bands behind vntill his returne.
[1] Sunday the fourth of Februarie, the Lorde Admirall cauſed a ſtrong ward of three hundred men to be kept on the bridge till eight of the clock at night, and then for their relief entred the watch of other three hũdred, ſo that the bridge was thus garded both daye and night, with three hundred men in armour.
[1] Wyat at his wittes ende.It troubled Wyat and all his companie ve|rie ſore, to ſee that London did ſo ſtiffely ſtande and holde out agaynſt them, for in the aſſyſtance which they looked to haue had of that citie, al their hope of proſperous ſpeede conſyſted: but now that they ſaw themſelues greatly diſappoynted there|in, they ment yet to ſet all on a hazarde, and ſo the ſixt of Februarie being ſhroue Tueſday, afore ſix of the clocke in the morning, they departed out of Southwarke, marching directly towardes Kingſtone,Wyat mar|cheth to King|ſtone. tenne myles diſtant from London, ſtanding vpon the Thames, where they arryued about foure of the Clocke in the after Noone, and finding thirtie foote or there aboute of the Bridge taken away, ſauing the Poſtes that were left ſtanding, Wyat practiſed wyth two Ma|riners to ſwimme ouer, and to conuey a barge to him, which the Mariners through great promi|ſes of preferment accordingly did, wherein Wiat and certaine with him were conueyed ouer, who in the meane time that the number of the ſoul|diours bayted in the towne, cauſed the Bridge to be repayred with ladders, plankes and beames,Wyat repay|reth the brid [...] at Kingſton the ſame being tyed togyther with Ropes and Boordes ſo as by tenne of the clocke in the night, it was in ſuch plight, that both his Ordinaunce, and companyes of men might paſſe ouer wyth|out perill & ſo about .xj. of the clocke in the ſame night, Wiat with his army paſſing ouer ye bridge withoute eyther reſyſtance or perill, and before it coulde bee once knowne at the Court, marched towardes London, meaning (as ſome haue written) to haue beene at the Court gate be|fore day that morning: neuertheleſſe before hee came within ſixe myles of the Citie, Grafton. The Earle of Pembroke ſ [...]+teth the ar [...] in order. ſtaying vp|pon a peece of his greate artillerie, whiche was diſmounted by the way, his comming was diſ|couered before day, whereby the Earle of Pem|brooke being Generall of the Queenes armie (as is before ſayde) was with his men in good order of battaile in Saint Iames fielde beſyde Weſt|minſter, two or three houres before Wyat could reache thyther.
[1] The Earle hauing vnderſtanding by hys Eſpyalles, what waye Wyat woulde marche, placed his armie in this order. Firſt, in a fielde on the Weſt ſyde of Saint Iames were all his menne of Armes, and Demilaunces, ouer agaynſt whome in the Lane next to the Parke, were placed all the lyght Horſemen. All which bandes of Horſemen were vnder the charge of the Lorde Clynton, being Marſhall of the field. The greate Artellerie was planted in the myd|deſt and higheſt place of the Cauſey next to the houſe of Saint Iames, with certaine field peeces lying on the flanke of eche battaile.
[1] After that both the Armyes were in ſight, and that the great artillerie beganne to thunder from eyther ſyde, without harme (as it happened to either of both) Wyat perceyuing that he could not come vp the fore right way withoute greate diſaduauntage, when he was come to the Parke corner, he leauing the Cauſey, ſwarned, and toke the nether way towarde Saint Iames, whiche being perceyued by the Queenes horſemen, who lay on eyther ſide of him, they gaue a ſodayne charge, and deuided his battaile aſunder hard be|hinde Wyats Enſignes, whereby ſo many as were not paſſed before with Wyat, were forced to flie backe towardes Brainforde, and certaine of his companie which eſcaped the charge, paſ|ſed by the backeſide of Saint Iames towardes Weſtmynſter and from thence to the Courte, and finding the Gates ſhut agaynſt them, ſtayed there a while, and ſhotte off many arrowes into [page 1731] the Wyndowes, and ouer into the Gardeyne, neuertheleſſe withoute anye hurt there that was knowne: wherevpon the ſayde Rebelles ouer whome one Kneuet was Captaine, perceyuing themſelues to be too fewe to doe any great feate there, departed from thence to follow Wyat, who was gone before towardes London, and beeing on theyr way at Charing Croſſe, were there encountered by Sir Henrie Ierningham Cap|tayne of the Queenes Garde, [...] ſkirmiſh at [...]aring croſſe Sir Edwarde Bray maiſter of the Ordinaunce, and ſir Phi|lippe Parys Knightes, which were ſent by the order of the Earle of Pembrooke with a bande of Archers, and certaine fielde peeces for the reſkue of the Court, who encountered the ſayde Re|belles at Charing Croſſe aforeſayde, after they had diſcharged the fielde peeces vppon them, ioyned wyth thoſe Rebelles, halfe armed, and halfe vnarmed, at the puſhe of the Pyke, and verye ſoone diſperſed theyr power, whereof ſome fledde into the Lane towarde Saint Gyles, and ſome on the other ſyde by a Brewhouſe towardes the Thames. In this conflict which was the chiefe tryall of that day, there was not founde ſlayne to the number of twentie of thoſe Rebelles, whiche happened by reaſon that vp|pon theyr ioyning wyth the Queenes Soul|diours, the one parte coulde not bee diſcerned from the other, but onely by the myre and dyrt taken by the way, whiche ſtacke vppon theyr Garments comming in the night: wherefore the cry on the Queenes part that day was. Downe with the Daggle tayles.
[1] But nowe to returne to Wyat of whome ye heard before, howe being come to the Parke cor|ner, and perceyuing the perill apparaunt, if hee ſhoulde haue marched ſtrayght vpon the Earles battayles, which were raunged on eyther ſyde of the Cawſey, did therefore politiquely turne from the great Cawſey, marching along the Wall of the houſe of Saint Iames towardes London, whiche coulde not haue beene wythout hys no little loſſe of many of his trayne, if thoſe that hadde the charge on that ſyde the field, had beene as forwarde in ſeruice as the Earle with his bat|taile, and the horſemen afore ſhewed themſelues to be. Neuertheleſſe Wyat following hys pur|poſed enterprice, which was to haue entered in|to London, where he hoped of greate ayde, mar|ched forward with the ſmall companie that was left hym, as farre as a common Inne called the Bel Sauage, nere to Ludgate, beleeuing to haue founde ſome ready there to haue receyued hym, wherein his hope was much deceyued, fynding the ſayde Gate faſt ſhutte, and ſtrongly garded with a number, as well of moſt honeſt Citizens, as alſo of other bandes of the Queenes aſſured friendes. Wherevppon Wyat who commyng towardes the Citie, made himſelfe ſure of his en|terpriſe, now deſperate of the ſame, was faine to turne his face, retyring backe againe to Temple Barre, where he with the reſt of his retinue de|termyned (as it ſeemed) to trie theyr laſt for|tune.
[1] The Earle of Pembrooke (who all this while kept his force togither in the field) hearing of Wi|ats approche to London ſent to him an Herauld called Clarenſeaux, with great communication to deſyſt from his rebellious enterprice. Which Herauld did his Meſſage accordingly, albeit that ſome ſayde he promiſed the ſayde Wyat his par|don, which ſhoulde not ſeeme to be true, as well for that the Heraulde had no ſuch Commiſſion, as alſo that it was not like, that the ſayde Wyat being then diſarmed of all his forces, would haue refuſed mercie in ſuch a caſe. For true it is, that he with a verie fewe of his forlorne felowſhippe, not manye aboue the number of one hundred perſones, ſtoode ſtill as menne amazed, at the Gate of the Temple Barre, tyll ſuch tyme as Sir Maurice Barkeley Knight, by chaunce ry|ding towardes London vpon hys Horſe, wyth footecloth, without any armour, finding the ſayd Wyat there, perſwaded him to repayre to the Court, and to yeelde himſelfe to the Queene, whoſe aduice he followed, and incontinent moũ|ted vppe on the ſayde Sir Maurice Horſe, be|hinde hym, and ſo readie to the Courte volun|tarily, and not forced by anye to yeelde himſelfe Priſoner.
[1] This comming of Wyat to the Court be|ing ſo little looked for,Sir Thomas Wiat ſubmit|teth himſelfe to the Queene. was greate cauſe of re|ioyce to ſuch as of late before ſtoode in great feare of him. But more than maruayle it was to ſee that daye, the inuincible heart and conſtancie of the Queene hir ſelfe, who being by nature a wo|man, and therefore commonlye more fearefull than men be, ſhewed hirſelfe in that caſe more ſtoute than is credible. For ſhee notwithſtan|ding all the fearefull newes that were brought to hir that day, neuer abaſhed, in ſo muche that when one or two noble menne beeing hir Cap|taynes,The ſtoute courage of Queene Mary. came wyth all haſte to tell hir (though vntruely) that hir battayles were yeelded to Wyat, ſhee nothing mooued thereat, ſayde it was theyr fonde opinion that durſt not come neare to ſee the tryall, ſaying further, that ſhee hir ſelfe woulde enter the fielde to trye the truth of hir quarrell, and to dye wyth them that would ſerue hir, rather than to yeelde one iotte vnto ſuche a Traytour as Wyat was, and prepared hirſelfe accordingly.
[1] But by the apprehenſion of Wiat ye voyage took none effect: for after his cõming to ye court he [page 1732] he was immediatly committed to the tower. As ſoone as the taking of Wyat was knowne, the armie (whereof mention is made before that laye in Saint Iames field) were diſcharged, and eue|rie manne licenced to depart to his home. And forthwith Proclamation was made, as well in the Citie of London as in the ſuburbes of the ſame, that none vpon paine of death ſhould keepe in his or theyr houſes any of Wyats faction, but ſhould bring them forth immediately before the Lorde Maior and other the Queenes Iuſtices: by reaſon of which Proclamation a great multi|tude of the ſayd poore caytifs were brought forth, being ſo many in number, that all the priſons in London ſufficed not to receyue them, ſo that for lacke of place, they were faine to beſtowe them in diuerſe Churches of the ſayde Citie: and ſhortly after were ſet vp in London for a terrour to the common ſort, (bycauſe the white coates beeing ſent out of the Citie (as before ye haue heard) re|uolted from the Queenes parte, to the ayde of Wyat) twentie payre of Gallowes, on the which were hanged in ſeuerall places to the number of fiftie perſons, which Gallowes remayned ſtan|ding there a great part of the Sommer follo|wing, to the greate griefe of good Citizens, and for example to the Commotioners.
The .xij. day of Februarie next following, the Ladie Iane of Suffolke,The execution of Ladie Iane and the Lorde Guilforde. and the Lord Guil|forde hir huſband, who before (as you haue heard) were attainted of treaſon, the one for the vſur|pation of the eſtate royall as Queene, the other as a principall adherent to hir in that caſe, accor|ding to the iudgement gyuen agaynſt them, ſuffred execution of death, that is to witte, hee at the Tower hill vpon the Scaffolde, and ſhee within the Tower, whoſe deathes were the ra|ther haſtened, for that the Duke of Suffolke fa|ther to this Ladie, had of late (as ye haue hearde) rayſed a newe ſturre and commotion in the Countrey, which was the ſhortening of hir lyfe, who elſe was like ynough to haue beene pardo|ned.
[1] [2] [3] This noble yong Ladie endued with ſingu|lar giftes both of learning and knowledge, as pa|cient and milde as any lambe, came to the place of hir execution, and a little before hir death vt|tered theſe woordes. Good people I am come hither to die,The wordes of the Ladie Iane at hir death. and by a lawe I am condemned to the ſame. My offence agaynſt the Queenes highneſſe was onely in conſent to the deuice of other, which nowe is deemed treaſon, but it was neuer of my ſeeking, but by counſail ſo thoſe who ſhoulde ſeeme to haue further vnderſtanding of things than I, whiche knewe little of the lawe, and much leſſe of the tytles to the crowne. But touching the procurement and deſire thereof by mee, or on my behalfe, I doe waſhe my handes in innocencie thereof before God, and the face of all you (good Chriſtian people) thys daye, and therewith ſhe wrung hir handes, wherein ſhee hadde hir Booke. Then ſayde ſhee, I pray you all good Chriſtian people, to beare me witneſſe that I dye a true Chriſtian woman, and that I looke to be ſaued by none other mea|nes, but onelye by the mercie of God, in the bloud of hys onelye ſonne Ieſus Chriſt, and I confeſſe that when I did knowe the worde of God, I neglected the ſame, and loued my ſelfe and the worlde, and therefore this plague and puniſhment is iuſtly and woorthily happe|ned vnto mee for my ſinnes, and yet I thanke God of hys goodneſſe, that hee hath gyuen mee a tyme and reſpyte to repente. And nowe good people, whyle I am aliue, I pray you aſſyſt mee wyth your prayers: and then kneelyng downe, ſhee ſayde the Pſalme of Miſerere mei Deus, in Engliſhe, and then ſtoode vppe and gaue hir Mayde (called myſtreſſe Eleyne) hir Gloues and Handkercheffe, and hir Booke ſhee alſo gaue to Maiſter Bruges, then Lieutenaunt of the Tower, and ſo vntyed hir Gowne, and the executioner preſſed to helpe hir off wyth it, but ſhe deſleed him to let hir alone, and turned hir to|wardes hir two Gentlewomen, who helped hir off therewith, and with hir other attyres, and they gaue hir a fayre handkercheffe to put aboute hir eyes: Then the Executioner kneeled downe and aſked hir forgiueneſſe, whome ſhee forgaue moſte willingly, then hee willed hir to ſtande vppon the ſtrawe, which done, ſhe ſaw the blocke, and then ſhee ſayde I praye you diſpatche mee quickly.
[1] Then ſhee kneeled downe, ſaying, will you take it off before I laye mee downe? wherevn|to the Executioner aunſwered, no Madame: then tyed ſhee Handkercheffe aboute hir eyes, and feeling for the Blocke, ſhee ſayde, where is it, where is it? One of the ſtanders by guy|ded hir therevnto, and ſhee layde downe hir heade vppon the Blocke, and then ſtretched foorth hir bodye and ſayde, Lorde into thy han|des I commende my ſpirite, and ſo finiſhed hir lyfe, in thys yeare of our Lorde, one thouſande fiue hundred fiftie and foure, the twelfth daye of Februarie.
The ſame day a little before this yong La|dyes execution, the Lorde Guylforde hir huſ|bande who was a very comely tall Gentleman, being executed on the ſkaffold at the Tower hill as afore is ſayde, his dead carkaſſe lying in a cart in ſtraw, was again brought into the tower at ye ſame inſtant yt the lady Iane went to hir death within the Tower, before hir face, whiche miſe|rable [page 1733] ſight was to hir a double ſorrow and grief.
[1] Thus (as ſayeth Maiſter Foxe) was behea|ded the Ladie Iane, and with hir alſo the Lorde Guilford hir huſband, one of the D. of Northũ|berlands ſonnes, two inuocents in compariſon of them that ſatte vpon them, for they did but ig|norantly accept that which the others had wyl|lingly deuiſed, & by open Proclamation conſented to take from others, and giue to them. And verily howe vnwilling ſhee was to take it vppon hir, there are yet luring that can teſtifie.
[1] Iudge Morgan that gaue the ſentence ogainſt hir, ſhortly after fell mad, and in hys ra|uing cryed continuallye to haue the Ladie Iane taken away from him, and ſo ended his life.
[1] Vpon Saterday being the .xvij. of Februarye the Duke of Suffolke was arraigned at Weſt|minſter,Earle [...] Duke of [...]ke. and there cõdemned to die by his Peeres, the Earle of Arundell being that day chiefe Iudge
[1] Where ſome haue written that hee ſhoulde at his laſte going downe into the Countrey make Proclamation in his daughters name that is not ſo: for where as he ſtoode by in Leicoſter when by his commaundement the Proclamation was there made againſt the Queenes maryage with the Prince of Spain. &c. Maiſter Damport then Maior of that towne ſaide to him: My Lorde I truſt your grace meaneth no hurt to the Queenes Maieſtie, no ſaith he M. Maior laying his hande on his ſword) he that would hir any hurt, I wold this ſword were through his heart, for ſhee is the mercifulleſt prince, as I haue truely founde hir, yt euer raigned, in whoſe defence I am and will be readie to die at hir foote.
[1] [...]xe.On Monday the .xix. of Februarie, the Lorde Cobhams three ſonnes, and four other mẽ were brought to Weſtminſter, the yongeſt of the Cob|hams, to witte, maiſter Thomas Cobham was condemned with the other four men, but the other two Cobhams came not to the b [...]re.
[1] Vppon the Wedneſday the .xxj. of Februarie the Lord Thomas Gray that had bene taken (as before ye haue heard) in Wales, was brought to|gither with ſir Iames Croft through London to the tower, by a number of horſemen.
[2] Vpon the Fridaye beeing the .xxiij. of Febru|rie about .ix. of the clock the
duke of Suffolk was broughte forth of the Tower vnto the Scaffolde on the
Tower hill, and in his comming thyther, there accompanied him doctor
The Duke of Suffolke behea|ded. Doctor VVe|ſton.
[1] Then the duke kneeled vppon his knees, and ſaide the Pſalme Miſerere mei Deus, vnto the end, belong vp his hands, and loking vp to hea|uen. And when he had ended the Pſalme, be ſaid In manus tunt domine commendo ſpiritum meum. Then he aroſe and ſtoode vp, and deliuered his cap and ſkarfe to the executioner, and therwith the executioner kneeled downe, and aſked the Duke forgiueneſſe, and the duke ſaid, God forgiue thee, and I do: and when thou doſt thine office, I pray ther do it quickely, and God haue mercie to thee. Then ſtood there a man and ſaid, my Lorde how ſhall I do for the money yt you do owe me? And the D. ſaid, alas good fellow; I pray thee trouble me not now, but go thy way to my officers. Thẽ he knit a kercher about his face, and kneled down and ſaid Our father which art in heauen. &c. vn|to the ende, and then he ſaide, Chriſt haue mercie vpon me, and layde down his head on the block, and the executioner tooke the Axe,The ende of the Duke of Suffolke. and at the firſte chop ſtroke off his head, & held it vp to the people.
[1] Suche was the ende of this Duke of Suf|folke, a man of high nobilitie by byrthe, and of nature to his friende gentle and courteous, more eaſie in deede to be led than was thought expedi|ent, of ſtomacke neuertheleſſe ſtoute and hardie, haſtye and ſoone kindled, but pacified ſtreight a|gaine, and ſorte if in his heate oughte had paſſed him otherwiſe than reaſon might ſeeme to beare, vpright and plaine in his priuate dealings, no diſſembler, nor wel able to beare iniuries, but yet forgiuing and forgetting the ſame, if the partie woulde ſeeme but to acknowledge his faint, and ſeke reconcilement. Bountifull hee was and very liberall, ſomewhat learned himſelfe, and a greate fauorer of thoſe that were learned, ſo that to ma|ny he ſhewed himſelf a very Mecoenas, no leſſe free õco uetouſneſſe than voide of pride & diſdainful hautineſſe of mind, more regarding plaine mea|ning men, than claw back flatterers: and this ver|tue hee had, hee coulde patiently heare his faultes told him, by thoſe whom he had in credit for their wiſedome & faithful meanings towards him, al|though ſomtime he had not ye hap to reforme him+ſelf therafter. Concerning this laſt offence for the which he died, it is to be ſuppoſed be rather toke in hand that vnlawfull enterprice through others perſwaſion than of his owne motion, for anye malicious ambition in himſelfe.
[1] But nowe to let this duke reſte with God, we will proceed with the ſtorie. The ſame day (or as ſome haue noted the day before) a number of pri|ſoners had their pardon, and came throughe the Citie with their halters about their neckes. They were in The number of them that thus had their parponwere [...]40. number aboue two hundred.
[1] Vppon the Saterday, the .xxviij. of Februa|rie, Sir William Sentlow was committed as priſoner to the maſter of the horſe to be kept. This Sir William was at this time one of the Lady Elizabeths Gentlemen.
[1] Vpon the Sunday being the .xxv. of Febru|arie, Sir Iohn Rogers was committed to the Tower.
[1] Vpon the Tueſday in the ſame weeke being the .xxvij. of Februarie,Gentlemen [...] into Kent to be executed. certaine Gentlemen of Kent were ſente into Kent to bee executed there. Their names were their, the twoo Mantelles, two Knenettes, and Bret: with theſe maiſter Rudſton alſo, and certaine other were condem|ned and ſhoulde haue bene executed, but they had their pardon.
[1] Sir Henrie Iſley knight, Thomas Iſleye his brother, and Walter Mantelle,Execution. ſuffred at Maydſton, where Wyat firſt diſplayed hys Ba|ner. Anthonie Kneuet and his brother William Kneuet, with an other of the Mantelles, were executed at Seuenocke: Bret at Rocheſter was hanged in Chaines.
[1] On Saterday the thirde of Marche, Syr Gawen Carewe, and Maiſter Gibbes were brought through London to the Tower, wyth a companie of horſemen.
[1] The fiftenth day of March next following,Lady Eliza|beth. the Ladie Elizabeth the Queens ſiſter, and next beyre to the Crowne, was apprehended at hir Manour of Aſhridge, for ſuſpition of Wyats conſpiracie, and from thence (beeyng that time verie ſicke) with great rigour broughte pryſoner to London.
[1] On the Sunday after beeing the .xvij. of March ſhe was committed to the Tower, where alſo the Lord Courtney Erle of Deuonſhire (of whõ before is made mention) was for ye like ſuſ|pition committed priſoner.
[1] On Saterday next following being Eaſter euen, and the .xxiiij. of Marche, the Lorde Mar|ques of Norhampton, the Lorde Cobham, & ſir William Cobham his ſon & heire, were deliue|red out of the Tower, where they had remained for a time, being committed thither vppon ſome ſuſpition about Wyats rebellion.
[1] And not long after Queene Marie partly of|fended with the Londoners, as fauorers of Wi|ats conſpiracie, and partly perceiuing the more part of them nothing well inclined towards hir proceedings in Religion, which turned many of them to loſſe, ſommoned a Parliament to be hol|den at Oxforde, as it were to gratifie that Ci|tie, which with the vniuerſitie, town and Coun|trey hadde ſhewed themſelues verye forwarde in hir ſeruice,A parliament ſommoned a [...] Oxford but not holden. but ſpeciallye in reſtoring of the Religion called Catholique, for which appoin|ted Parliement there to bee holden, great pro|uiſion was made, as well by the Queenes offi|cers, [page 1735] as by the Towne [...] and inhabitauntes of the Countey [...]. But the Queenes mynde in thorte [...], and the ſenſe Parliament, was [...] Apryll nexte following, wherein the Queene proponed two eſpeciall matters, the one for the maryage to bee hadde betweene hir and the Prince Philip of Spaine: the other, for the re|ſtoring agayne of the Popes power and iu|riſdiction in Englande. As touching hir mari|age, it was with no greate difficultie agreed vp|pon, but the other requeſt coulde not bee eaſily obteyned.
[1] The Biſhops Craemer, La| [...]er, & Rid| [...]ey ſent to [...]forde.The tenth day of Aprill following, Thomas Cranmax Archbiſhop of Canterburie, Nicholas Ridley Biſhop of London, and Hugh Latimer once Biſhop of Worceſter, who had beene long priſoner in the tower, were nowe conuieyed from thence, and ca [...]ed to Wyndſort, and afterwarde to the Vniuerſitie of Oxforde, there to diſpute with the Diuines and learned men of the contra|ry opinion.
[1] Two dayes after their comming to Oxford, which was the .xij. day of the ſayde moueth, dy|uerſe learned men of both the vniuerſities were ſent in commiſſion from the Cõuocation (which during this Parliament was kepte in Paules Churche in London) to diſpute wyth thoſe pry|ſoners,Commiſsio|n [...]. in certaine Articles of Religion. The names of them that were in Commiſſion were theſe following. Of Oxforde, Doctor Weſton Prolocutor, Cole, Chedſey, Pie, Harpeſ [...]elde, Smith. Of Cambridge, Yong, Seton, Watſon, Atkinſon, Theckuam, Sedgewike.
[1] The .xiij. day of Aprill theſe diſputers aſſem|bled themſelues in Saint Maries Churche, to conuent the three perſones aboue named vpon certaine Articles of Religion, who being brought out of Priſon before them, were ſeuerally one after another examined of theyr opinions, vpon the articles proponed vnto them, whereof ye may read in the booke of Monuments of the Church, more at large, and there finde the whole procee|ding in that matter.
[1] Sir Thomas Wyat ar|raigned.Sir Thomas Wyat (of whome mention is made before) was aboute this tyme brought from the Tower to Weſt mynſter, and there ar|raigned of high treaſon, the Earle of Suſſex, ſir Edwarde Haſtings, and ſir Thomas Corne|wallis, with other being his Iudges.
[1] [2] [3] The effect of whoſe Inditement among o|ther things ſpecially was, that hee the fourtenth day of Februarie laſt before, with force of armed multitude and Enſignes diſplayed, hadde at Braynforde rayſed open warres agaynſt oure ſoueraigne Ladie the Queene, trayterouſly pre|tending and practiſing to depryue hir of hir Crowne and dignitie, and the queſtion was de|maunded of him, whether he was guiltie or no? Whe [...] hee ſtayed, and beſought the Iudges that he myght fyrſt aſked queſtion, before hee aunſwerde directly to the poynt, and hee [...] [...] doe. The queſtion was, [...] if hee ſhoulde confeſſe himſelfe guiltye, whe [...] the ſa [...] ſhoulde not bee preiuditiall vnto hym, ſo a [...] by that confeſſion ſhoulde bee barred from [...] ſuche thinges as hee hadde more to ſay: Wherevnto it was anſwered by the Court Maiſter Wyat (ſay do they) yee ſhall haue both leaue & do [...] to ſay what you can. Then my Lordes quoth [...]e) I muſte confeſſe my ſelfe guiltie, and in the ende the truth of my caſe muſt enforce me. I muſt acknowledge this to be a iuſt plague for my ſonnes, which moſt, grieuouſly I therefore haue committed againſt God, who ſuf|fered me thus brutely and haſtly to fall in to this horrible offence of the law wherfore aly on lords and gentlemen, with other hee preſent, note well my wordes [...]o here and ſet in me the ſame ende. which all other commonly had, which haue at|tempted lyke enterpriſe from the beginning for pervſe the Chronicles through, and you ſhall ſee that neuer Rebellion attempted by ſubiectes agaynſt theyr Prince and Countrey, from the begynning did euer proſper, or had better ſuc|ceſſe, except the caſe of King Henrie the fourth, who although he became a Prince, yet in hys acte was but a Rebell, for ſo muſt I call him, and though he prepayled for a tyme, yet was it not long but that his heyres were depryued, and thoſe that had right agayne reſtored to the king|dome and Crowne, and the vſurpation ſo ſharp|ly reuenged afterwarde in his bloud, as it well appeared, that the long delay of Gods venge|aunce was ſupplyed with more grieuous plague in the thirde and fourth generation. For the loue of God all you Gentlemen that bee here preſent, remember and bee taught as well by examples paſt, as alſo by this my preſent infalicitie & moſte wretched caſe. Oh moſt miſerable, miſchieuous, brutiſhe and beaſtlye furious ymaginations of mine. I was perſwaded that by the maryage of the Prince of Spaine, the ſeconde perſon of thys Realme, and next heyre to the Crowne, ſhoulde haue beene in daunger, and that I being a free borne man, ſhould with my Countrey haue beene brought into the bondage and ſeruitude of Aliens and ſtraungers. Which brutiſhe beaſt|lye opinion then ſeemed to mee reaſon, and wrought in mee ſuche effectes, that it ledde mee headlong into the practiſe of thys dete|ſtable cryme of Treaſon. But nowe beeyng better perſwaded, and vnderſtanding the great commoditye and honour whiche the Realme ſhould receyue by this maryage, I ſtande firme and faſt in this opinion, that if it ſhoulde pleaſe [page 1736] the Queene to be mercifull vnto me, thereis no ſubiect in this lande that ſhoulde more [...]aly and faythfully ſerue hir highneſſe, than I ſhall, nor no ſooner die at hir graces ferte in defence of hir qua|rell, I ſerued hir highneſſe agaynſt the Duke of Northumberlande, as my Lorde of Arundell can witneſſe, my Grandfather ſerued moſte truely hir Graces grandfather, and for his ſake was vp|on the [...]alke in the Tower. My father alſo ſerued King Henrie the eight to his good comentation, and I alſo ſerued him, and King Edwarde hys ſonne, & in witneſſe of my bloud ſpent in his ſer|uice, I carie a name. I alledge not all this to ſet forth my ſeruice by way of merit, which I cõfeſſe but dutie: but to declare to the whole worlde, that by abuſing my wittes in purſuing my miſad|uiſed opinion, I haue not onely ouerthrowne my houſe, and defaced all the well doinges of mee and my Aunceſtours (if euer there were anye) but alſo haue bene the cauſe of mine owne death and deſtruction. Neither do I alledge this to iu|ſtifie my ſelfe in any poynt, neither for an excuſe of mine offence, but moſt humbly ſubmit my ſelfe to the Queenes Maieſties mercie and pitie, deſi|ring you my Lorde of Suſſex, and you maiſter Haſtings, with all ye reſt of this honorable bench, to bee meanes to the Queenes highneſſe for hir mercie, which is the greateſt treaſure that may be giuen to any Prince from God, ſuch a vertue as God hath appropriate to himſelfe, which if hir highneſſe vouchſafe to extende vnto me, ſhe ſhall beſtow it on him, who ſhall be moſt glad to ſerue truly, and not refuſe to die in hir quarell: for I proteſt before the iudge of all iudges, I neuer ment hurt agaynſt hir highneſſe perſon.
[1] Then ſayde the Queenes attourney, maſter Wyat ye haue great cauſe to be ſorie, and repeat for your fault, whereby you haue not onely vn|done your ſelfe and your houſe, but alſo a num|ber of other gentlemẽ, who being true men might haue ſerued theyr Prince and Countrey: yet if you had gone no further, it might haue beene borne withall the better. But being not ſo con|tented to ſtay your ſelfe, you haue ſo procured the Duke of Suffolke (a man ſoone trayned to your purpoſe) and his two brethren alſo, by mea|nes whereof without the Queenes greater mer|cie, you haue ouerthrowne that noble houſe, and yet not ſo ſtayed, your attempt hath reached as in you lay to the ſeconde perſon of the Realme, in whome next to the Queenes highneſſe reſteth all our hope and comfort, whereby hir honour is brought in queſtion, and what daunger will fol|low, and to what ende it will come God know|eth, of all this you are the authour.
[1] Wyats aun|ſwere.Wyat anſwered: as I will not in any thing iuſtifie my ſelfe, ſo I beſeech you, I being in thys wretched eſtate, not to ouercharge mee, nor to make me ſeeme to be that I am not. I [...] to touch any perſon by maine, but that I haue writtẽ I haue written.The Iudge. Then ſayde the Iudge maiſter Wiat, maiſter Attorney hath well moued you to repeat your offences, and we for our partes withe you the ſame.
[1] [2] Then ſayde Sir Edwarde Haſtings mai|ſter of the Queenes horſe:Sir Edwarde Haſting. maiſter Wiat, doe you remember when I and maſter Corn|wallis, were ſent vnto you from the Queenes highneſſe, to demaund the cauſe of your enterpriſe, & what you required: were not theſe your demaunded, that the Queenes grace ſhoulde go to the town, and there remayne, and you to haue the rule of the tower, and hir perſon with the treaſure in kee|ping, and ſuch of hir counſaile as you woulde re|quire, to be deliuered into your hands, ſaying that you woulde bee truſted and not truſt. Whiche woordes when Wyat had confeſſed, then ſayde the Queenes Solicitor,Maiſter Cor|dall now ma [...]|ſter of the Rolles. your preſumption was ouer great, and your attempt in thys caſe hath purchaſed you perpetuall infamie, and ſhall be called Wyats Rebellion, as Wacte Tylers was called Wacte Tylers Rebellion. Then ſayde the Attourney, Maiſter Wyat were you not priuie to a deuice wherby the Queene ſhould haue bene murthered, in a place where ſhe ſhould walke, I doe not burthen you to confeſſe this, for thus much I muſt ſay on your behalfe, that you miſlyked that deuice: that (ſayd Wyat was the deuice of William Thomas,William Thomas. whom euer af|ter I abhorred for that cauſe. Then was a letter ſhewed, which Wyat being in Southwache had written to the duke of Suffolke, that he ſhoulde meete him at Kingſtone bridge, and from thence to accompanie him to London, although he came with the fewer number. Wyat at the firſt did not ſeeme to remember any ſuch letter, but when it was ſhewed him, he confeſſed his hande. Then was it demaunded of him among other things, why he refuſed the Quenes pardon, when it was offred him. My Lordes (quoth he) I confeſſe my fault and offence to be moſt vile & heynous,Wyats con|feſsion. for the which firſt I aſke God mercye, without the which I cannot chalenge any thing, ſuch is my offence alreadie committed. And therefore I beſeech you to trouble me with no more queſti|ons, for I haue deliuered al things vnto hir grace in writing. And finally here I muſt confeſſe, that of all the voyages, wherein I haue ſerued, thys was the moſt deſperate, and paynefull iourney that euer I made. And where you aſked why I did not receyue the Queenes pardon, when it was offered vnto mee, Oh vnhappie manne, what ſhall I ſaye, when I was once entered into thys diuerliſhe deſperate ad|uenture, there was no waye but to wade throughe with that I hadde taken in hande [page 1737] for I had thoughte that other had bin as farre forward as my ſelfe, whiche I founde farre o|therwiſe ſo that beeing b [...] to keepe promiſe with all my confederates, now kepte promiſe with me, for I like a Moyle wẽt through thick and thinne with this determination, that if I ſhould come to any treatie I ſhould ſeeme to bewraye all my friends.
[1] But when to ſhuld I ſpend any more words, I yeld my ſelf wholly vnto the Quenes mercy knowing well that it is onely in hir power to make me (as I haue deſerued) an open exam|ple to the worlde with Wat Tyler, or elſe to make participãt of ye pitie whiche ſhe hath extended in as greate crimas as myne, moſte humbly beſeeching you all to be means for me to hir highneſſe for mercy, which is my laſt and onely refuge: the will of God be done on me. Vpon this confeſſion, without further trial be receiued the iudgement accuſtomed in caſes of treſon, which was to be hãged, drawn & quar|tred, and the .xj. day of April next folowing, he was brought to the Tower hill, [...]he executiõ [...] Tho|mas Wyat. and there was pardoned of his drawing & hanging, but had his head ſtricken off, and his body cut in foure quarters, & ſet vp in diuers places about the ci|tie, and his head was ſet vpon the gallows at Hay hill beſide Hide Parke.
[1] But here by the way is to be noted, that he being on the ſeaffold ready to ſuffer, declared yt the Ladie Elizabeth and ſir Edward Court|ney Erle of Deuonſhire, whom he had accuſed before (as it ſemed) were neuer priuie to his do|ings, as far as he knewe, or was able to charge them.
[1] And when Doctor Weſton, being then his confeſſor told him that he had confeſſed the cõ|trary vnto the counſell, he anſwered thus, that I ſayd then, I ſaid, but that which I ſay nowe is true. This was the end of Wiat and hys conſpiracie.
[1] [...] Nicholas Throckmor|tonThe ſeuententh day of Aprill nexte follo|wing, Sir Nicholas Throckmorcon Knight, was brought from the Tower to Guild Hall in London, and there araigned of high Trea|ſon, as adherente and principall counſellor to the ſaid Wyat and the D. of Suffolke, and the reſt in the afore remembred conſpiracy againſt the Queene, but he ſo ſtoutely, and therewithall ſo cunningly aunſwered for himſelfe, as well in cleering of his cauſe, as alſo in defendyng and auoyding ſuch pointes of the lawes of the Realme, as were there alledged againſt hym, that the queſt whiche paſſed vppon his life and deathe found him not giltie, with which ver|dite, the Iudges and Counſellores there preſent were ſo muche offended, that they bounde the Iury in the ſumme of fiue hundred pounde a peece, to appeare before the Counſell in the Starre Chamber, at a day appoynted, and ac|cording to their bonde, they appeared there be|fore the ſayd Counſell vpon Wedneſday, bee|ing the one and twentith of Aprill, and Saint, Markes day. From whence after certaine [...]ue|ſtioning, they were committed to [...]iſon, E|manuell Lucar and maiſter Whe [...]ſton to the Tower, and the other to the Fl [...]e.
[1] But nowe for aſmuche as a copy of the or|der of Sir Nicholas Throck [...]tõs arraign|ment bothe come to my handes, and that the ſame may giue ſome light to the hiſtory of that dangerous rebelliõ, I haue thought it not im|pertinent to inſert the ſame not wiſhing that it ſhoulde bee offenſiue to any, ſith it is in e|uery mans libertie, to way his wordes vttered in his owne defence, and likewiſe the dooings of the queſte in acquityng hym, as maye ſeeme good to their diſcretions, ſith I haue deliuered the ſame as I haue found it, without preiudi|cing anye mans opinion, to thinke thereof o|therwiſe, than as the cauſe maye moue him.
1.22.1. ¶The order of the araigne|mente of Sir Nicholas Throcke|morton Knight, in the Guild Hall of London the ſeuententh day of April, 1554. expreſſed in a Dialogue for the better vnderſtanding of e|uery mans parte.
¶The order of the araigne|mente of Sir Nicholas Throcke|morton Knight, in the Guild Hall of London the ſeuententh day of April, 1554. expreſſed in a Dialogue for the better vnderſtanding of e|uery mans parte.
The names of the commiſ|ſioners.
- SIr Thomas White Knight Lord Maior of London.
- The Earle of Shrewſbury.
- The Earle of Darby.
- Sir Thomas Bromley Knyght Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Englande.
- Sir Nicholas Hart Knyght, Mayſter of the tolles.
- Sir Frauncis Engleſſelde Knight Maiſter of the courte of Wardes and Liberties.
- Sir Richarde Southwell Knight, one of the priuie counſell.
- Sir Edwarde Walgrane Knight, one of the priuy counſell.
- Sir Roger Cholmeley Knight.
- Sir Wyllyam Portemein Knyght, one of the Iuſtices of the Kings benche.
- Sir Edwarde Saunders Knight, one of the Iuſtices of the common place.
- Maiſter Stanford. The Queenes learned coun|ſell gaue e|uidence a|gainſt the priſoner.
- Maiſter Dyer.
- Maiſter Edward Griffin attourney generall.
Clerkes of ye Crowne.
- [page 1738] Maiſter Sendall,
- Peter Tichbourne, Clerkes of ye Crowne.
[1] Firſte, after Proclamation made, and the commiſſiõ red the Lieutenant of the Tower, maſter Tho. Bridges, brought the priſoner to the barre, then ſilence was commaunded, and Sendall ſaid to the priſoner as foloweth.
- Sendall.
Nicholas Throckmorton Knighte hold vp thy hande, thou art before this time in dired of high treaſon. &c. that thou then and there didſt falſly and traiterouſly, &c. conſpire & imagine the death of the Queenes maieſtie. &c. and falſly and trayterouſly didſt leuie warre againſte the Q. within hir Realm. &c. and alſo, thou waſt adherente to the Queenes enimies within hir Realm giuing to them ayde & comfort. &c. and alſo falſly and trayterouſly didſt conſpire and intend to depoſe and depriue the Q. of hir roy|al eſtate, and ſo finally deſtroy hir. &c. and alſo, thou didſt falſly and traiterouſly deuiſe and conclude to take violently the Tower of Lõ|don. &c. of al which treaſons and euery of thẽ in maner & forme. &c. art thou giltie or not giltie?
- Throckmor.
May it pleaſe you my Lords and maiſters, which be authoriſed by the Queenes commiſ|ſion to be Iudges this day, to giue me leaue to ſpeake a fewe words, which doth both cõcerne you and me before I aunſwere to the endite|ment, and not altogithers impertinente to the matter, and then pleade to the euditemente.
- Bromley.
No, the order is not ſo, you muſt firſt pleade whethether you be giltie or no.
- Throckmor.
If that be your order and law, iudge accor|dingly to it.
- Hare.
You muſt firſte aunſwer to the matter wherwith you are charged, and thẽ you may talke at your pleaſure.
- Throckmor.
But things ſpoken out of place, wer as good not ſpoken.
- Bromley.
Theſe bee but delayes to ſpende time, therfore anſwere as the law wiſleth you.
- Throckmor.
My Lords, I pray you make not too muche haſt with me, neither thinke not long for your diner, for my caſe requireth leyſure, & you haue wel dined when you haue done iuſtice truely. (Chriſt ſaid) Bleſſed are they that hunger and thirſt for righteouſneſſe.
- Bromley.
I can forbeare my dinner as well as you, & care as little as you peraduenture.
- Shrewſbury
Come you hither to checke vs Throckmor|ton? wee will not bee ſo vſed, no no, I for my parte haue forborne my breakfaſt, dinner, and ſupper to ſerue the Queene.
- Throckmor.
Yea my good Lord I know it right wel, I meant not to touche your Lordſhip, for youre ſeruice & paines is euidently knowen to al mẽ.
- Southwell.
M. Throckmorton, this talke neede not, we know what we haue to doe, & you would teach vs our duties, you hurt your mater, go to go to
- Throckmor.
M. Southwel, you miſtake me, I ment not to teach you, nor none of you, but to remember you of that I truſt you al be well inſtructed in, & ſo I ſarilly myſelfe, ſince I ſhuld not ſpeake, thinking you all know what you haue to doe, or ought to know, to I wil aunſwer to the in| [...]ment, and do pleade not guiltie to ye whole, an di [...] euery part thereof.
- Sendall.
How will thou bett [...]?
- Throckmor
Shal I be tried as I would, or as I ſhuld?
- Bromley.
You ſhald tried as the law wil, and there|fore you muſt ſay by God and by ye Countrey.
- Throckmor.
Is that your law for me? it is not as I wold, but ſince you wil haue it ſo, I am pleaſed with it, and do deſire to be tried by faithfull iuſt mẽ, which more feare God than the world.
Then the Iury was called.
The names of the iurours.
- Lucar.
- Yong.
- Martyn.
- Beſwike.
- Baſcarfeld
- Kightley.
- Lowe.
- Whetſton.
- Painter.
- Bankes.
- Calt [...]rop.
- Caſer.
[1] What time the atturney went forthwith to M. Cholmley, and ſhewed him the Sheriffes returne, who being aquainted with ye Citizens knowing the corruptions & dexterities of them in ſuch caſes, noted certaine to be chalenged for the Q. (a rare caſe) & ſame mẽ being knowẽ to be ſufficient and indifferent, that no excepti|ons were to be takẽ to them, but only for their vpright honeſties, notwithſtanding, the attur|ney prompting ſergeant Dier, the ſaide ſerge|ant chalenged one Bacon, and another Citizẽ peremptorily for the Q. Then the priſoner de|manded the cauſe of the chalenge, the ſergeante aunſwered, we neede not ſhew you the cauſe of the chalenge for the Q. Then the inqueſt was furniſhed with other honeſt mẽ, that is to ſay, Whetſtõ and Lucar, ſo the priſoner vſed theſe words.
- Throckmor.
I truſt you haue not prouided for me this day as in times paſt I knew another Gẽ|tleman occupying this wofull place was pro|uided for. It chanced one of the Iuſtices vpon ielouſie of the priſoners acquitall, for the good|neſſe of his cauſe, ſaid to another of his compa|nions a iuſtice, when the iury did appeare. I like not this iury for our purpoſe, they ſeeme to be too pitiful and too charitable to condemne ye priſoner, no no ſaid ye other iudge (viz. Cholm|ley) I warrãt you, they be picked fellowes for ye nonce, he ſhal drink of ye ſame cup his felows haue don, I was thẽ a loker on of ye pageãt as others be now here. But now wo is me, I am a player in yt woful tragedie. Well, for theſe & ſuch other like ye black oxe hath of late trodẽ on ſome of their feet. But my truſt is, I ſhall not be ſo vſed.
[1] Whyleſt this talke was, Cholme|ley conſulted with the Atturney aboute the Iury, which the priſoner eſpied, and then ſayde as heere enſueth,
Ah ah maiſter Cholmeley, [page 1739] will this foule packing neuer be left.
- Chomeley.
Why what do I. I pray you, M. Throck|mortõ, I did nothing, I am ſure, you do picke quarrels to me.
- Throckmor.
Well maiſter Cholmeley if you do well, it is better for you, God help you.
[1] The iury then was ſworne, and proclamation made, that whoſoeuer woulde giue euidence againſte Sir Nicholas Throckmorton Knight, ſhoulde come in and be heard, for the priſoner ſtood vp on his deliuerance, where vpon ſer|geant Stanford preſented hymſelfe to ſpeake.
- Throckmor.
And it may pleaſe you maiſter ſergeante and the others my maiſters of the Queenes ler|ned Counſell, like as I was minded to haue ſaide a fewe words to the Commiſſioners, if I mighte haue had leaue for their better remem|brance of their dueties in this place of iuſtice, and concerning direct indifferency to bee vſed towards me this day: ſo by your parience I do thinke good to ſay ſomewhat to you, and to the reſt of the Queenes learned Counſell, appoin|ted to giue euidence againſte mee. And albeit you and the reſt by order be appointed to gyue euidence againſte me, and enterteyned to ſette forth the depoſitions and matter againſt mee, yet I pray you remember I am not alienate from you, but that I am youre Chriſtian bro|ther, neither you ſo charged, but you ought to conſider equitie, nor yet ſo priuiledged, but that you haue a duetie of God appoynted you how you ſhal do youre office, whiche if you exceede, wil be greeuouſly required at youre handes, it is lawfull for you to vſe your giftes, whiche I know God hathe largely giuen you, as youre learning, arte, and eloquence, ſo as thereby you do not ſeduce the minds of the ſimple and vn|learned Iury, to credite matters otherwiſe thã they be. For maiſter ſergeant, I knowe howe by perſwaſions, enforcements, preſumptions, applying, implying, inferring, coniecturing, deducing of argumentes, wreſting and excee|ding the law, the circumſtances, the depoſitiõs and confeſſions that vnlearned men maye bee inchanted to thinke and iudge thoſe that bee things indifferente, or at the worſt but ouer|ſights to be great treaſons, ſuch power orators haue, and ſuche ignorance the vnlearned haue. Almighty God by the mouth of his Prophete, doth conclude ſuch aduocates bee curſed, ſpea|king theſe words, Curſed bee hee that doth his office craftily, corruptly, and malitiouſly. And conſider alſo, that my bloud ſhal be required at your hands, and puniſhed in you and yours, to the third and fourth generation. Notwithſtã|ding, you and the Iuſtices excuſe always ſuch erronions doings, when they be after called in queſtion by the verdict of the twelue men: but I aſſure you, the purgation ſerueth you as it did Pilate, and you waſhe your handes of the bloudſhed, as Pilate did of Chriſts. And now to your matter.
- Stanford.
And it pleaſe you my Lords, I doubt not to proue euidently and manifeſtly, that Throck|morton is worthely and rightly indicted and araigned of theſe treaſons, and that he was a principall deuiſer, procurer, and contriuer of the late Rebellion, and that Wyat was but his miniſter, how ſay you Throckmorton, dyd not you ſend Winter to Wyat into Kent, and did deuiſe that the Tower of London ſhoulde be taken, with other inſtructions concernyng Wyats ſturre and Rebellion?
- Throckmor.
May it pleaſe you that I ſhall aunſwer per|ticularly to the matters obiected againſt me, in aſmuche as my memorie is not good, and the ſame much decayed ſince my greeuous empri|ſonment, with want of ſleepe, and other diſ|quietneſſe: I confeſſe I did ſay to Winter that Wyat was deſirous to ſpeake with him, as I vnderſtoode.
- Stanford.
Yea ſir,and you deuiſed togither of the ta|king of the Tower of London, and of the o|ther great treaſons.
- Throckmor.
Nor, I did not ſo, proue it.
- Stanford.
Yes ſir, you met with Winter ſundry times as ſhall appeare, and in ſundry places.
- Throckmor.
That granted, proueth no ſuch matter as is ſuppoſed in the enditement.
[1] Stanford red Winters confeſſion,Winters con|feſſion redde by Stanford. whyche was of this effect, that Throckmorton mette with Winter one day in Tower ſtreets, and told him, that Sir Thomas Wyat was deſi|rous to ſpeake with him, and Winter deman|ded where Wyat was, Throckmorton aun|ſwered,
at his houſe in Kente, not farre from Gillingham, as I heard ſay, where the Shyps lye.
[1] Then they parted at that time, and ſhort|ly after, Throckmorton met with Winter, vn|to whome Winter ſayd, maiſter Wyat do the muche miſlike the cõming of the Spanyardes into this Realme, and feareth their ſhort arri|uall heere, in aſmuch, as dayly he heareth ther|of, dothe ſee dayly diuers of them arriue heers, ſcattered like ſouldyers, and therefore hee thin|keth good the Tower of London ſhould be ta|ken by a ſleighte, before the Prince came, leaſt that peece be deliuered to ye Spanyards. How ſay you Throckmorton to it. Throckmorton aunſwered. I miſlike it for diuers reſpects: e|uen ſo do I ſayde Winter. At another tyme Throckmorton mette me the ſayd Winter in Poules, when hee had ſent one to my houſe to ſeeke me before, and he ſaid to me, you are Ad|mirall of ye fleete that now goeth into Spaine [page 1740] I aunſwered yea, Throckmorton ſaide, when will your ſhippes be ready, I ſaide within tenne dayes, Throckmorton ſayde, I vnderſtand you are appoynted to conduct and cartie the Lorde priuie ſeale into Spayne, and conſidering the daunger of the Frenchmen, which you ſay arme them to the Sea apace, me thinke it well done, you put my ſaide Lorde and his traine on lande in the Weſt Countrey to auoyde all dauſigers. Throckmorton ſaide alſo, that Wyat changed his purpoſe, for taking the Tower of London, I ſaid I was glad of it, and as for the Frenchmẽ, I care not muche for them, I will ſo handle the matter, that the Queenes Shippes ſhall bee I warrante you in ſafegard. Another time, I met with M. Throckmorton when I came from the Emperours Ambaſſadors, vnto whome I de|clared, that the Emperour had ſente mee a fayre cheyne, and ſhewed it vnto Throckmorton, who ſaid, for this cheine you haue ſold your Country, I ſaide it is neyther French K. nor Emperoure that can make me fell my Countrey, but I will be a true Engliſhmã: thẽ they parted. This is ye ſumme of ye talke betwixt Throck. and Winter.
- Standford.
Now my maſters of the Iury, you haue heard my ſayings confirmed with Winters confeſſi|on, how ſay you Throckmorton, can you denie this, if you will, you ſhall haue Winter iuſtifie it to your face.
- Throckmor.
My Lords, ſhal it pleaſe you yt I ſhal anſwer.
- Bromley.
Yea, ſay your mind.
- Throckmor.
I may truely denye ſome part of this confeſ|ſion, but bycauſe ther is nothing material great|ly, I ſuppoſe yt whole be true, and what is here|in depoſed, ſufficiente to bring me within the cõ|pas of the enditement?
- Stanford.
It appeareth yt you were of coũſel wt Wyat, in aſmuch as you ſente Winter downe to him, who vttered vnto him diuers traiterous deuiſes.
- Throckmor.
This is but coniectural, yet ſithence you will conſtrue ſo malitiouſly, I will recompte how I ſent Winter to Wyat, and then I pray you of the Iury, iudge better than maiſter Sergeante doth. I met by chance a ſeruant of maiſter Wy|ats, who demanded of me for Winter, and ſhe|wed mee, that his maiſter woulde gladly ſpeake with him, and ſo without any further declara|tion, deſired me if I met Winter to tel him ma|ſter Wyats mind, and where he was. Thus much for the ſendyng downe of Winter.
- Attourney.
Yea ſir, but how ſay you to the taking of the Tower of London, which is treaſon?
- Throckmor.
I aunſwere, though Wyat thought meete to attempte ſo daungerous an enterpriſe and that Winter enformed me of it, you cannot extende Wyats deuiſes to be mine, & to bring me within the compas of treaſon, for what maner of reaſo|ning or proofe is this, Wyat woulde haue taken the Tower, Ergo, Throckmorton is a Traytor [...] Winter dothe make my purgation in his owne confeſſion, euen now redde as it was by Maiſter Sergeante, though I ſay nothing, for Winter doth auow there, that I did much miſlike it, and bycauſe you ſhal the better vnderſtand that I did alwayes not alow theſe maſter Wyats deuiſes, I had theſe words to Winter, whẽ he reformed me of it, I think M. Wyat would no Engliſh|man hurt, & this enterpriſe cannot be done with|out the hurt and ſlaughter of both parties, for I know him yt hath the charge of the peece, and his brother, both men of good ſeruice, the one had in charge a peece of great importance, Bolloyne I meane, which was ſtoutely aſſayled, & notwith|ſtanding, hee made a good accompt of it for hys time, that like I am ſure hee will doe by this hys charge. Moreouer, to accompte the taking of the Tower, is very dangerous by ye law. Theſe wer my wordes to Winter. And beſides, it is very vnlike that I of all men woulde confederate in ſuch a matter againſt the Lieutenant of ye To|wer, whoſe daughter my brother hath maryed, & his houſe and mine alyed togithers by mariage ſundry times within theſe few yeres.
- Hare.
But how ſay you to this, that Wyat & you had conference togither ſundrye times at War|ners houſe, and in other places?
- Throckmor.
This is a very general charge to haue confe|rẽce, but why was it not as lawful for me to cõ|ferre with Wiat, as with you, or any other mã? I then knew no more by Wyat, than by any o|ther, & to proue to talke with Wyat, was lawful and indifferent: the laſt day that I did talke with Wyat, I ſawe my Lord of Arondel, with other noble men and Gentlemen talke with him fami|liarly in the chamber of preſence.
- Hare.
But they did not conſpire nor talke of any ſtur againſt the Spanyards as you did pretend, and meante it againſte the Q. for you, Croftes, Ro|gers, & Warner, did oftentimes deuiſe in War|ners houſe aboute youre trayterous purpoſes, or elſe what did you ſo often there?
- Throckmor.
I confeſſe I did miſlike the Queenes marri|age with Spaine, and alſo ye cõming of ye Spa|nyards hither, and then me thought I had reaſon to doe ſo, for I did learne the reaſons of my mi|ſliking of you M. Hare, M. Southwell & others in the Parliament houſe, there I did ſee ye whole conſent of ye realm againſt it, and I a hearer, but no ſpeaker, did learne my miſliking of thoſe mat|ters, confirmed by many ſundry reaſons amõgſt you: but as concerning any ſtucre or vprore a|gainſt the Spanyards, I neuer made any, ney|ther procured any to be made, and for my much reſort to M. Warners houſe, it was not to con|ferre with M. Wyat, but to ſhew my friendſhip to my very good L. the Marques of Northamp|ton, [page 1741] who was lodged ther whẽ he was inlarged.
- Stanford.
Did not you Throckmor. tell Winter that Wyat had changed his mind for ye taking of the Tower? whereby it appeared euidently that you knew of his doings.
- Throckmor.
Truely I did not tell him ſo, but I care not greately to giue you that weapon to play you withal, now let vs ſee what you can make of it.
- Stanford.
Yea ſir, that proueth that you were priuie to Wiats mind in al his deuiſes and treaſons, and that there was ſending betwixt you and Wyat from time to time.
- Throckmor.
What M. ſergeant, doth this proue againſte me, that I knew Wyat did repent him of an e|uil deuiſed enterpriſe? is it to know Wiats repẽ|tance ſinne? no, it is but a venial ſinne, if it be a|ny it is not deadly. But where is the meſſenger or meſſage yt Wyat ſente to me touching his al|teration, & yet it was lawfull ynough for me to heare from Wyat at that time, as frõ any other man, for any acte that I knew he had done.
- [...]
And it may pleaſe you my Lordes, and you my maiſters of the Iurie, to proue that Throk|mertõ is a principall doer in this Rebelliõ, there is yet many other things to be declared, amõgſt other, there is Croftes cõfeſſiõ, who ſayeth, yt he and you and your accõplices, did manye times deuiſe aboutes the whole matters, and hee made you priuie to all his determinations, and you ſhewed him that you woulde goe into the Weſt Countrey with the Earle of Deuon. to Sir Peter Caroe, accompanyed with others.
- Throckmor.
M. Croftes is yet liuing, and is here this day, how hapneth it he is not broughte face to face to to iuſtifie this matter, neither hath bin of al this time? wil you knowe yt trueth? either he ſayd not ſo, or he wil not abide by it, but honeſtly hath re|formed himſelf. And as for knowing his deuiſes, I was ſo well aquainted with them, that I can name none of them, nor you neyther as matter knowen to mee.
- [...]ey.
But why did you aduiſe Winter to land my Lord priuie ſeale in the Weſt Countrey?
- Throckmor.
He yt told you that my mind was to land him there, doth partly tel you a reaſon why I ſaid ſo, if you would remẽber as well the one as ye other, but bycauſe you are ſo forgetfull, I will recite wherefore: In communicatiõ betwixt Winter & me, as he declared to me yt the Spanyards pro|uided to bring their Prince hither, ſo the French|men prepared to interrupte his arriuall, for they began to ariue to the ſea, and had already cer|tain Shippes on the Weſt coſt (as he heard) vnto whome I ſaide, that peraduenture not onely the Queenes ſhippes vnder his charge mighte bee in ieoperdy, but alſo my Lorde priuie ſeale, and all hys trayne, the Frenchmen beeing wel prepared to meete with them, and therefore for all euents it were good you ſhould put my ſaid Lord in the Weſt Countrey in caſe you eſpie any ieoperdie: but what doth this proue to ye treaſons, if I were not able to giue conuenient reaſons to my talke?
- Stanford.
Mary ſir now commeth the proofes of youre treaſons, you ſhal heare what Cutbert Vaugh|han ſayth againſt you.
[1] Then ſergeant Stanford did reade Vaugh|hans cõfeſſiõ, tẽding to this effect.Vaughans confeſsiõ was redde by Stã|forde. That Vaugh|han cõming out of Kẽt, met with Throckmor. at M. Warners houſe, who after he had don cõ|mendatiõs from Wyat to him, deſired to know wher Crofts was, Throckmor. anſwered, either at Arundel houſe wher he lodgeth, or in Poules. Then Vaughan deſired to knowe how thyngs went at London, ſaying, M. Wyat and wee of Kent do much miſlike ye mariage with Spaine, & the comming of the Spanyardes for diuers re|ſpectes, howbeit, if other countries miſlike thẽ as Kẽt doth, they ſhall be but hardly welcome, & ſo they parted. Shortly after, Throckmor. met wt Vaughhan in Powles, vnto whome Throck|mor. declared with ſundry circumſtances, that yt Weſterne men were in readineſſe to come for|wards, & that ſir Peter Caroe had ſent vnto him euen now, & that he had in order a good hand of horſemen, & an other of footemen: then Vaugh|han demanded what the Erle of Deuon. woulde doe, Throckmor. anſwered he will marre all, for he wil not goe hence, & yet ſir Peter Caroe wold mete him with a band, both of horſemen & foote|mẽ, by the way at Andeuer for his ſafegard, and alſo he ſhould haue bin well accompanyed from hence with other Gentlemẽ, yet all this wyl not moue him to departe hence. Moreouer, the ſayde erle hath as is ſaid, diſcouered al ye whole mat|ter to the Chancellor, or elſe it is comen out by his Taylor, aboute the trimming of a ſhirte of maile, & the making of a cloke. At another time, Vaughan ſaith Throckmor. ſhewed him that he had ſente a poſt to Sir Peter Caroe to come forwarde with as muche ſpeede as might be, & to bring his force with him. And alſo Throckmor. aduiſed Vaughan to will M. Wiat come for|ward with his power, for nowe was the time, in aſmuch as the Londoners would take his part if the matter were preſented to thẽ. Vaughan ſaid alſo, that Throckmor. and Warner ſhould haue ridden with the ſaid Erle Weſtward. Moreo|uer, the ſaid Vaughã depoſed, that Throckmor. ſhewed him in talke of the Erle of Pembroke, yt the ſaide Earle woulde not fight againſt them, though hee woulde not take their partes. Alſo Vaughan ſaid, that Throckmor. ſhewed hym yt he would ride downe into Barkeſhire to ſir Frã|cis Englefieldes houſe, there to meete his eldeſt brother, to moue him to take his part. And thys was ye ſumme of Cutbert Vaughans cõfeſſion.
- Stanford.
How ſay you, doth not heere appeare euident matter to proue you a principall, who not onely [page 1742] gaue order to ſir Peter Carde & his adherẽts, for their rebellious actes in the Weſt Countrey, but alſo procured Wyat to make his Rebellion, ap|pointing him & the others alſo when they ſhould attempt their enterpriſe, & how they ſhould order their doings from time to time. Beſides all this euident matter, you were ſpecially appoynted to goe away with the Earle of Deuon as one that would direct all things, and giue order to al mẽ, and therefore Throckmor, ſince this matter is ſo manifeſt, and the euidence ſo apparant, I would aduiſe you to cõfeſſe your fault, and ſubmit your ſelfe to the Queenes mercy.
- Bromley.
Howe ſay you, will you confeſſe the matter, and it will be beſt for you.
- Throckmor.
No, I wil neuer accuſe my ſelfe vniuſtly, but in aſmuche as I am come hither to bee tryed, I pray you let me haue the law fauourably.
- Attourney.
Is it apparant that you lay at London as a factor to giue intelligence as well to them in the Weſt, as to Wyat in Kent.
- Throckmor.
How proue you that, or who doth accuſe mee but this condemned man.
- Attourney.
Why will you denie this matter, you ſhall haue Vaughan iuſtifie his whole confeſſion here before your face.
- Throckmor.
It ſhal not need, I know his vnſhame faſtnes, he hath aduowed ſome of this vntrue talk before this time to my face, & it is not otherwiſe like, conſidering ye price, but he will do ye ſame again.
- Attourney.
My L. and maiſters, you ſhall haue Vaugh|han to iuſtifie this heere before you all, and con|firme it with a booke oth.
- Throckmor.
He that hath ſaid and lyed, will not being in this caſe ſticke to ſweare and lie.
[1] Then was Cutbert Vaughan brought in|to the open Court.
- Sendall.
How ſay you Cutbert Vaughan, is this your owne confeſſion, and wil you abide by all that is here written?
- Vaughan.
Let me ſee it and I will tell you.
[1] Then his confeſſion was ſhewed him.
- Attourney.
Bycauſe you of ye Iury the better may credite him. I pray you my lords let Vaghã be ſworne.
[1] Then was Vaughan ſworne on a booke to ſay nothing but the trueth.
- Vaughan.
It may pleaſe you my lords and maiſters, I could haue bin well content to haue choſe ſeauen yeres impriſonment. though I had bin a free mã in ye law, rather than I would this day haue gy|uen euidence againſt ſir Nicholas Throckmor. vnto whome I beare no diſpleaſure: but ſithence I muſt needes confeſſe my knowledge, I muſt confeſſe al ye is there written is true, how ſay you M. Throck. was there any diſpleaſure betwene you & me to moue me to ſay aught againſt you?
- Throckmor.
No yt I know, how ſay you Vaughan, what acquaintance was there betwene you and me, & what letters of credit, or token did you bring me frõ Wiat, or any other to moue me to truſt you.
- Vaughan.
As for aquaintance, I knew you as I did o|ther Gentlemen, & as for letters, I broughte you none other, but cõmendatiõs frõ M. Wiat, as I did to diuers other of his acquaintãce at Lõdon.
- Throckmor.
You might as well forge the cõmendatiõs as the reſt, but if you haue done with Vaughã my lords, I pray you giue mee leaue to aunſweare.
- Bromley.
Speake and be ſhort.
- Throckmor.
I ſpeake generally to all ye be heere preſent,but ſpecially to you of my Iury, touching ye credit of Vaughãs depoſitions againſt me, a condemned man: & after to the matter: & note I pray you the circumſtãces, as ſomewhat material to induce ye better. Firſt I pray you remẽber ye ſmal famili|aritie betwixt Vaughan & me, as be hathe auo|wed before you. And moreouer, to procure cre|dite at my hãd, brought neither letter nor token frõ Wiat, nor frõ any other to me, which he alſo hath confeſſed here: and I will ſuppoſe Vaughã to be in as good condition as any other mã here, that is to ſay, an vncõdemned man, yet I referre it to your good iudgement whether it were lyke yt I knowing onely Vaughans perſon from an other mã, & hauing none other acquaintance wt him, would ſo frankly diſcouer my mind to him in ſo dangerous a matter. How like I ſay is this whẽ diuers of theſe Gentlemen now in captiui|tie, being my very familiars, coulde not depoſe any ſuch matter againſt me, and neuertheles vp|pon their examinations, haue ſaide what they could. And though I be no wiſe man, I am not ſo raſh to vtter to an vnknowẽ man (for I may call him in compariſon) a matter ſo dangerous for me to ſpeake, & him to heare, but bycauſe my trueth & his falſehood ſhall the better appeare vn|to you, I will declare his inconſtancy in vtte|ring this his euidence, and for my better credite, it may pleaſe you M. Southwell, I take you to witnes, whẽ Vaughan firſt iuſtified this his vn|iuſt accuſation againſt me before the L. Paget, the L. Chamberlaine, you M. Southwell & o|thers, he referred the confirmatiõ of this his ſur|miſed matter, to a letter ſent frõ him to ſir Tho. Wyat, which letter doth neither appeare, nor a|ny teſtimonie of the ſaid M. Wyat againſt mee touching the matter, for I doubte not ſir Tho. Wyat hath bin examined of me, and hathe ſayde what he could directly or indirectly. Alſo Vaughã ſaith, ye yong Edw. Wyat could confirme thys matter, as one yt knewe this pretended diſcourſe betwixt Vaughã and me, and thervpon I made ſute yt Edw. Wiat might either be brought face to face to me, or otherwiſe be examined.
- Southwell
M. Thockmor. you miſtake your matter,for Vaughan ſaid, ye Edw. Wyat did know ſome part of the matter, and alſo was priuie of ye letter that Vaughan ſent ſir Tho. Wyat.
- Throckmor.
Yea ſir, that was Vaughans laſt ſhift, when [page 1743] I charged him before ye maſter of ye horſe, & you wt his former allegatiõs touching his witnes, whom when hee eſpyed, woulde not doe ſo lewdly as hee thought, then he vſed this alteration: but where is Edw. Wiats depoſitiõs of any thing againſt me, now it appeareth neither his firſte nor his laſt tale to be true. For you knowe M. Bridges, & ſo doth my L. your brother, that I deſired twice or thrice Ed. Wiat ſhuld be examined, & I am ſure, & moſt aſſured he hathe bin willed to ſay what he could, & here is nothing depoſed by him againſt me, eyther touching any letter or other conference: or where is Vaughãs letter ſent by ſir Tho. Wyat cõcerning my talke?
But now I will ſpeake of Vaughans preſent eſtate in that hee is a condemned man, whoſe te|ſtimonie is nothing worthe by any lawe, and by|cauſe falſe witnes be mentioned in ye Goſpel, trea|ting of accuſatiõ, hearke I pray you what S. Ie|rome ſayeth, expounding ye place: it is demaunded why Chriſtes accuſers bee called falſe witneſſes, which did report chriſts words not as he ſpake thẽ, they be falſe witnes ſaith S. Ierome, which do ad, alter, wreſt, double, or do ſpeake for hope to auoid death, or for malice to procure an other mãs death: for al mẽ may eaſily gather he cãnot ſpeake truely of me, or in the caſe of another mans life, where he hath hope of his owne by accuſation. Thus much ſpeaketh S. Ierome of falſe witnes. By the ciuill law there be many exceptiõs to be taken agaynſt ſuch teſtimonies, but bycauſe we be not gouerned by ye law, neither I haue my trial by it, it ſhalbe ſu|perfluous to trouble you therewith, & therefore you ſhall heare what your owne lawe doth ſay. There was a ſtatute made in my late ſoueraigne L. and maiſter his time, touching accuſation, and theſe be the words.
Be it enacted, that no perſon nor perſons. &c. ſhalbe indited, araigned, condẽned, or conuicted for any offence of treaſon, petit treaſon, miſpriſion of treaſon, for which ye ſame offendor ſhal ſuffer any paynes of death, impriſonment, loſſe or forfeyture of his goodes, lands. &c. vnleſſe the ſame offendor be accuſed by two ſufficient and lawful witneſſes, or ſhall willingly without violẽce confeſſe ye ſame. And alſo in the ſixth yere of his raigne, it is thus ra|tified as enſueth.
That no perſon nor perſons ſhall bee indited, araigned, condemned, conuicted or attainted of the treaſons or offences aforeſaide, or for anye other treaſons that nowe bee, or heereafter ſhall be, vnleſſe the ſame offendor or offendors be there|of accuſed by two lawfull and ſufficient accuſers, whiche at the time of the araignement of the par|ties ſo accuſed (if they be thẽ liuing) ſhalbe brought in perſon before the ſaid partie accuſed, and auowe and mainteine that they haue to ſay againſte the ſaide partie, to proue him giltie of the treaſons or offence conteined in the hyll of inditement layd a|gaynſt the partie araigned, vnleſſe the ſayd partie araigned ſhalbe willing without violence to con|feſſe the ſame.
Heere note I pray you, that oure lawe dothe require two lawfull and ſufficiente accuſers to be brought face to face, and Vaughan is but one, and the ſame moſt vnlawfull and inſufficiente: for who can be more vnlawfull and inſufficient, than a condemned man, and ſuche one as knoweth to accuſe mee is the meane to ſaue his owne lyfe? re|member I pray you howe long and how manye times Vaughans execution hathe bin reſpited, and howe often hee hathe bin coniured to accuſe, (whych by Goddes grace hee withſtoode vntill the laſt houre) what time perceyuing there was no way to liue, but to ſpeake againſte mee or ſome o|ther (his former grace beeyng taken away) dyd re|deeme his lyfe moſt vniuſtly, and ſhamefully as you ſee.
- Hare.
Why ſhoulde he accuſe you more than anye o|ther, ſeeyng there was no diſpleaſure betwixte you, if the matter had not bin true.
- Throckmor.
Bycauſe he muſt eyther ſpeake of ſome man, or ſuffer deathe, and then he did rather chooſe to hurte him he did leaſt know, and ſo loued leaſt, than any other well knowen to him, whome hee loued moſt. But to you of my Iury I ſpeake ſpecially, and therfore I pray you note what I ſay. In a matter of leſſe weight than triall of life and lande, a man may by the law take exceptions to ſuche as be im|paneld, to trie the controuerſies betwixt the par|ties: as for example, a man may chalenge that the Sheriffe is hys enimie, and therfore hathe made a parciall returne, or bycauſe one of the Iury is the Sheriffe my aduerſaries ſeruaunte, and alſo in caſe my aduerſaries villaine or bondman be em|panelled, I may lawfully chalenge him, bycauſe the aduerſarie parte hathe power ouer hys vil|laynes landes and goodes, and hathe the vſe of hys bodye for ſeruile office, muche more I may of ryghte take exception to Vaughans teſtimonie, my lyfe and all that I haue dependyng therevp|pon, and the ſame Vaughan beeyng more bounde to the Queenes highneſſe, my aduerſarie (that wo is mee therefore) but ſo the lawe dothe here ſo tearme hyr Maieſtie, than anye villayne is to hys Lord, for hir hyghneſſe hathe not onely power o|uer hys bodye, lands, and goodes, but ouer his lyfe alſo.
- Stanford.
Yea, the exceptions are to be taken agaynſte the Iury in that caſe, but not agaynſt the witnes or accuſor, and therefore youre argumente ſerueth little for you.
- Throckmor.
That is not ſo, for the vſe of the iurie,& the wit|nes & the effect of their doings doth ſerue me to my purpoſe, as the law ſhal diſcuſſe. And thus I make my cõpariſon. By ye ciuill law ye Iudge doth giue [page 1744] ſentẽce vpon ye depoſitions of the witnes, & by your law, ye Iudge doth giue iudgement vpon the ver|dict of the iury, ſo as yt effect is both one to finiſh ye matter, trial in law, as wel by ye depoſitions of the witnes, as by ye Iuries verdit, though they varie in forme & circumſtance, and ſo Vaughans teſtimo|nie being credited, may be ye materiall cauſe of my condẽnation, as ye Iury to be induced by his depo|ſitiõs to ſpeake their verdict, & ſo finally therevpon the Iudge to giue ſentence. Therefore I may vſe ye ſame exceptions againſt ye iury, or any of thẽ, as ye principal mean yt ſhal occaſion my condemnation.
- Bromley.
Why do you denie, that euery part of Vaughãs tale is vntrue?
- Attourney.
You may ſee he wil denie all, and ſay there was no ſuch communication betwixt them.
- Throckmor.
I confeſſe ſome part of Vaughans confeſſion to be true, as the name, the places, the time, and ſome part of the matter.
- Attourney.
So you of the Iury may perceyue the priſoner doth confeſſe ſome thing to be true.
- Throckmor.
As touching my ſending to ſir Peter Caroe, or his ſending to me, or concerning my aduice to M. Wyat to ſturre or to repaire hither, or touchyng ye earle of Deuon. parting hence, & my going wt him, & alſo concerning ye matter of ye Erle of Pẽbroke, I do aduow & ſay that Vaughan hath ſaid vntruely.
- Southwell.
As for my L. of Pembroke, you neede not ex|cuſe ye matter, for he hath ſhewed himſelfe cleere in theſe matters like a noble man, & that we al know.
- Hare.
Why what was the talke betwixte Vaughan and you ſo long in Poules, if theſe were not ſo, and what meant your oft meetings?
- Throckmor.
As for our often meetings, they were of no ſet purpoſe, but by chãce, & yet no ofter thã twice. But ſithence you would know what cõmunicatiõ paſ|ſed betwixt vs in Poules Church, I will declare. We talked of the incõmodities of the marriage of the Q. with ye Prince of Spaine, & how greeuous yt Spanyards would be to vs here. Vaughan ſaid, that it ſhould be very dangerous for any man, that truely profeſſed the Goſpel to liue here, ſuch was ye Spanyards crueltie, and eſpecially againſte Chri|ſtian men: wherevnto I anſwered it was ye plague of God iuſtly come vppon vs, and now almightie God dealt with vs as he did with ye Iſraelites, ta|king frõ them for their vnthankefulnes theyr godly kings, & did ſend Tirants to raigne ouer them. E|uen ſo be handled vs Engliſhmen, whiche hadde a moſt godly & vertuous Prince to raigne ouer vs, my late ſoueraigne L. and M. K. Edwarde, vnder whome we might both ſafely and lawfully profeſſe Gods word, which with our lewd doyngs, demea|nour, and liuing, we handled ſo irreuerently, that to whip vs for our faultes, he woulde ſend vs ſtraun|gers, yea ſuch very tyrants to exerciſe great tyrã|nie ouer vs, & did take away yt vertuous & faithfull K. from amongſt vs: for euery man of euery eſtate did coulour his naughty affections with a pretẽce of religion, & made the Goſpell a ſtaulking horſe to bring their euil deſires to effect. This was ye ſũme of our talke in Poules ſomewhat more dilated.
- Stanford.
That it may appeare yet more euidently howe Throckmor. was a principal doer & counſellor in this matter, you ſhall heare his owne confeſſion of his own hand writing. The Clearke did begin to reade, Throckmor. deſired M. Stanford to reade it, & the Iury well to marke it. Then M. Stanford did reade the priſoners own cõfeſſion to this effect: that Throckmor, had cõference with Wyat, Ca|roe, Croftes, Rogers, and Warner, as well of the Queenes mariage wt the Prince of Spaine, as al|ſo of Religion, & did particularly confer with eue|ry ye forenamed, of ye matters aforeſaid. Moreouer, with ſir Tho. Wyat, the priſoner talked of ye brute that the Weſterne men ſhould much miſlike ye cõ|ming of the Spanyards into this Realme, beeing reported alſo yt they intended to interrupt theyr a|riual here. And alſo that it was ſaid, that they wer in conſultation about ye ſame at Exeter. Wyat alſo did ſay, ye ſir Peter Caroe could not bring the ſame matter to good effect, nor there was any man ſo mete to bring it to good effect, as the erle of De|uon, and ſpecially in ye Weſt Coũtrey, in aſmuch as they did not draw al by one line. Thẽ Throck|mor, aſked how the Kentiſhmen were affected to ye Spanyards? Wyat ſaid, the people like them euill ynough, and ye appeared now at the comming of ye Countie Egmount, for they were ready to ſturre againſte him & his traine, ſuppoſing it had bin the Prince, but ſaid Wyat, ſir Robert Southwel, M. Baker, & M. Moyle, & their affinitie, whiche bee in good credite in ſome places of the ſhire, wil for other malitious reſpects hinder ye libertie of their Coun|trey. Thẽ Throckmor, ſhuld ſay, though I know ther hath bin an vnkindneſſe betwixte M. South|wel & you for a money matter, wherein I trauel|led to make you friends, I doubt not, but in ſo ho|neſt a matter as this is, he will for the ſafegard of his Countrey ioyne with you, and ſo you may bee ſure of the L. Burgainey and his force: then Wiat ſaid, it is for another matter than for money ye wee diſagree, wherin he hath handled me & others very doubly & vnneighbourly, howbeit, he can doe no o|ther, neither to me, nor to anye other man, & there|fore I forgiue him. Item, with ſir Peter Caroe, Throckmor. had conference touching ye impeach|ment of ye landing of the ſaid Prince, & touchyng prouiſion of armour & munitiõ as enſueth, that is to ſay, ye ſir Peter Caroe told Throckmor. that he truſted his Countreymen would be true Engliſh|men, & would not agree to let ye Spanyards to go|uerne thẽ. Item, the ſaid ſir Peter Caroe ſayd, the matter importing ye french K. as it did, he thought the french K. would work to hinder ye Spanyards cõming hither, with whome the ſaid ſir Peter dyd thinke good to practiſe for armour, munitions and money. Then Throckmor. did aduiſe him to bee [page 1745] beware that he brought any Frenchmen into the realme forceably, in aſmuch as he could as euill abyde ye Frenchmen after that ſore as the Span|yards. And alſo Throckmor. thought the Frẽch K. vnable to giue aide to vs, by meanes of the great cõſumption in their own warres. M. Ca|roe ſaid as touching ye bringing in of Frenchmẽ, he meant it not, for he loued neither partie, but to ſerue his own Coũtrey, and to help his Coũ|trey from bõdage, declaring further to Throck|morton. that he had a ſmall barke of his owne to worke his practiſe by, and ſo he ſaid, that ſhortly he intended to depart to his owne Countrey, to vnderſtand yt deuotion of his Countreyman. I|tem Throckmor. did ſay, he would for his parte hinder ye cõming in of the Spanyards as much as he could by perſwaſion. Item to ſir Edward Warner, he had & did hemone his owne eſtate, and the tyrannie of the tyme extended vpon dy|uers honeſt perſons for Religion, and wiſhed it were lawfull for all of each Religiõ, to liue ſafe|ly according to their conſcience, for the law (Ex officis) will be intollerable, & the Cleargies diſci|pline now, may rather be reſembled to ye Turke tyrannie, than to the teaching of Chriſtian Re|ligion. This was the ſumme of the matter whi|che was red in the foreſaid cõfeſſion, as matters muſt greuous againſt ye priſoner. Thẽ Throck|mor ſaid, ſithence M. ſergeant you haue red and gathered ye place as you think, that maketh moſt againſt me, I pray you take the paynes, & reade further, that here after whatſoeuer become of me, my words he not peruerted & abuſed to the hurt of ſom others, & eſpecially againſt the great per|ſonages, of whome I haue bin ſundry times (as appeareth by my anſwers) examined, for I per|ceiue the net was not caſt only for little aſhes, but for the great ones, iuxta adagium.
- Stanforde:
It ſhall be but loſſe of time, and we haue o|ther things to charge you withall, and this that you deſire doth make nothing for you.
- [...]
And for the better confirmation of al the trea|ſons obiected againſt the priſoner, and therein to proue him giltie, you of ye Iury ſhall heare ye D. of Suffolkes depoſitions againſt him, who was a principal, and hath ſuffered accordingly. Thẽ the ſaid ſergeant ye dukes confeſſion touching ye priſoner, amounting to this effect, that the L. Tho. Grey did informe the ſaid Duke, that Sir Nicholas Thockmor. was priuie to the whole deuiſes againſte the Spanyardes, and was one that ſhoulde goe into the Weſt Countrey with the Earle of Deuonſhire.
- Throckmor.
But what doth the principall author of thys matter ſay againſt me, I mean the L. Thomas Gray who is yet liuing, why is not his depoſiti|ons brought againſt me, for ſo it ought to bee, if he can ſay any thing: will you know the trueth, neyther the L. Tho. Grey hath ſayd, can ſay, or wil ſay any thing againſt me, notwithſtanding ye D. his brothers confeſſions & accuſation, who hathe affirmed manye other things beſides the trueth. I ſpeake not without certaine knowlege, for ye L. Tho. Grey being in priſon fellow, for a ſmall time informed one, yt the D. his brother had miſreported him in many things, amongſt other in matters touching me, which he had de|clared to [...] M. Southwell, & other the realm|nors not long age, I am ſure of ye L. Tho. could or would haue ſaid any thing, it ſhould haue him here now. And as to ye dukes confeſſion, it is not material, for he doth referre the matter to the L. Thomas report, who hath made my purgatiõ.
- The attorney
And it pleaſe you my Lordes, and you my maiſters of the Iury, beſides theſe matters tou|ching Wiats Reliegion, ſir Peter Caroes trea|ſons, & confederating wt the D. of Saffolke, and beſides ye priſoners conſpiracie with the Earle of Deuon. with Croftes, Rogers Warner, & ſun|dry others in ſundrye places, it ſhall manifeſtly appeare vnto you, ye Throckmor. did conſpire ye Queenes Maieſties death with William Tho|mas, ſir Nicholas Arnold, & other traitors intẽ|ding ye ſame, which is ye greateſt matter of all o|thers, and moſt to be abhorted. and for the proofe heere of, you ſhall heare Wiat Arnold ſayth. Thẽ was ſir Nicholas Arnolds confeſſion redde, af|firming, that Throckmor. ſhewed vnto him, ri|ding betwixt Hiuam & Croſſe Laund in Gloce|ſter ſhire, that Iohn Fitz Williams was verye much diſpleaſed with William Thomas.
- Thattorney.
William Thomas deuiſed, that Iohn Fitz Williãs ſhould kyll the Queene, & Throckmor. knew of it, as appeareth by Arnolds confeſſion.
- Throckmor.
Firſt I denie that I ſaide anye ſuche thing to M. Arnold, and though he be an honeſt man, he may either forget himſelf, or deuiſe meanes how to vnburthen himſelfe of ſo weightie a matter as this is, for he is charged with the mater as prin|cipall, which I did perceiue whẽ he charged mee with his tale, and therefore I do blame him the leſſe, that he ſeeketh how to diſcharge himſelf, v|ſing me as a witnes if he coulde ſo tranſferre the deuiſe to Wil. Thomas. But truely, I neuer ſpake anye ſuche wordes vnto him, and for my better declaration, I did ſee Iohn Fitz Willi|ams here euen now, who can teſtifie, that he ne|uer ſhewed me of any diſpleaſure betwixt them, & as I know nothing of the diſpleaſure betwixt thẽ, ſo I know nothing of the cauſe: I pray you my Lordes let him bee called to depoſe in thys matter what hee can. Then Iohn Fitz Willi|ams drew to the barre, and preſented himſelfe to depoſe his knowledge in the mater in opẽ court.
- Thattorney.
I pray you my Lordes ſuffer him not to be ſworne, neither to ſpeake, we haue nothing to do [page 1746] with him.
- Throckmor.
Why ſhoulde hee not bee ſuffered to tell truthe? and why bee yee not ſo well conten|ted to heare troth for mee, as vntroth againſte me?
- Hare
Who called you hither Fitzwilliams, or cõ|maunded you to ſpeake, you are a verye buſie officer.
- Throckmor.
I called him, and doe humbly deſire that hee may ſpeake, and be heard as well as Vaughan, or elſe I am not indifferently vſed, ſpecially ſee|ing maiſter Atturney doth ſo preſſe this matter againſt me.
- Southwell.
Goe youre wayes Fitzwilliams, the Courte hath nothing to doe with you. Perad|uenture you woulde not bee ſo readie in a good cauſe.
[1] Then Iohn Fitzwyllyams departed the Courte, and was not ſuffered to ſpeake.
- Throckmor.
Since this Gentlemans declaration maye not bee admitted, I truſt you of the Iurie can perceyue, it was not for anye thing hee had to ſay againſt me. But contrariwiſe, that it was feared he woulde ſpeake for mee. And nowe to maiſter Arnoldes depoſitions againſt me, I ſay I did not tell him anye ſuch wordes, ſo as if it were material, there is but his yea and my nay. But bicauſe the wordes be not ſore ſtrayned a|gainſt me, I praye you maiſter Atturney why might not I haue tolde maiſter Arnolde, that Iohn Fitzwilliams was angrie with William Thomas, and yet knowe no cauſe of the anger, it might be vnderſtande, to diſagree oftentimes. Who doth confeſſe that I knowe any thing of William Thomas deuiſe touching the Quenes death? I will aunſwere, no man. For maiſter Arnolde doth mention no worde of that mat|ter, but of the diſpleaſures betwixte them. And to ſpeake that, dothe neyther prooue treaſon, nor knoweledge of treaſon. Is here all the euidence againſte mee that you haue to bring mee within the compaſſe of the indite|ment?
- Stanforde.
Me thinke the matters confeſſed by others a|gainſt you, togither with your owne confeſſion, will weye ſhrewdlye. But howe ſaye you to the riſing in Kent, and to Wiats attempte a|gainſte the Queenes royall perſon at hir Pal|lace?
- Bromley.
Why doe you not reade Wiats accuſati|on to him, whiche dothe make him partener to his treaſons.
- Southwell.
Wiat hath grieuouſlye accuſed you, and in manye thinges that others haue confir|med.
- Throckmor.
Whatſoeuer Wiat hath ſaide of me in hope of his life, he vnſayde it at his death. For ſince I came into this hall, I hearde one ſaye (but I knowe him not) that Wiat vppon the ſeaffolde didde not onelye purge my Ladie Elizabeth hir Grace, and the Earle of Deuonſhire, but al|ſo all the Gentlemen in the Tower, ſaying they were all ignoraunt of the ſturre and Commotion. In whiche number I take my ſelfe.
- Hare.
Notwithſtanding he ſaide, all that hee had written and confeſſed to the Counſayle, was true.
- Throckmor
Nay Sir, by your pacience, maiſter Wiat ſayde not ſo, that was maiſter Doctors ad|dicion.
- Southwell.
It appeareth you haue hadde good intelli|gence.
- Throckmor
Almightie God prouided that reuelation for mee this daye ſince I came hither: for I haue bene in cloſe priſon theſe lviij. dayes, where I hearde nothing but what the Birdes tolde mee, which did flie ouer my heade. And nowe to you of my Iurie I ſpeake ſpeciallye, whome I deſire to marke attentiuely what ſhall be ſayde: I haue bene indited, as it appeareth, and nowe am arreigned of compaſſing the Queenes ma|ieſties death, of leuying warre againſte the Queene, of taking the tower of London, of de|poſing and depriuing the Queene of hir Roy|all eſtate, and finally to deſtroy hir, and of ad|herence to the Queenes enimies. Of all whiche treaſons, to proue mee guiltie, the Queenes learned Counſayle hath giuen in euidence, theſe pointes materiall: That is to ſaye: for the compaſſing or imagining the Queenes death, and the deſtruction of hir Royall perſon, Sir Nicholas Arnoldes depoſitions, whiche is, that I ſhoulde ſaye to the ſayde Sir Nicholas in Gloceſterſhire, that maiſter Iohn Fitzwil|liams was angrie with William Thomas: Wherevnto I haue aunſwered, as you haue hearde, bothe denying the matter: and for the proofe on my ſide, doe take exceptions, bicauſe there is no witneſſe but one. And neuertheleſſe, thoughe it were graunted, the depoſitions proue nothing concerning the Queenes death. For leuying of warre againſt the Queene, there is alledged my conference with Sir Thomas Wiat, Sir Iames Croftes, Sir Edwarde Rogers, Sir Edwarde Warner. Againſte the marriage with Spaine, and the comming of the Spanyardes hither, whiche talke I doe not denie in ſorte as I ſpake it, and ment it: and notwithſtanding the malicious gathering this day of my conference, proueth yet no leuying of warre. There is alſo alledged for proofe of the ſame Article, ſir Iames Crofts cõfeſſion, which as you remember, implieth no ſuch thing, but generall talk againſt the mariage with Spaine. [page 1747] And of my departing Weſtwarde with the Earle of Deuon. which the ſayde Iames doth not auowe, and therefore I praye you conſider it as not ſpoken. There is alſo for proofe of the ſayde Article, the Duke of Suffolkes con|feſſion, with whom I neuer had conference, and therefore he aduouched the tale of his brothers mouth, who hath made my purgation in thoſe matters, and yet if the matter were proued, they be not greatly materiall in lawe. There is alſo alledged for the further proofe of the ſame Arti|cle, and for depoſing and depriuing the Queene of hir Royall eſtate, and for my adhering to the Queenes enimes, Cutbert Vaughans confeſſi|on, whoſe teſtimonie I haue ſufficientlye diſ|proued by ſundrie authorities and circumſtan|ces, and principally by your owne lawe, which dothe require two lawfull and ſufficient wit|neſſes to be brought face to face. Alſo for the ta|king of the tower of London, there is alledged Winters depoſitions, which vttereth my miſli|king, when he vttered vnto mee Sir Thomas Wiats reſolution and deuiſe for attempting of the ſayde peece. And laſt of all, to enforce theſe matters, mine owne confeſſion is engrieued greatly againſt me, wherein there doth appeare neyther treaſon, neyther concelement of treaſon, neyther whiſpering of treaſon, nor procurement of treaſon. And foraſmuch as I am come hither to be tried by the lawe, though my innocencie of all theſe pointes materiall obiected, be apparant to acquite mee, wherevnto I doe principallye cleaue, yet I will for your better credit and ſa|tiſfactions, ſhewe you euidentlye, that if you woulde beleeue all the depoſitions layde againſt me, which I truſt you will not doe, I ought not to bee attainted of the treaſon compriſed within my inditement, conſidering the Statute of repeale the laſt parliament, of all treaſons, o|ther than ſuche as be declared in the xxv. yeare of K. Edward the third, both which ſtatutes, I praye you my Lordes, may be redde here to the enqueſt.
- Bromley.
No, for there ſhall be no bookes brought at your deſire, we know the law ſufficiently with|out booke.
- Throckmor.
Do you bring me hither to trie mee by the lawe, and will not ſhewe me the lawe? what is your knowledge of the lawe to theſe mens ſatiſ|factions, which haue my triall in hande? I pray you my Lordes, and my Lordes all, let the ſta|tutes bee redde, as well for the Queene, as for mee.
- Stanforde.
My Lord chiefe Iuſtice can ſhew the lawe, and will, if the Iurie doe doubt of any poynt.
- Throckmor,
You knowe it were indifferent that I ſhould knowe and heare the law whereby I am adiud|ged, & foraſmuch as the ſtatute is in Englyſhe, men of meaner learning than the Iuſtices, can vnderſtande it, or elſe howe ſhoulde we knowe when we offend?
- Hare
You knowe not what belongeth to youre caſe, and therefore we muſt teach you: it apper|taineth not to vs to prouide bookes for you, ney|ther wee ſit here to be taught of you, you ſhould haue taken better hede to the law before you had come hither.
- Throckmor.
Bicauſe I am ignoraunt, I woulde learne, and therefore I haue more neede to ſee the law, and partlye as well for the inſtructions of the Iurie, as for my owne ſatiſfaction, which mee thinke, were for the honor of this preſence. And now if it pleaſe you my Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, I do direct my ſpeach ſpecially to you. What time it pleaſed the Queenes maieſtie, to call you to this honourable office, I did learne of a great perſonage of hir highneſſe priuie counſayle, that amongſt other good inſtructions, hir maieſtie charged and enioyned you to miniſter the law & iuſtice indifferently without reſpect of perſons. And notwithſtanding the old error amõgſt you, whiche did not admit any witneſſe to ſpeake, or any other matter to be hearde in the fauor of the aduerſarie, hir maieſtie being partie, hir highnes pleaſure was, that whatſoeuer could be brought in the fauor of the ſubiect, ſhoulde be admitted to be heard. And moreouer, that you ſpecially, and likewiſe all other Iuſtices, ſhoulde not per|ſuade themſelues to ſit in iudgement otherwiſe for hir highneſſe, than for hir ſubiect. Therefore this maner of indifferent proceeding being prin|cipally enioined by Gods commãdement, which I had thought partly to haue remembred you & others here in Cõmiſſion, in the beginning, if I might haue had leaue: And the ſame alſo being commanded you by the Queenes owne mouth, me think you ought of right to ſuffer me to haue the ſtatutes red openly, & alſo to reiect nothing yt coulde be ſpoken in my defence: and in thus do|ing you ſhal ſhew your ſelues worthy miniſters, and fit for ſo worthie a miſtreſſe.
- Bromley.
You miſtake the matter, the Queene ſpake thoſe wordes to maiſter Morgan chiefe Iuſtice of the Common place, but you haue no cauſe to complaine, for you haue bene ſuffered to talke at your pleaſure.
- Ha [...]e.
What woulde you doe with the Statute booke? the Iurie doth not require it, they haue hearde the euidence, and they muſt vppon their conſcience trie whether you bee guiltie or no, ſo as the booke needeth not: if they will not credite the euidence ſo apparant, then they know what they haue to doe.
- Cholmley.
You ought not to haue anye bookes red here at your appointment, for where dothe aryſe a|nye doubte in the lawe, the Iudges ſitte here [page 1748] to informe the Court, and nowe you doe but ſpende time.
- The attorney
I pray you my Lorde chiefe Iuſtice repeate the euidence for the Queene, and giue the Iu|rie their charge, for the priſoner will keepe you here all day.
- Bromley.
Howe ſay you, haue you any more to ſaye for your ſelfe?
- Throckmor:
You ſeeme to giue and offer mee the lawe, but in very dede I haue only the forme & image of the lawe, neuertheleſſe, ſince I cannot be ſuf|fred to haue the ſtatutes red openly in the booke, I will by your pacience geſſe at them as I may, and I pray you to help me if I miſtake, for it is long ſince I did ſee them. The ſtatute of repeale made the laſt Parliament, hath theſe wordes: Be it enacted by the Queene, that from hence|forth none acte, deede, or offence, being by acte of Parliament or ſtatute made treaſon, petit trea|ſon, or miſpriſion of treaſon, by words, writing, printing, ciphering, deedes, or otherwiſe what|ſoeuer, ſhall be taken, had, deemed, or adiudged treaſon, petit treaſon, but only ſuch as be decla|red, or expreſſed to be treaſon, in or by an acte of Parliament made in the xxv. yeare of Edw. iij. touching and concerning treaſons, and the de|claration of treaſons, and none other. Here may you ſee this Statute doth referre all the offences aforeſayde, to the Statute of the xxv. of Edw. iij. whiche ſtatute hath theſe wordes touching and concerning the treaſons that I am indited and arreigned of, that is to ſaye: Whoſoeuer with compaſſe or imagine the death of the king, or leuie warre againſt the king in his realme, or being adherent to the kings enimies within this Realme, or elſewhere, and bee thereof pro|bably attainted by open deede by people of their condicion, ſhall be adiudged a traytor. Now I praye you of my Iurie whiche haue my lyfe in triall, note well what things at this daye bee treaſons, and howe theſe treaſons muſt be tried and decerned, that is to ſaye, by open deede, which the lawes doth at ſome time terme (ouert acte) and nowe I aſke notwithſtanding my in|ditement, which is but matter alledged, where doth appeare the open deede of any compaſſing or imagining the Quenes death, or where doth appeare any open deede of being adherent to the Queenes enimies, giuing to them ayde and comfort, or where doth appeare any open deede of taking the tower of London?
- Bromley.
Why doe not you of the Queenes learned Counſell aunſwere him. Me thinke, Throck|morton, you neede not to haue the ſtatutes, for you haue them meetely perfectly.
- Stanforde:
You are deceyued to conclude all treaſons in the ſtatute of the xxv. yeare of Edwarde the thirde, for that ſtatute is but a declaration of certaine treaſons, whiche were treaſons before at the Common lawe. Euen ſo there doth re|mayne diuerſe other treaſons at this day at the Common lawe, which be expreſſed by that ſta|tute, as the Iudges can declare. Neuertheleſſe, there is matter ſufficient alledged and proued a|gainſt you, to bring you within the compaſſe of the ſame Statute.
- Throckmor
I praye you expreſſe thoſe matters that bring me within the compaſſe of the ſtatute of Edwarde the thirde. For the wordes be theſe: And be thereof attainted by open deede by peo|ple of like condicion.
- Bromley.
Throckmorton, you deceyue your ſelfe, and miſtake theſe wordes, by people of their condicion. For thereby the lawe doth vnder|ſtande the diſcouering of your treaſons. As for example, Wiat and the other rebelles, at|tainted for their great treaſons, already declare you to be his and their adherent, in as much as diuerſe and ſundrie times you had conference with him and them aboute the treaſon, ſo as Wiat is now one of your condicion, who as all the worlde knoweth, hath committed an open trayterous fact.
- Throckmor
By your leaue my Lorde, this is a verye ſtraunge and ſingular vnderſtanding. For I ſuppoſe the meaning of the Lawe makers did vnderſtande theſe wordes: By people of their condicion: of the ſtate and condicion of thoſe perſons whiche ſhoulde bee on the Inqueſt to trie the partie arreygned, guiltie or not guil|tie, and nothing to the bewraying of the of|fence by another mans act, as you ſay, for what haue I to doe with Wiats actes, that was not nigh him by one hundreth myles?
- Thattorney
Will you take vppon you to ſkill better of the lawe than the Iudges? I doubt not but you of the Iurie will credite as it becommeth you.
- Cholmley,
Concerning the true vnderſtanding of theſe words: By people of their condicion, my Lord chiefe Iuſtice here hath declared the truth, for Wiat was one of your condicion, that is to ſay, of your conſpiracie.
- Hare
You doe not denie, Throckmorton; but that there hath bene conference, and ſending betweene Wiat and you, and he and Winter dothe confeſſe the ſame, with others, ſo as it is playne, Wiat may well be called one of youre condicion.
- Throckmor
Well, ſeeing you my Iudges rule the vn|derſtanding of theſe wordes in the Statute, By people of your condicion, thus ſtraungelye againſt mee, I will not ſtande longer vppon them. But where dothe appeare in mee an o|pen deede wherevnto the treaſon is ſpeciallye referred?
- Bromley:
If thre or foure do talke, deuiſe, and conſpire togither of a trayterous acte to be done, and af|terwards one of them doth commit treaſon, as Wiat did, then the lawe doth repute them, and euerye of them as their actes, ſo as Wiats actes doe implie and argue your open deede, and ſo the lawe doth terme it and take it.
- Throckmor:
Theſe be marueylous expoſitions, and won|derfull implications, that another mans acte whereof I was not priuie, ſhoulde be accounted myne, for Wiat did purge me that I knew no|thing of his ſtirre.
- Hare:
Yea ſir, but you were a principall procurer and contriuer of Wiats rebellion, thoughe you were not with him when he made the ſtirre. And as my Lord here hath ſayd, the law always doth adiudge him a traytor, which was priuie & doth procure treaſon, or any other man to committe treaſon, or a trayterous acte, as you did Wiat, and others, for ſo the ouert acte of thoſe whiche did it by your procurement, ſhall in this caſe be accounted your open deede. We haue a commõ caſe in the lawe if one by procurement ſhoulde diſſeyſe you of your lande, the lawe holdeth vs both wrong doers, and giueth remedie as well againſt the one as the other.
- Throckmor.
For Gods ſake applie not ſuch conſtructions againſt me, & though my preſent eſtate doth not moue you, yet it were well you ſhoulde conſider your office, and thinke what meaſure you giue to others, you your ſelues I ſay ſhall aſſuredly receyue the ſame agayne. The ſtate of mortall life is ſuch, yt men know full little what hangeth ouer them. I put on within this xij. monethes ſuch a minde, that I moſte wofull wight, was as vnlyke to ſtande here, as ſome of you that ſit there. As to your caſe laſt recited, whereby you woulde conclude, I haue remembred and lear|ned of you maſter Hare, and you maſter Stan|forde in the Parliament houſe, where you did ſit to make lawes, to expounde and explane the ambiguities and doubtes of lawe ſincerely, and that without affections. There I ſay I learned of you and others my maiſters of the lawe this difference betwixt ſuch caſes as you remembred one euen nowe, and the ſtatute whereby I am to be tried. There is a maxime or principle in the lawe, which ought not to bee violated, that no penall ſtatute may, ought, or ſhoulde be conſtru|ed, expounded, extended, or wreſted, otherwiſe than the ſimple wordes and nude letter of the ſame ſtatute doth warrant and ſignifie. And a|mongſt diuers good and notable reaſons by you there in the Parliament houſe debated, maiſter ſergeant Stanford, I noted this one, why ye ſaid maxime ought to be inuiolable: you ſaid conſide|ring the priuate affections manye tymes both of Princes & miniſters within this realme, for that they were men, and woulde and coulde erre, it ſhoulde be no ſecuritie, but very daungerous to the ſubiect, to referre the conſtruction and exten|ding of penall ſtatutes, to anye Iudges equitie, as you termed it, which might eyther by feare of the higher powers be ſeduced, or by ignoraunce and follye abuſed. And that is an aunſwere by procurement.
- Bromley.
Notwithſtanding the principall, as you al|ledge it, and the preciſeneſſe of your ſticking to the bare wordes of the ſtatute, it doth appeare and remaine of recorde in our learning, that di|uerſe caſes haue bene adiudged treaſon, without the expreſſe words of the ſtatute, as the Quenes learned counſell there can declare.
- Thattorney.
It doth appeare, the priſoner did not onely intiſe or procure Wiat, Caroe, Rogers, and o|thers, to committe their trayterous actes, and there doth his open factes appeare, whiche Vau|ghans confeſſion doth witneſſe, but alſo he did mynde ſhortlye after to aſſociate himſelfe with thoſe traytours: for hee minded to haue de|parted with the Earle of Deuonſhire Weſt|wardes.
- Throckmor,
My innocencie concerning theſe matters, I truſt, ſufficientlye appeareth by my foremer aunſweres, notwithſtanding the condempned mans vniuſt accuſation. But becauſe the true vnderſtanding of the ſtatute is in queſtion, I ſaye Procurement, and ſpecially by words one|ly, is without the compaſſe of it, and that I doe learne and proue by the principle which I lear|ned of maiſter Stanforde.
- Stanforde.
Maiſter Throckmorton, you and I maye not agree this day in the vnderſtanding of the lawe, for I am for the Queene, and you ſpeake for your ſelfe: the Iudges muſt determine the matter.
- Bromley.
He that doth procure another man to com|mit a felonie or a murther, I am ſure you know well ynough, the lawe doth adiudge the procu|rer there a felon or a murtherer, and in caſe of treaſon, it hath bene alwayes ſo taken and re|puted.
- Throckmor.
I doe and muſt cleaue to my innocencie, for I procured no man to committe treaſon, but yet for my learning I deſire to heare ſome caſe ſo ruled when the lawe was as it is nowe. I doe confeſſe it, that at ſuche time there were Statutes prouided for the procurer, counſay|lour, ayder, abetter, and ſuche lyke, as there were in King Henrie the viij. tyme, you might lawfullye make this cruell conſtruction,Happie for Throckmortõ that thoſe ſta|tutes ſtoode [...] then repealed. and bring the procurer within the compaſſe of the lawe. But theſe Statutes being repealed, you ought not nowe ſo to doe, and as to the princi|pal procurer in fellonie & murther it is not lyke as in treaſon, for the principall and acceſſaries [page 1750] in felonie and murther be triable and punſhable by ye cõmon law, & ſo in thoſe caſes the Iudges may vſe their equitie, extending the determina|tiõ of the fault as they thinke good: but in treaſon it is otherwiſe, the ſame being limited by ſtatute law, which I ſay and aduow is reſtreyned from any Iudges cõſtructiõ by ye maxime yt I recited.
- Stanforde:
Your Lordſhips do know a caſe in R. 3. time, where ye procurer to coũterfeyt falſe mony, was iudged a traytor, and the law was as it is now.
- Hare.
Maiſter Sergeaunt doth remember you Throckmorton, of an experience before oure time, that the lawe hath bene ſo taken, and yet the procurer was not expreſſed in the Sta|tute, but the lawe hath ben always ſo taken.
- Throckmor:
I neuer ſtudied the law, whereof I do much repent mee, yet I remember, whyleſt penall Statutes were talked of in the Parliament houſe, you the learned men of the houſe remem|bred ſome caſes contrarie to this laſt ſpoken of. And if I miſreport them, I pray you helpe me. In the like caſe you ſpeake of concerning the procurer to counterfeyte falſe money, at one time the procurer was iudged a fellon, and at an other time neither fellon nor traytor, ſo as ſome of your predeceſſours adiudged the procurer no traytour in the ſame caſe, but leaned to their principall, though ſome other extende their con|ſtructions too large. And here is two caſes with me for one againſt me.
- Bromley.
Bicauſe you replie ſo ſore vpon the princi|pall, I will remember, where one taking the great ſeale of Englande from one writing, and putting it to another, was adiudged a tray|tour in Henrie the iiij. tyme, and yet his act was not within the expreſſe words of the Statute of Edwarde the third. There be diuerſe other ſuch like caſes that maye be alledged and need were.
- Throckmor.
I pray you my Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, call to your good remembraunce that in the ſelfe ſame caſe of the ſeale, Iuſtice Spilman, a graue and well learned man, ſince that time, woulde not cõdemn the offẽder, but did reproue that former iudgement by you laſt remẽbred, as erronious.
- Stanforde.
If I had thought you had bene ſo well fur|niſhed with booke caſes, I woulde haue bene better prouided for you.
- Throckmor.
I haue nothing but I lerned of you ſpecially M. Sergeant, & of others my maſters of ye law in the Parliament houſe, & therefore I may ſay with the Prophet
(Salutem ex inimicis noſtris.)
- Southwell.
You haue a very good memorie.
- The attorney
If the priſoner may auoyde his treaſons af|ter this maner, the Queenes ſuretie ſhall bee in great ieoperdy. For Iack Cade, the black ſmith, and diuerſe other traytors, ſometime alledging the law for them, ſomtime they ment no harme to the king, but againſt his Counſell, as Wiat, the Duke of Suffolke, and theſe did againſt the Spanyardes, when there was no Spanyardes within the realme. The Duke and his brethren did miſtake the lawe, as you doe, yet at length did confeſſe their ignorance and ſubmitted them ſelues. And ſo were you beſt to doe.
- Throckmor.
As to Cade and the black Smith, I am not ſo well acquainted with their treaſons as you bee, but I haue red in the Chronicle, they were in the fielde with a force againſt the Prince, whereby a manifeſt acte did appeare. As to the Duke of Suffolkes doings, they appertaine not to mee. And though you woulde compare my ſpeache and talke againſt the Spanyardes, to the Dukes actes, who aſſembled a force in ar|mes, it is euident they differ much, I am ſorie to engreue any other mans doings, but it ſer|ueth me for a peece of my defence, and therefore I wiſhe yt no man ſhould gather euill of it, God forbid that words and acts be thus cõfounded.
- Thattorney
Sir William Stanley vſed this ſhifte that the priſoner vſeth now, he ſayde he did not leuie warre againſt king Henrie the vij. but ſayde to the Duke of Buckingham, that in a good quar|rell he wold aid him with .v.C. men, and neuer|theleſſe Stanley was for thoſe words attain|ted, who as al ye worlde knoweth, had before ye time ſerued the King very faithfully and truly.
- Throckmor.
I pray you maiſter Atturney doe not con|clude me by blinde contraries. Whether you al|ledge Stanleyes caſe trulye or no, I knowe not. But admitte it be as you ſaye, what dothe this proue againſt me? I promiſed no ayde to maiſter Wiat, nor to anye other. The Duke of Buckingham leuied warre agaynſte the King, with whom Stanley was confederate ſo to doe, as you ſaye.
- Thattorney.
I pray you my Lords that be the Queenes Commiſſioners, ſuffer not the priſoner to vſe the Queenes learned Counſell thus, I was ne|uer interrupted thus in my life, nor I neuer knewe any thus ſuffered to talke, as this priſoner is ſuffered, ſome of vs will come no more at the barre, and we be thus handled.
- Bromley.
Throckmorton you muſt ſuffer the Quenes learned Counſell to ſpeake, or elſe we muſt take order with you, you haue had leaue to talke at your pleaſure.
- Hare
It is proued that you did talke with Wiat againſt the comming of the Spanyardes, and deuiſed to interrupt their arriuall, and you pro|miſed to doe what you coulde againſt them, wherevpon Wiat being encouraged by you, did leuie a force, and attempted warre againſt the Queenes royall perſon.
- Throckmor.
It was no treaſon, nor no procurement of treaſon, to talke agaynſte the comming hy|ther of the Spanyardes, neyther it was [page 1751] treaſon for mee to ſaye, I woulde hynder their commyng hither as muche as I coulde, vnder|ſtanding me rightly as I meant it, yea though you would extende it to the worſte, it was but words, it was not treſon at this day as the law ſtandeth: and as for Wiats doing, they touche me nothing: for at his death when it was no tyme to report vntruly, he purged me.
- Bromley.
By ſundrye caſes remembred heere by the Queenes learned counſell, as you haue hearde, that procurement which did appeare no other|wyſe but by words, and thoſe you would make nothing, hath bin of long tyme, and by ſundry well learned men in the Lawes adiudged trea|ſon. And therefore, youre procurement beeing ſo euidente as it is, we may lawfully ſay it was treaſon, bycauſe Wiat perfourmed a trayte|rous acte.
- Throckmor.
As to the ſaid alledged forepreſidents againſt me, I haue recited as many for me, & I would you my L. chief iuſtice ſhuld incline your iudge|ments rather after the exãple of your honorable predeceſſors, Iuſtice Markã, and others, which did eſchewe corrupte iudgementes, iudging di|rectly and ſincerely, after the Law and the prin|ciples in the ſame, than after ſuch men as ſwar|uing from the truth, the maxime, and the Law, did iudge corruptely, maliciouſly, and affectio|nately.
- Bromley.
Iuſtice Markham had reſon to warrant his doings: for it did appeare, a merchant of Lon|don was arraigned and ſlaunderouſly accuſed of treaſon for compaſſing & imagining ye kings death, he did ſay he would make his ſonne heire of the Crowne, and the merchant meant it of a houſe in Cheapeſide at the ſigne of the Crowne, but your caſe is not ſo.
- Throckmor.
My caſe doeth differ I graunt, but ſpecially bicauſe I haue not ſuche a Iudge: yet there is an other cauſe to reſtrain theſe your ſtrange and extraordinarie conſtructions: That is to ſay, a Prouiſo in the latter ende of the ſtatute of Ed|warde the thirde, hauyng theſe wordes: Pro|uided alwayes, if anye other caſe of ſuppoſed Treaſon ſhall chaunce heereafter to come in queſtion or triall before any iuſtice, other than is in the ſayd ſtatute expreſſed, that then the Iu|ſtice ſhall forbeare to adiudge the ſayd caſe, vn|till it be ſhewed to the Parliament to trie whe|ther it ſhould be treaſon or felonie. Here you are reſtrained by expreſſe wordes to adiudge any caſe, that is not manifeſtly mentioned before, & vntill it be ſhewed to the Parliament.
- [...]rtman.
That Prouiſo is vnderſtande of caſes that may come in trial which hath bin in vre, but the law hath always taken the procurer to be a prin+cipall offender.
- [...]ders.
The lawe alwayes in caſes of treaſon dothe accoumpte all principalles and no acceſſaries as in other offences, and therfore a man offending in treaſon, eyther by couert acte or procurement, whervpon an open deede hath enſued, as in this caſe is adiudged by the lawe a principall tray|toure.
- Throckmor.
You adiudge (mee thinke) procurement very hardly, beſydes the principall, and beſides the good Prouiſo, and beſydes the good example of your beſt and moſte godly learned predeceſſors, the Iudges of the Realme, as I haue partely declared; and notwithſtandyng thys grieuous racking and extending of this worde Procure|ment, I am not in the daunger of it, for it doth appere by no depoſition that I procured neyther one or other to attempt any acte.
- Stanforde.
The Iurie haue to trye whether it bee ſo or no, let it weygh as it will.
- Hare
I knowe no meane ſo apparant to try Pro|curement as by words, and that meane is pro|bable ynoughe agaynſt you, as well by youre owne confeſſion, as by other mennes Depo|ſitions.
- Throckmor.
To talke of the Queenes maryage with the Prince of Spayne, and alſo the commyng hy|ther of the Spanyardes, is not to procure trea|ſon to be done: for then the whole Parliament houſe, I meane the common houſe didde pro|cure treaſon. But ſince you wyll make no diffe|rence betwixte wordes and actes, I praye you remember an Eſtatute made in my late Soue|raigne Lorde and maiſters tyme, Kyng Ed|ward the ſixth, whiche apparantly expreſſeth the difference. Theſe bee the woordes: Who ſo e|uer dothe compaſſe or imagine to depoſe the Kyng of his Royall eſtate by open preaching, expreſſe wordes or ſayings, ſhall for the fyrſt of|fence loſe and forfayte to the king all his & their goodes and cattailes, and alſo ſhal ſuffer impri|ſonmente of their bodyes at the Kings will and pleaſure. Whoſoeuer. &c. for the ſecond offence ſhall loſe and forfayte to the Kyng the whole iſ|ſues and profytes of all his or their landes, te|nementes, and other hereditamentes, benefices, Prebendes, and other Spirituall promotions. Who ſoeuer. &c. for the thirde offence, ſhall for terme or lyfe or lyues of ſuche offendour or of|fendors &c. and ſhall alſo forfeite to the Kyngs Maieſtie, all his or their goodes and cattailes, & ſuffer during his or their liues perpetuall im|priſonement of his or their bodies. But whoſo|euer &c. by writing, ciphering, or acte, ſhall for the firſte offence be adiudged a traitour, and ſuf|fer the paines of deathe. Here you may perceiue howe the whole realme and all your iudgemen|tes hathe beefore this vnderſtande wordes and actes, diuerſlye and apparantlye. And there|fore the Iudgementes of the Parliamente [page 1752] did aſſigne diuerſitie of puniſhmentes; bicauſe they woulde not confounde the true vnderſtan|ding of wordes and deedes, appointing for com|paſſing and imagining by worde, impriſon|ment: and for compaſſing and imagining by o|pen deede, paines of death.
- Bromley.
It is agreed by the whole bench, that the pro|curer and the adherent be deemed alwayes tray|tors, when as a trayterous acte was commit|ted by anye one of the ſame conſpiracie: and there is apparant proofe of youre adhering to Wiat, both by your owne confeſſion and other wayes.
- Throckmor:
Adhering and procuring bee not all one, for the ſtatute of Edwarde the thirde, doth ſpeake of adhering, but not of procuring, and yet adhering ought not be further extended, than to the Que|nes enimies within hir Realme, for ſo the ſta|tute doth limit the vnderſtanding. And Wiat was not the Queenes enimie, for hee was not ſo reputed when I talked with him laſt, and our ſpeach implyed no enmitie, neyther tended to anye treaſon, or procuring of treaſon: and therefore I pray you of the Iurie note, thoughe I argue the lawe, I alledge my innocencie, as the beſt part of my defence.
- Hare.
Your adhering to the Queenes enimies within the Realme, is euidentlye proued: for Wiat was the Queenes enimie wythin the Realme, as the whole Realme knoweth it, and he hath confeſſed it, both at his arrainement and at his death.
- Throckmor.
By your leaue, neither Wiat at his arreign|ment, nor at his death, did confeſſe that he was the Queenes enimie when I talked laſt with him, neyther he was reputed nor taken in xiiij. dayes after, vntill he aſſembled a force in armes, what time I was at your houſe maſter Ingle|fielde, where I learned the firſt intelligence of Wiats ſtirre. And I aſke you who doth depoſe that there paſſed anye maner of aduertiſement betwixt Wiat and mee after he had diſcouered his doings, and ſhewed himſelfe an enimie? if I had bene ſo diſpoſed, who did let mee that I did not repaire to Wiat, or to ſende to him, or to the Duke of Suffolke eyther, who was in myne owne countrey, and thither I might haue gone and conueyed my ſelfe with him, vnſuſpected for my departing homewards.
- Inglefielde.
It is true that you were there at my houſe, accompanied with others your brethren, and to my knowledge, ignorant of theſe matters.
- Bromley.
Throckmorton, you confeſſed you talked with Wiat and others againſt the comming of the Spanyards, and of the taking of the tower of London, wherevpon Wiat leuied a force of men againſt the Spanyardes he ſayde, and ſo you ſaye all: but in deede it was againſt the Queene, which he confeſſed at length, therefore Wiats actes doe proue you counſayler and pro|curer, howſoeuer you woulde auoyde the mat|ter.
- Throckmor.
Me think you would conclude me with a mi|ſhapen argument in Logicke, and you will giue mee leaue, I will make another.
- Stanforde.
The Iudges ſit not here to make diſputati|ons, but to declare the law, which hath bene ſuf|ficiently done, if you woulde conſider it.
- Hare
You haue hearde reaſon and the lawe, if you will conceyue it.
- Throckmor.
Oh mercifull God, oh eternall father, which ſeeſt all things, what maner of proceedings are theſe? to what purpoſe ſerueth the ſtatute of re|peale the laſt Parliament, where I hearde ſome of you here preſent, and diuerſe other of the Queenes learned counſayle, grieuouſlye inuey againſt the cruell and bloudie lawes of King Henrie the eyght, and againſt ſome lawes made in my late ſoueraigne Lorde and maiſters time, King Edwarde the ſixth, ſome termed them, Drugos lawes, whiche were written in bloude: ſome ſayde they were more intollerable than a|ny lawes that Dioniſius or any other tyraunt made. In concluſion, as many men, ſo manye bitter termes and names thoſe lawes had. And moreouer, the Preface of the ſame eſtatute doth recite, that for wordes onely, many great perſonages, and others of good behauiour, hath bene moſt cruelly caſt awaye by theſe foremer ſanguinolent thirſtie lawes, with many other ſuggeſtions for the repeale of the ſame. And now let vs put on indifferent eyes, and through|ly conſider with our ſelues, as you the Iudges handle the conſtructions of the Statute of Ed|warde the thirde, with your equitie and extenti|ons, whether we be not in much wors caſe now than we were when thoſe cruel lawes yoked vs. Theſe lawes albeit they were grieuous and cap|tious, yet they had the verie propertie of a lawe after S. Paules deſcription. For thoſe lawes did admoniſh vs, and diſcouer our ſinnes plain|ly vnto vs, and when a man is warned, hee is halfe armed. Theſe lawes, as they bee handled, be very baytes to catche vs, and onely prepared for the ſame, and no lawes: for at the firſt ſight they aſcertaine vs we be deliuered from our olde bondage, and by the late repeale the laſt Parlia|ment, we liue in more ſecuritie. But when it pleaſeth the higher powers to call any mannes lyfe and ſayings in queſtion, then there be con|ſtructions, interpretations, and extentions re|ſerued to the Iuſtices and Iudges equitie, that the partie triable, as I am nowe, ſhall finde him ſelfe in much worſe caſe than before when thoſe cruell lawes ſtoode in force. Thus our amende|ment is from Gods bleſſing into the warme [page 1753] ſunne: but I require you honeſt men whiche are to trie my life, conſider theſe opinions of my life, Iudges be rather agreeable to the time, than to the truth: for their iudgements be repugnant to their owne principle, repugnant to their godly and beſt learned predeceſſors opinions, repug|nant I ſay to the Prouiſo in the Statute of Re|peale made in the laſt Parliament.
- The attorney
Maiſter Throckmorton qui [...] your ſelfe; and it ſhall be the better for you.
- Throckmor.
Maiſter Attorney, I am not ſo vnquiet as you be, and yet one caſes are not alike: but bi|cauſe I am ſo tedious to you, and haue long troubled this preſence, it maye pleaſe my Lorde chiefe Iuſtice to repeate the euidence wherewith I am charged, and my aunſweres to all the obiections, if there be no other matter to laye a|gainſt me.
- Bromley.
Then the chiefe Iuſtice remembred parti|cularly all the depoſitions and euidences giuen againſt the priſoner, and eyther for wants of good memorie, or good will, the priſoners aun|ſweres were in part not recited, wherevppon the priſoner craued indifferencie, and did helpe the Iudges olde memorie with his owne recitall.
- [...]endall.
My maiſters of the Iurie, you haue to in|quire whether Sir Nicholas Throckmorton Knight, here priſoner at the barre, be guiltie of theſe treaſons, or any of them, whereof he hath bene indited and this daye arreigned, yea or no. And if you finde him guiltie, you ſhall enquire what landes, tenementes, goodes, and cattalles he had at the day of his treaſons committed, or at anye time ſince: and whether hee fledde for the treaſons or no, if you finde him not guiltie.
- Throckmor.
Haue yo [...] ſayde what is to be ſayd?
- Kendall.
Yea for this time.
- Throckmor.
Then I pray you giue me leaue to ſpeake a fewe words to the Iurie. The weyght and gra|uitie of my cauſe hath greatly occaſioned me to trouble you here long, & therfore I minde not to intertain you here lõg, with any prolixe oration: you perceyue notwithſtanding this daye great contention betwixt the Iudges and the Quee|nes learned Counſayle on the one partie, and mee the poore and wofull priſoner on the other partie. The triall of our whole controuerſie, the triall of my innocencie, the triall of my lyfe, landes and goodes, and the deſtruction of my poſteritie for euer, doth reſt in your good iudge|ments. And albeit many this daye haue greatly inueyghed againſt mee, the finall determinati|on thereof is tranſferred onely to you: howe grieuous and horrible the ſhedding of innocents bloude is in the ſight of almightie God, I truſt you doe remember. Therefore take heede I ſaye for Chriſtes ſake, do not defile your conſciences with ſuch heynous and notable crimes, they bee grieuouſlye and terribl [...] puniſhed, as in this worlde and vale of miſerie vppon the childrens children to the thirde and fourth generation, and in the worlde to come with euerlaſting fire and damnation: lift vp your minds to God, and care not to muche for the worlde, looke not backe to the fleſhpots of Egypte, whiche will allure you from heauenly reſpectes, to worldlye ſecuritie, and can thereof neyther make you anye ſuretie. Beleeue I pray you, the Queene and hir magi|ſtrates be more delighted with fauourable equi|tie, than with raſhe crueltie. And in that yo [...] be al Citizens, I wil take my leaue of you with S. Paules farewell to the Epheſians Citizen [...] [...]lſo you be whome he tooke to recorde that he was pure from ſhedding any bloude, a ſpecial token, a doctrine left for your inſtruction, that euerye of you may waſhe his handes of innocents bloude [...] ſhedde, when you ſhall take your leaue of this wretched worlde. The holy ghoſt be amongſt you.
- Sendall
Come hither Sergeaunt, take the Iurye with you, and ſuffer no man to come at them, but to be ordered as the lawe appointeth, vntill they be agreed vpon their verdit.
- Throckmor.
It may pleaſe you my Lordes and maiſters which be Commiſſioners to giue order that no perſon haue acceſſe or conference with the Iurie, neither that any of the Queenes learned Coun|ſayle be ſuffered to repayre to them, or to talke with any of them, vntill they preſent themſelues here in open Court to publiſh their verdit.
[1] Vpon the priſoners ſuite on this behalfe, the Benche gaue order that two ſergeauntes were ſworne to ſuffer no man to repaire to the Iurie, vntill they were agreed.
[1] Then the priſoner was by commandement of the Benche withdrawne from the barre, and the Court adiourned vntill three of the clocke at afternoone, at whiche houre the Commiſſioners returned to the Guilde hall, and there did tarie vntill the Iurie were agreed vpon the verdit. And aboute fiue of the clocke, their agreement being aduertiſed to the Commiſſioners, the ſayde pri|ſoner, Sir Nicholas Thorkmorton was again brought to the barre, where alſo the Iurie did repaire, and being demaunded whether they were agreed vpon their verdit, aunſwered vni|uerſally with one voyce, yea. Then it was aſked who ſhoulde ſpeake for them: they aunſwered Whetſton the foreman.
- Sendall.
Nicholas Throckmorton knight, holde vp thy hande.
[1] Then the priſoner did ſo vppon the ſum|mons.
- Sendall.
You that bee of the Iurie, looke vppon the priſoner.
[1] The Iurie did as they were enioyned.
- Sendall.
Howe ſaye you, is Maiſter Throckmorton Knight there priſoner at the barre, guiltie of the treaſons whereof hee hathe bin indited and ar|raigned in manner and forme, yea or no?
- Whetſton,
- Sendall.
Howe ſay you, did he flie vpon them?
- Whetſton:
No we finde no ſuche thing.
- Throckmor.
I hadde forgotten to aunſwere that queſtion before: but you haue founde according to truth: and for the better warrantie of your dooings, vn|derſtande that I came to London, and ſo to the Queenes counſell vnbroughte, when I vnder|ſtoode they demaunded for mee: and yet I was almoſte an hundred miles hence, where if I had not preſumed vppon my truthe, I coulde haue withdrawen my ſelfe from catching.
- Bromley.
Howe ſaye you the reſte of yee, is Whetſtons verdict all your verdicts?
[1] The whole Inqueſt anſwered yea.
- Bromley.
Remember youre ſelues better, haue you con|ſidered ſubſtancially the whole euidence in ſorte as it was declared and recited, the matter dothe touche the Queenes highneſſe, and your ſelues alſo, take good heede what you doe.
- Whetſton.
My Lorde, wee haue throughly conſidered the euidence laide agaynſte the priſoner, and his aunſweres to all theſe matters, and accordingly wee haue founde him not guiltie agreable to all our conſciences.
- Bromley.
If you haue done well, it is the better for you.
- Throckmor.
It is better to bee tried, than to liue ſuſpected. Bleſſed be the Lorde God of Iſraell, for he hath viſited and redeemed his people, and hathe raiſed vp a mightie ſaluation for vs in the houſe of his ſeruaunte Dauid. And it maye pleaſe you my Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, foraſmuche as I haue ben indited and arrained of ſundry treaſons, and haue according to the lawe put my triall to god and my countrey, that is to ſay, to theſe honeſt men whiche haue founde me not guiltie, I hum|bly beſeeche you to giue me ſuch benefite, acqui|tall and iudgement, as the lawe in this caſe doth appointe.
[1] When the priſoner had ſaide theſe wordes the Commiſſioners conſulted togither.
- Throckmor.
Maye it pleaſe you my Lorde chiefe Iuſtice to pronounce ſentence for my diſchardge.
- Bromley.
Where as you doe aſke the benefite that the lawe in ſuche caſe dothe appointe, I will giue it you .vi [...]. That where you haue bene indited of ſundrye highe treaſons, and haue bene here this daye beefore the Queenes Commiſſioners and Iuſtices arreigned of the ſaide treaſons, where|vnto you haue pleaded not guyltye, and haue for triall therein putte youre ſelfe on God, and youre countrey, and they haue founde you not guiltie, the Courte doth award that you be cler|ly diſcharged paying your fees. Notwithſtan|dyng Mayſter Liuetenaunt take hym with you agayne, for there are other matters to chardge hym with.
- Throckmor
It may pleaſe you my Lords and maſters of ye Quenes highnes priuie coũſel, to be on my be|halfe humble ſutors to hir Maieſtie, that like as the lawe this daye (God bee praiſed) hathe pur|ged mee of the treaſons wherewith I was moſt dangerouſly charged, ſo it might pleaſe hir excel|lent maieſtie to purge mee in hir priuate iudge|mente, and bothe forgyue and forgette my ouer raſhe boldeneſſe, that I vſed in talke of hir high|neſſe marriage with the prince of Spaine, mat|ters to farre aboue my capacitie, and I very vn|able to conſider the grauitie therof, a matter im|pertinent for mee a priuate perſon to talke of, which did appertain to hir highneſſe priuy coũſel to haue in deliberation, and if it ſhall pleaſe hir highneſſe of hir bountifull liberalitie, to remitte my former ouerſightes, I ſhall thinke my ſelfe happye for triall of the daunger that I haue this daye eſcaped, and maye thereby admoniſhe mee to eſchewe thinges aboue my reache, and alſo to inſtructe mee to deale with matters agreable to my vocation, and god ſaue the Queenes Ma|ieſtie and graunte the ſame long to raigne ouer vs, and the ſame Lorde bee praiſed for you the Magiſtrates, beefore whome I haue hadde my triall this daye indifferentlye by the Lawe, and you haue proceeded with mee accordinglye, and the grace of God bee amongſt you nowe and e|uer.
[1] There was no aunſwere made by any of the benche to the priſoners ſute, but the Attorny did ſpeake theſe wordes.
- The attorney
And it pleaſe you my Lordes, foraſmuche as it ſeemeth theſe men of the Iurie which haue ſtraungely acquite the priſoner of his treaſons whereof hee was indited, will forthwith departe the Courte, I praye you for the Queene, that they, and euerye of them maye bee bounde in a recognizance of fiue hundrethe pounde a peece to aunſwere to ſuch matters as they ſhall be char|ged with in the Queenes behalfe, whenſoeuer they ſhall be chardged or called.
- Whetſton
I praye you my Lordes bee good vnto vs, and lette vs not bee moleſted for diſchardgyng our conſciences truelye, we bee poore marchant|men, and haue great chardge vpon our hands, and our lyuynges doe depende vppon our tra|uailes, therefore it maye pleaſe you to appoynte vs a certaine daye for our appearaunce, bycauſe, perhappes elſe ſome of vs maye bee in forreine parties aboute our buſineſſe.
[1] Thus much for Sir Nicholas Throckmor|tons arreignement, wherein is to be conſidered, that the repealing of certaine Statutes in the [page 1755] laſt Parliament, was the chiefe matter he had to alledge for his aduauntage, where as the re|pealing of the ſame ſtatutes, was ment not|withſtanding for an other purpoſe, as before you haue partly hearde, which ſtatutes, or the effect of the chiefe branches of them haue bene ſithence that time againe reuiued, as by the bookes of the ſtatutes it maye better appeare, to the whiche I referre the Reader.
[1] The xxvij. of Aprill, the Lorde Thomas Graye, brother to the Duke of Suffolke, was beheaded at the tower hill, a proper gentleman, and one that had ſerued right valiantly both in Fraunce and Scotlande, in the dayes of the late kings Henrie and Edwarde.
[1] Vpon Saterdaye the xxviij. of Aprill, Sir Iames a Croft, and maiſter Willyam Winter were brought from the tower to the Guilde hall in London, where Sir Iames Crofts was ar|reygned: but bicauſe the daye was farre ſpent, maiſter Winter was not arraigned, but caried backe againe to the tower with the ſayde Sir Iames a Croft.
[1] William Tho+mas arreigned [...] condemnedWilliam Thomas, of whome mencion is made before in the hyſtorie of Sir Thomas Wiat, with certaine other, were arraigned and condemned for the conſpiring of the murther and killing of the Queene vpon the ſodaine, and for that offence, the ſayde Willyam Thomas was the xviij. daye of Maye, drawne, hanged, and quartered at Tiburne.
[1] The Ladie [...]lizabeth de|liuered out of [...]he tower.The xix. daye of Maye next following, the Ladie Elizabeth ſiſter to Queene Msrie, was deliuered out of the Tower, and committed to the cuſtodie of Sir Iohn Williams knight, af|terward Lorde Williams of Tame, by whom hir Grace was more courteouſly intreated than ſome woulde haue wiſhed. Wherefore ſhortlye after ſhee was committed to the manour of Woodſtocke, vnder the cuſtodie of Sir Henrie Beningfielde of Oxenboroughe in the countie of Norffolke, [...] Henrie Beningfielde [...]night. knight, at whoſe hands ſhe found not the like curteſie, who (as it is well knowne) vſed his office more like a Iaylor than a Gentle|man, and with ſuch rigour as was not meete to be ſhewed to ſuch an eſtate.
[1] But here is to be noted, not ſo much the vn|ciuile nature of the man, as the ſingular lenitie and gracious clemencie of that gentle and ver|tuous Princeſſe, who afterwarde (as ſhall ap|peare) comming to the poſſeſſion of the Crowne as hir rightfull inheritance, was at that time ſo farre from reuenge of iniuries receyued, that whereas diuerſe Princes haue requited muche leſſe offences with loſſe of life, ſhe neuer touched him eyther with daunger of life, eyther loſſe of landes or goodes, nor neuer proceeded further than to diſcharge him of the Court, which ma|ny thought was the thing that pleaſed him beſt. At whoſe departing from hir preſence, ſhe vſed onely theſe wordes, or the like in ſenſe: God forgiue you that is paſt, and we doe, and if we haue any priſoner whome we would haue hard|ly handled and ſtraitly kept, then we will ſende for you.
[1] The xxv. of May, the Earle of Deuonſhire was brought oute of the tower at three of the clocke in the morning, Sir Thomas Treſham knight, and maiſter Chamberlaine of Suffolk, with certaine of the Garde, being appointed to attende him vnto Frodinghey Caſtell in Nor|thamptonſhire, where hee was aſſigned to re|mayne vnder cuſtodie of the ſaide ſir Thomas Treſham and others.
[1] The xj. of Iune, the Lorde Iohn Grey, An. reg. 2. The Lorde Iohn Grey. bro|ther to the late D. of Suffolk, was arreigned at Weſtminſter in the Kings benche, and there condemned: but yet through the painefull tra|uayle and diligent ſuite of the Ladie Grey hys wife, his pardon was obteyned, & ſo he eſcaped with life, and was at length ſet at libertie, as af|ter it ſhall appeare.
[1] But nowe in this meane while that theſe things thus paſſed here in England, the Prince of Spaine prepared for his hither comming, vn|to whome had bene ſent the Earle of Bedforde Lorde priuie ſeale, and the Lorde Fitzwaters, accompanied with diuerſe noble men and Gen|tlemen, who arriuing at the Corone in Gali|cia, were receyued very honourably. And foraſ|much as the Prince was then at Vale Dolido, diſtant from thence neare hande an hundreth leagues, they were deſired to ſtay there for their better eaſe, till hee might haue conuenient o|portunitie to repaire thither, which neuertheleſſe he coulde not do ſo ſoone as he pretended to haue deſire thereto, as well by reaſon of the ſickeneſſe of his ſiſter, the Princes Dowager of Portu|gall, as by other weightie affaires. But being at length ridde of ſuche encombers, and come into Galicia, the Engliſhe ambaſſadors mette him at Saint Iames de Compoſtella, and after hee had in preſence of a great number of Noble men and Gentlemen, there ratified the contract, and ſworne to obſerue the couenants, he depar|ted towardes Corone, where within a fewe dayes after hee embarked, and accompanied with the number of Cl. ſayle, directed his courſe towards Englande.
[1] The Lorde Admirall hauing continuallye bene abroade on the ſeas for the ſpace of three moneths or more with a nauie of xxviij. ſhips & other veſſels, accompanied alſo with the Vice-admirall of the lowe Countries, that had vnder his gouernance xiiij. ſhippes of the Emperours, met with the ſayde Prince the xix. of Iulye, a|bout [page 1756] the Needles,The arriuall of the prince of Spaine. and from thence accompa|nied him vnto Southampton where he arriued the morowe after the xx. of Iulye, the Earle of Arundell Lorde Stewarde of the Queenes houſe, being ſent from hir to preſent to him the George, and the Garter of the order (of the which fellowſhip, he was at the laſt Chapiter holden by the Confreers choſen one of the com|panie) met him vpon the water, and at his com|ming to lande, preſented the ſayde George and Garter vnto him.
[1] At his landing he was receyued by the Lord Treaſurer, the Biſhop of Lincolne, the Lorde Saint Iohn, and others, by whom he was firſt conueyed to the Church, and from thence to his lodging.
[1] After his landing, the Lorde Chaunceller accompanied with diuerſe Gentlemen, was ſent from the Queene to bidde him welcome on hir behalfe, and ſo was hee viſited by diuerſe noble perſonages whileſt he remayned at Southamp|ton, ſent thither for that purpoſe, and he on the other part, ſent diuerſe of his noble men to viſit hir maieſtie on his behalfe.
[1] Monday the xxiij. of Iuly, he departed from Southampton towardes Wincheſter, whither ſhee was the Saturdaye before remoued from Biſhops Waltham.
[1] He commeth to WincheſterOn the way he was accompanied, beſide the Noblemen and Gentlemen of his owne trayne, with the Marques of Wincheſter, the Earles of Arundell, Darbie, Worceter, Bedford, Rut|lande, Penbroke, Surrey, the Lordes Clinton, Cobham, Willoughbye, Darcie, Matrauers, Talbot, Strange, Fitzwarren, and North, with many other Noblemen and Gentlemen, and their traynes, to the number of two thou|ſande horſes.
[1] At his comming to the Churche in Win|cheſter, the Lorde Chauncelour accompanied with the Biſhops of Dureſme, Elye, London, Lincolne, Chicheſter, and diuerſe other Pre|lates, were readie to receiue him.
[1] After he had made his prayers, he was con|ueyed to his lodging prepared for him in the Deanes houſe.
[1] The Queene hir ſelfe was lodged in the Biſhops pallace, whither his highneſſe the next day came, and was receyued by hir in the hall, in moſt courteous and louing maner. And after ſuch ſalutatiõs and talke ended, as was thought conuenient for the time, he returned to his lod|ging, where hee continued all that night, and the next daye being the xxv. of Iuly, the mari|age was openly ſolemniſed.The mariage ſolemniſed. At the which were preſent, the Ambaſſadors of the Emperour the King of Romaynes, the King of Boheme, of Venice, Florence, Ferrare, and Sauoye, with certaine agents of other ſtates in Italy.
[1] As for the ſhotte of ordinaunce, the diuerſe kyndes of muſicke, the ſumptuous and coſtlye apparell, trappers, and other furniture, readye prouided againſt the receyuing of him, with o|ther ceremonies vſed aſwell about the mariage; as in other places where he was to be receyued, were ſurely ſuch, and euery thing done in ſuche good order, as better for ſuch a purpoſe, might not lightly be deuiſed.
[1] But nowe foraſmuch as ſome woulde hap|pily be deſirous to knowe the conditions of this memorable mariage betwixte theſe two highe Princes, the conſequence whereof might haue proued of ſo great importance, although by the Queenes deceaſe the effect was made voyde, I haue thought good to recite in briefe the chief ar|ticles thereof.
[1] Firſt it was couenanted that he ſhoulde en|ioye the title and name of King, during the ma|trimonie, and ſhoulde ayde hir highneſſe being his wife, in the adminiſtration of hir Realmes and dominions: but yet he ſhoulde permit and ſuffer hir to haue the whole diſpoſition of all be|nefices, and offices, landes, reuenues, & fruites of the ſayde Realmes and dominions, and that the ſame ſhoulde be beſtowed vpon ſuch as were hir naturall borne ſubiectes, and that all mat|ters of the ſayd Realmes and dominions ſhould bee treated and mayned in the ſame tongues, wherein of old they haue ben wont to be treated.
[1] [page 1757] That the Queene by vertue of the ſayde ma|riage ſhoulde bee admitted into the [...] of the Realmes and Dominions of the ſayde Prince of Spaine, as well ſuch as he nowe pre|ſently hath, as ſuche other alſo, as during the matrimonie may come to him.
[1] And for hir dower, in caſe ſhee ouerliued him, ſhe was appointed to receyue yearely three ſcore thouſande pounde, after the value of fortie groates Flemmiſhe money the pounde, to be al|lotted vpon all the Realmes, landes, and Pa|trimoniall dominions of his father the Empe|rour, that is to ſaye, fortie thouſande pounde to be aſſigned vpon the Realmes of Spaine, Ca|ſtile, and Arragon, according to the cuſtome of thoſe Realmes. The other twentie thouſande poundes were appointed vpon the Dukedomes, Earledomes, and dominions of Brabant, Flan|ders, Henault, Hollande, and other patrimoni|all landes and inheritaunce of the ſayde Em|perour in the lowe Countries of Germanie, in like maner as the Ladie Margaret of Eng|lande, ſometime wife and widowe of the Lorde Charles, ſometime Duke of Burgongne, had and receyued of the ſame. And if anye parcell or parcels thereof be alienated, then in lieu thereof, other landes ſhoulde bee in due forme aſſigned forth for hir to enioy, lying neare to the reſidue of hir dower.
[1] The iſſue that ſhoulde chaunce to come of this mariage, touching the right of the mothers inheritance in the realme of Englande, and the other Realmes and dominions depending of the ſame, aſwell the males as females, ſhoulde ſucceede in them, according to the lawes, ſta|tutes, and cuſtomes of the ſame.
[1] And as touching the landes that the ſayde Prince of Spaine ſhall leaue behinde him: firſt there ſhoulde bee reſerued vnto his eldeſt ſonne the Lord Charles of Auſtrich, infant of Spaine, and to the children and heyres of him deſcen|ding, as well females as males, all and ſingu|lar their rights, which to the ſayde Prince doe eyther then, or thereafter ſhuld belong, or ſhould at any time be deuolued to him in the Realmes of Spaine, of bothe the Sicilles, in the Duke|dome of Millaine, and other landes and domi|nions in Lumbardie and Italie, whiche neuer|theleſſe ſhall be burdened and charged with the foreſayde dower of fortie thouſande pounde. And if it fortuned the ſayde Lorde Charles to die, and the iſſue of his bodie to ſayle, then the eldeſt ſonne of this matrimonie ſhould ſucceede, and be admitted vnto the ſayde right, according to the nature, lawes, and cuſtomes of thoſe Realmes and dominions. The ſame eldeſt ſonne ſhoulde alſo ſucceede in all the Duke|domes, Earledomes, Dominions, and patri|moniall landes belonging vnto the ſayde Em|perour father to the ſayde Prince of Spaine, as well in Burgongne, as in the lowe countries, in the Dukedomes of Brabant, Luxenburgh, Gelderland, Zutphane, Burgongne, Frezeland, in the counties of Flaunders, A [...]thoys, Holland, Zelande, Naniure, and the lande beyonde the Iſles, and all other whatſoeuer therevnto be|longing.
[1] But if the ſayde Lord Charles, or they that ſhoulde come of him, remayne in life, and that there be any male childe by this matrimonie, the ſayde Lorde Charles and his deſcendentes ſhoulde then bee excluded from the ſayde landes and patrimoniall dominions of the lowe coun|tries, and of Burgongne, and the ſame ſhoulde diſcende vnto the ſayde eldeſt ſonne borne of this matrimonie. And to the other children borne thereof, as well males as females, a conuenient portion and dower ſhoulde bee allotted in the Realme of Englande, and Dominions depen|ding of the ſame, and in the ſayde landes and patrimoniall dominions of the lowe countries, and neyther the eldeſt ſonne of this matrimonie, nor the ſonnes begotten in the ſame, ſhould pre|tende anye right in the Realme of Spaine, or the dominions of the ſame, and reſerued to the ſayde Lorde Charles the infant, otherwiſe than by their fathers and Grandfathers diſpo|ſition.
[1] Moreouer, if it fortune no iſſue male to bee borne of this matrimonie, but onely females, in that caſe, the eldeſt female ſhoulde with full right ſucceede in the ſayde landes and domini|ons of the lowe Countries, ſo as neuertheleſſe ſhe being minded to chooſe to huſbande any no|ble manne not borne in Englande, or in the lowe Countries, without conſent of the ſayde Lorde Charles the infant, in that caſe the right of the ſucceſſion ſhoulde remayne to the ſayde Lorde Charles, in the ſayde dominions of the lowe Countries, Burgongne, and their appur|tenances. And yet neuertheleſſe in that caſe, both ſhe and the other daughters alſo deſcending of this matrimonie, ſhall bee endowed of their fa|thers landes and poſſeſſions aſwell in Spaine, as in the lowe countries.
[1] And for want of the ſayde Lorde Charles, and iſſue of him, and none but daughters re|mayning of this mariage, the eldeſt daughter in that caſe ſhoulde ſucceede, not onelye in the landes of the lowe Countries, but alſo in the Realmes of Spaine, Englande, and the reſt, after the nature, lawes, and cuſtomes of the ſame.
[1] Herewith was a Prouiſo accorded, that what ſoeuer he or ſhe ſhoulde bee that ſhoulde ſucceede in them, they ſhoulde leaue to euery of the ſayde [page 1758] Realmes, landes, and Dominions, whole and entire their priuiledges, rightes, and cuſtomes, and gouerne the ſame by the naturall borne of the ſame Realmes, Dominions, and landes. &c.
[1] Finally, that betweene the ſayde Emperor, the Prince and his ſucceſſors, their Realmes, and the ſayde Queene, it was concluded, that from thenceforth there ſhoulde bee an intire and ſincere fraternitie, vnitie, and moſt ſtraite con|federacie for euer. &c. ſo as they ſhoulde mu|tuallye ayde one another in all things, accor|ding to the ſtrength, forme, and effecte of the later treatie of a ſtreite amitie, bearing date at Weſtminſter, in the yeare 1542. the declaration of whiche treatie, beareth date at Vtreight the xvj. of Ianuarie, in the yeare 1546.
[1] In another treatiſe were theſe articles follo|wing compriſed.
[1] Firſt, that the Prince of Spaine ſhoulde not promote, admitte, or receyue to any office, ad|miniſtration, or benefice in the Realme of Englande, or Dominions to the ſame belon|ging, any ſtraunger, or perſons not borne vnder the ſubiection of the ſaide Queene.
[1] That he ſhoulde receyue into his houſholde and Courte, Gentlemen and yeomen of the ſayde Realme of Englande, in a conuenient number, eſteeming, interteyning, and nouri|ſhing them as his proper ſubiectes, and bring none with him in his retinue, that will doe a|ny wrong to the ſubiectes of the ſayde Realme, and if they doe, hee to correcte them with con|digne puniſhment, and to ſee them expelled his Courte.
[1] That hee ſhall doe nothing whereby anye thing bee innouated in the ſtate and righte, eyther publicke or priuate, or in the lawes and cuſtomes of the ſayde Realme of Englande, or the dominions therevnto belonging. But ſhall keepe to all eſtates and orders, their rights and priuiledges.
[1] That he ſhall not leade awaye the Queene oute of the borders of hir Graces Realme, vn|leſſe ſhe hir ſelfe deſire it, or carie the children that maye bee borne of this matrimonie, out of the ſame realme, vnleſſe it be otherwiſe thought good by the conſent and agreement of the No|bilitie of Englande.
[1] And in caſe no children being left, the ſayde Queene do die before him, he ſhall not chalenge anye righte at all in the ſayde kingdome, but without impediment ſhall permit the ſucceſſi|on thereof to come vnto them, to whome it ſhall belong, by the right and lawes of the Realme.
[1] Item, that hee ſhall not beare nor carye ouer oute of the ſayde Realme, the iewels and precious things of eſtimation. Neyther ſhall he alienate or doe away any whit of the appur|tenances of the ſayde Realme of Englande, or ſuffer anye parte of them to bee vſurped by his ſubiectes, or anye other: But ſhall ſee, that all and ſingular places of the Realme, and ſpeci|allye the fortes and frontiers of the ſame, bee faithfully kept and preſerued to the vſe and pro|fite of the ſayde Realme, and by the naturall borne of the ſame.
[1] He ſhall not ſuffer any ſhyppe, gunnes, or|dinaunces whatſoeuer of warre or defence, to be remoued or conueyed out of the ſame realme, but ſhall contrariwiſe cauſe them diligently to be kept, and vewed when neede requireth, and ſhall ſo prouide that the ſame maye be alwayes readye in their ſtrength and force for defence of the Realme.
[1] Item, the Realme of Englande by occaſion of this matrimonie, ſhall not directly nor indi|rectly bee intangled with the warre that is be|tweene the Emperour, father to the ſayde Prince of Spayne, and Henrie the Frenche King, but he the ſayde Prince, as muche as in him maye lie, on the behalfe of the ſayde realme of Englande, ſhall ſee the peace betweene the ſayde Realmes of Fraunce and Englande ob|ſerued, and ſhall giue no cauſe of any breach, by which couenant the later treatiſe of a ſtrayte a|mitie, ſhoulde not bee in anye poynt derogated, but the ſame ſtill to remayne in the foremer force. &c.
[1] But nowe to returne where wee left. At the time of the ſolemnization of the foreſayde ma|riage holden at Wincheſter, as before yee haue hearde, the Emperours ambaſſadours beyng preſent, openlye pronounced, that in conſide|ration of that mariage, the Emperour had gi|uen and graunted to the ſayde Prince hys ſonne, the Kingdome of Naples, Hieruſalem, with diuerſe other ſeates and ſeigniories.
[1] The ſolemnitie of that marriage ended, the King of Heraultes called Garter, openlye in the Churche, in the preſence of the King, the Queene, the Lordes as well of Englande as Spayne, and all the people being pre|ſente, ſolemnelye proclaymed the Tytle and ſtyle of thoſe twoo Princes, as follo|weth.
Philip and Marie by the grace of God,Their title. King and Queene of Englande, Fraunce, Naples, Hieruſalem, and Irelande, Defenders of the fayth, Princes of Spayne, and Scicilie, Arche|dukes of Auſtriche, Dukes of Millayne, Bur|gundie, and Brabant, Counties of Haſpurge, Flaunders, and Tyroll.
[1] The Proclamation being ended, the trum|pettes blewe, and the King and the Queene [page 1759] came forthe of the Churche hande in hande, and two ſwords borne before them, and ſo returned to their pallace.
[1] And aſſoone as the feaſting and ſolemnitie of the ſaide marriage was ended, the King and Queene departed from Wincheſter, and by ea|ſie iourneyes came to Windſore caſtell, where the v. of Auguſt being Sundaye,King Philip [...]led at Windſore. hee was ſtal|led according to the order of the Garter, and there kept Saint Georges feaſt himſelfe in hys royall eſtate, and the Earle of Suſſex was alſo the ſame time ſtalled in the order.
[1] The vij. of Auguſte was made a generall huntyng with a toyle rayſed of foure or fiue myles in lengthe, ſo that many a Deare that day was brought to the quarrie.
[1] The xj. of Auguſt they remoued to Riche|monde, and from thence the xxvij. of the ſame moueth by water they came to London, lan|ding at the Biſhop of Wincheſters houſe, tho|rowe which they paſſed both into Southwarke Parke, and ſo to Suffolke place, where they lodged that night, and the next daye being Sa|terday and the xix. of Auguſt, they being accom|panied with a great number of Nobles and gen|tlemen, roade from thence ouer the bridge, and paſſed thorough London vnto Weſtminſter, the Citie being beautified with faire and ſump|tuous pageantes, and hanged with riche and coſtly ſilkes, and clothes of golde and ſiluer, in moſt royall wiſe.
At their paſſing ouer the bridge, there was ſhot ſuch a peale of artillerie off from the tower, as had not bene hearde a greater in many yeares before.
[1] In September, the Duke of Norffolke de|parted this life at Fremingham caſtell in Nor|folke, and there was honourably buried among his anceſtors.
[1] Vpon Friday the xxvj. of October, thoſe ho|neſt men that had bene of maiſter Throckmor. queſt, being in number eyght (for the other foure were deliuered oute of priſon, for that they ſub|mitted themſelues, and ſaide they had offended like weaklings, not conſidering truth to be truth, but of force for feare ſaid ſo) theſe eyght men I ſay (whereof maſter Emanuell Lucar, and ma|ſter Whetſtone, were chiefe) were called before the Counſell in the ſtarre Chamber, where they affirmed that they had done all things in that matter according to their knowledge, and with good conſciences, euen as they ſhould aunſwere before God at the day of iudgemẽt. Where ma|ſter Lucar ſaid openly before all the Lordes that they had done in the matter like honeſt men, and true and faithfull ſubiectes, and therefore they humbly beſought my L. Chancelor and the o|ther Lords, to be meanes to the King & Quenes maieſties, that they might be diſcharged and ſet at libertie: and ſaid that they were all contented to ſubmit themſelues to their Maieſties, ſauing & reſeruing their truth, conſciences & honeſties.
[1] The Lords taking their words in maruey|lous euill part, iudged them worthie to paye ex|cluſiue [...]. Some ſayde they were worthie to pay M. lb a peece. Other ſayde that Lucar and Whetſtone were worthie to pay a M. markes a peece, and the reſt v.C. lb a peece. In concluſi|on, ſentence was giuen by the L. Chauncelour, that they ſhould pay a M. markes a pece, he that payde leaſt, and that they ſhould go to priſon a|gaine, and there remaine till further order were taken for their puniſhment.
[1] The xxx. of October being Tueſdaye,The Lorde Iohn Grey ſee at libertie. the L. Iohn Grey was deliuered out of the tower, and ſet at libertie.
[1] Vppon Saterdaye the x. of Nouember, the Sherifes of London had commaundement to take an inuentorie of euery one of their goodes, whiche were of maiſter Throckmortons queſt, and to ſeale vppe their doores, which was done the ſame daye.
[1] Maiſter Whetſtone and maiſter Lucar, and maiſter Kighley, were adiudged to paye two thouſand pounds a peece, & the reſt a M. markes a peece, to be paid within one fortnight after.
[1] From this paymente were exempted thoſe foure which confeſſed a fault,M. Foxe. and therevpon had ſubmitted themſelues, whoſe names are theſe: maſter Loe, maſter Pointer, maſter Beſwicke, and maſter Cater.
[1] The xij. of Nouember being Mondaye, the Parliament begã at Weſtminſter, to the begin|ning whereof both the King and Queene roade in their Parliament roabes, hauing two ſwords borne before them. The Earle of Pembroke bare his ſworde, and the Earle of Weſtmerland bare the Queenes. They had two Cappes of maintenance likewiſe borne before them: wherof the Earle of Arũdell bare the one, and the Earle of Shreweſburie the other. During this Parlia|ment, Cardinall Poole landed at Douer vppon Wedneſday, being the xxj. of Nouember, who being receyued with muche honour in all other countries through which he had paſſed, was re|ceyued here at the firſt, with no great ſhewe, for the cauſes aboue mentioned. The ſame daye on the whiche he arriued, an acte paſſed in the Par|liament houſe, for his reſtitution in blud, vtterly repealing (as falſe and moſt ſlaunderous) ye acte made againſt him in K. Hẽrie ye viij. his time. And on the next day being Thurſday & the xxij. of Nouember, the King and Queene both came to the Parliament houſe to giue their royall aſ|ſent and to eſtabliſhe this acte againſt his com|ming. On Saterday the xxiiij. of Nouember, [page 1760] he came to the Court, and after went to Lam|beth where his lodging was prepared.
[1] On Wedneſdaye following in the after|noone, he came into the Parliament houſe, being at that preſent kept in the great Chamber of the Courte of Whyte hall, for that the Queene by reaſon of ſickeneſſe was not able to go abroade, (where the King and Queene ſitting vnder the clothe of eſtate, and the Cardinall ſitting on the right hande, with all the other eſtates of the Realme being preſent) and the Knightes and Burgeſſes of the Common houſe being alſo called thither, the Biſhoppe of Wincheſter be|ing Lorde Chauncellour, ſpake in this ma|ner.
[1] The wordes of the biſhop of Wincheſter.My Lordes of the vpper houſe, and you my maiſters of the nether houſe, here is pre|ſent the right reuerende Father in God, my Lorde Cardinall Poole Legate à Latere, come from the Apoſtolike ſea of Rome, as ambaſſa|dour to the King and Queenes Maieſties, vp|pon one of the weyghtieſt cauſes that euer hap|pened in this Realme, and which appertayneth to the glorie of God, and your vniuerſall bene|fite, the which ambaſſade, their Maieſties plea|ſure is, to be ſignified vnto you all by his owne mouth, truſting that you will receyue and ac|cept it in as beneuolent and thankfull wiſe, as their Highneſſe haue done, and that you wyll giue attentiue and inclinable eares vnto hys Grace, who is nowe readye to declare the ſame.
[1] So ſoone as the Lord Chancelor had ended his tale,Grafton. the Cardinall began & made a long and ſolemne oration, the which for ſhortneſſe ſake I haue collected into theſe fewe articles.
[1] The effect of the Cardinals oration.Firſt hee yeelded moſte heartie thankes to the King and Quene: and next vnto the whole Parliament, that of a man exiled and bani|ſhed from this Common weale, they had reſto|red him agayne to bee a member of the ſame, and to the honour of his houſe and familie, and of a man hauing no place, neyther here nor elſe where, within the Realme, to haue admit|ted him into a place where to ſpeake, and to bee hearde.
[1] Secondly, that his eſpeciall comming was for the reſtitution of this Realme to the aunci|cient eſtate, and to declare that the ſea Apoſto|like hath a ſpeciall care of this Realme aboue all other, and chieflye for that this Iſlande firſt of all other prouinces of Europe, receiued the light of Chriſtes religion from the ſea of Rome.
[1] Thirdlye, hee exhorted, that thoughe the realme had ſwarued from the catholike vnitie, yt yet being better informed, we ought to returne into the boſome of the Churche, moſte open to receyue all penitents. For the perſuaſion wher|of he brought a number of olde examples what perill and hurte hath happened vnto them that haue ſwarued and gone from the Churche of Rome, namely Greece and Germanie.
[1] Fourthlye, howe muche wee are bounde to God for the King and Queenes Maieſties, and howe miraculouſlye God had ſaued and defended our Queene from hi [...] enimies in moſt daungerous times, and alſo that hee hath pro|uided to ioyne with hir in mariage ſuch a no|ble Prince as King Philip was, and one of his owne religion.
[1] Fiftly, he exhorted them all to obedience of theſe two Princes, and to call vppon God for iſſue to be had betweene them, adding that king Philips father the Emperour, had among o|ther Princes trauayled moſt for the reſtitution of the peace and vnitie of the Churche. But [...] almightie God ſayde vnto Dauid, thoughe hee had a mynde and will to builde his Temple, yet bicauſe he had ſhedde bloude, he ſhoulde not buylde it, but his ſonne Solomon ſhoulde buylde it. And ſo bicauſe the Emperour [...]the hadde ſo manye warres, and ſhedde ſo muche bloude, therefore he coulde not attaine to bring perfecte peace to the Churche. But truly (ſayde hee) this gracious Prince King Philippe his ſonne, as I conceyue, is appointed of God to it, conſidering nowe the calling of him to bee ioyned with ſo Catholike a Princeſſe, as is the Queene of this Realme, one withoute all doubte, ſente likewiſe of God, for the reſto|ring of the ſayde Realme to the vnitie of the Churche, from whence it hathe erred and gone aſtraye, as it dothe and maye manifeſtlye ap|peare.
[1] Sixtlye, hee proteſted that his Commiſſion was not to preiudice anye perſon: for he came not to deſtroye, but to buylde: hee came to re|concile, and not to condemne: hee came not to compell, but to call agayne: hee came not to call anye thing in queſtion alreadye done: but his Commiſſion was of grace and clemen|cie to all ſuche as woulde receyue it. For touchynge all matters paſte, and done, they ſhoulde bee caſte into the ſea of Forget|fulneſſe, and neuer more to bee thoughte vp|pon.
[1] Finallye (ſayde hee) the meane whereby to receyue this highe benefite, is firſt to reuoke and repeale all ſuche lawes as are impedimentes, blockes, and barres, to this moſte gracious re|conciliation. For like as hee himſelfe hadde no place to ſpeake there before ſuche lawes were abrogated and remoued, as ſtoode in hys waye, euen ſo they coulde not receyue the Grace offered frome the ſea Apoſtolicke, vntyll theſe lyke impedimentes of lawes [page 1761] made agaynſt the ſea of Rome, were vtterly a|boliſhed and repealed. And ſo in concluſion ad|uertiſed them, firſte for the glorie of God, and nexte for the conſeruation and ſuretie of the welth, and quietneſſe of the whole Realme, that they ſhoulde earneſtly trauayle therein, and that then he would make them participant of the be|nefite of his commiſſion.
[1] The next day the whole Courte of Parlia|ment drewe out the forme of a ſupplication, and the nexte daye following, when the King and Queene, and the Cardinall, with all the No|bles and Commons were aſſembled agayne in the great chamber of the Whyte hall afore|ſayde, the Biſhop of Wincheſter there declared what the Parliament had determined concer|ning the Cardinals requeſt; [...]pplication [...]ted to [...] all [...], by the [...]rliament. and then offered to the King and Queene the ſaid ſupplication, the copie whereof followeth.
[1] We the Lordrs Spirituall and Temporal, and Commons in this preſent Parliament aſ|ſembled, repreſenting the whole bodie of the Realme of Englande and dominions of the ſame, in the name of our ſelues particularly, and alſo of the ſayde bodie vniuerſally, offer thys oure moſt humble ſupplication to youre maie|ſties, to this ende and effect, that the ſame by youre gracious interceſſion and meane maye be exhibited to the moſt reuerende Father in God the Lorde Cardinall Poole Legate, ſent ſpeci|ally hither from our moſt holy father Pope Iu|lye the thirde, and the ſea Apoſtolike of Rome: Wherein we doe declare our ſelues verye ſorie & repentant of the long ſchiſme and diſobedience happening in this Realme, and ye dominions of the ſame, agaynſte the ſea Apoſtolike, eyther by making, agreeing, or executing of any lawes, ordinaunces or commaundementes againſt the Primacie of the ſame ſea, or otherwiſe doing or ſpeaking that might impugne or preiudice the ſame. Offering oure ſelues, and promiſing by this our ſupplicatiõ, that for a token and know|ledge of our ſayde repentance, we be and ſhall be euer readie, vnder, and with the authorities of your maieſties, to the vttermoſte of our power to doe that ſhall lye in vs, for the abrogation and repealing of al the ſaide lawes & ordinances made and enacted to the preiudice of the ſea A|poſtolicke, aſwell for our ſelues, as for the whole bodie whome we repreſent. Wherevpon moſte humbly wee beſeeche your maieſtie, as perſons vndefiled in offence of his bodie towardes the ſayd ſea, which neuertheleſſe God by his proui|dence hath made ſubiect to you, ſo to ſette forthe this our humble ſuite, as we the rather by youre interceſſion, may obtaine from the ſea Apoſto|like by the ſayde moſte reuerende father, as well particularly as generally, Abſolution, Releaſe, and Diſcharge from all daungers of ſuche cen|ſures and ſentences as by the lawes of the Church we be fallen into: And that we may as children repentant, be receyued into the boſome and vnitie of Chriſtes Church, ſo as this noble Realme, with all the members thereof, maye in this vnitie and perfect obedience to the ſea Apo|ſtolike, and Popes for the time being, ſerue God and your maieſties, to the furtherance and ad|uauncement of his honor and glorie. Amen.
[1] This ſupplication being firſt openly red, the ſame was by the Chauncelor deliuered to the King and Queene, with petition to them. to exhibite the ſame to the Lorde Cardinall. And the King and Queene ryſing out of their ſeates, and doing reuerence to the Cardinall, did deli|uer the ſame vnto him.
[1] The Cardinall perceyuing the effect thereof to anſwere to his expectation, did receiue it moſt gladly at their Maieſties hands. And then af|ter that hee had in fewe wordes giuen thankes vnto God, and declared what great cauſe hee had to reioyce aboue all others, that his cõming from Rome into Englande, had taken ſuche moſt happie ſucceſſe, then hee cauſed his Com|miſſion to be reade (whereby it might appeare he had authoritie from the Pope to abſolue thẽ) which Commiſſion was verye long and large. And that being done, and all the Parliamente on their knees, this Cardinall, by the Popes authoritie, gaue them abſolution in maner fol|lowing.
[1] Our Lorde Ieſus Chriſt whiche with his moſt precious bloude hath redemed and waſhed vs from all our ſinnes and iniquities,An abſolution pronounced by Cardinall Poole to the Parliament houſe. that hee might purchaſe vnto himſelfe a glorious ſpouſe without ſpot or wrinkle, and whome the father hath appointed heade ouer all his Churche: Hee by his mercie abſolue you. And wee by the A|poſtolike authoritie giuen vnto vs by the moſte holye Lorde Pope Iulius the thirde (his Vice|gerent in earth) doe abſolue and deliuer you, and euery of you, with the whole Realme, and the Dominions thereof, from all hereſie and ſchiſme, and from all and euerye iudgementes, cenſures and paines for that cauſe incurred. And alſo wee doe reſtore you agayne to the vnitie of oure mother the holye Churche, as in oure let|ters of Commiſſion more plainelye ſhall ap|peare.
[1] After this generall abſolution receyued, the King and the Queene, and all the Lords, with the reſt, went into the Kings chappell, and there ſang Te deum with great ioy and gladneſſe, for this newe reconciliation.
[1] The reporte of this with great ſpeede flewe to Rome, as well by the French Kings letters, as alſo by the Cardinalles. Wherevppon the [page 1762] Pope cauſed ſolemne Proceſſions to bee made in Rome, namely one, wherein he himſelfe with all hys Cardinals were preſent, paſſing with as great ſolemnitie and pomp as might be, gyuing [figure appears here on page 1762] thankes to God with greate ioy, for the conuer|ſion of England to his Churche. At what time alſo, hee not a little commended the diligence of Cardinall Poole, and the deuotion of the Kyng and Queene.
[1] And on Chriſtmas euen next following, hee ſet forth by hys Bulles a generall pardon to all ſuche as did reioyce in the ſame reconciliation.
[1] The eyght and twentith of Nouember nexte following, it was commonly reported, that the Queene was quicke with childe, and therefore commaundemente was gyuen by Edmonde Bonner then Byſhoppe of London (and as it was ſayde, not withoute the commaundement of the Counſell) that there ſhoulde bee made in moſt ſolemne manner one generall Proceſſion in London, wherein the Maior, and all the companyes of the Citie were in theyr liueries, at whoſe returne to the Churche of Poules, there was ſong very ſolemnely Te Deum for ioy thereof.
[1] The ſecond daye of December beeing Son|day. Cardinall Poole came to Poules Churche in London with great pomp, hauing borne be|fore hym a Croſſe, two pillers, and two pol|laxes of ſiluer, and was there ſolemnely recey|ued by the Byſhoppe of Wincheſter, Chancel|loure of Englande, who mette hym with Pro|ceſſion.
[1] And ſhortly after, Kyng Philippe came from Weſtminſter by lande, beeyng accom|panyed with a greate number of hys Nobles.
[1] And the ſame day, the Byſhoppe of Win|cheſter preached at Poules Croſſe [...], in the whyche Sermon hee declared, that the Kyng and Queene hadde reſtored the Pope to hys ryghte of primacie, and that the three eſtates aſſembled in Parliamente, repreſentyng the whole bodye of the Realme, hadde ſubmitted themſelues to hys holyneſſe, and to his ſucceſ|ſors for euer.
[1] And in the ſame alſo, hee greately prayſed the Cardinall, and ſette forth the paſſing hygh authoritie that hee hadde from the Sea of Rome with muche other glorious matter, in the commendation of the Churche of Rome, whyche hee called the Sea Apoſtolike.
[1] The Sermon beeyng ended, the Kyng and the Cardinall rydyng togyther, returned to White Hall, and the Kyng hadde his ſworde borne before hym, and the Cardinall had onely hys Croſſe and no more.
[1] The ſeauen and twentith daye of the ſayde moneth, Emanuell Philiberte Earle of Sauoy and Prince of Piemount came into Englande, accompanyed with dyuers other Lordes and Gentlemen ſtraungers, who were receyued at Graues ende by the Earle of Bedforde Lorde priuie ſeale, and conueyd by water through London bridge to White Hall, where the King and Queene thẽ lay, and the ninth of Ianuary next following, ye Prince of Orange was in like maner receiued at Graues end, and from thence conueid to the Court, being at White Hall.
[1] Vpon Wedneſday the [...]2. of December, fiue of ye eight men which lay in the Fleete, that had paſſed vpõ ſir Nicholas Throckmortons triall, were diſcharged & ſet at libertie vpon their fyne paid, which was two C. and twentie lb a peece. The other three put vp a ſupplicatiõ, therin de|claring yt their goodes did not amount to ye ſũme of ye which they were appointed to pay & ſo vpõ yt declaration, paying .60. lb a peece, wer deliuered out of priſon, on S. Thomas day before Chriſt|mas, [page 1763] being the one and twentith of December.
[1] The two and twentith of the ſame moneth, the Parliamente (whyche beganne the two and twentith of Nouember before) was diſſolued, wherein among other Actes paſſed there, the ſta|tute Ex officio, and other lawes made for pu|niſhment of Hereſies were reuiued. But chiefe|ly, the Popes moſt liberall Bull of diſpenſation of Abbey lande was there confirmed, muche to the contentation of manye, who not withoute cauſe, ſuſpected by thys new vnion, to loſe ſome peece of their late purchaſe.
[1] 1555Vpon Friday the eyghtenth of Ianuary, all the Counſell wente vnto the Tower, and there the ſame day diſcharged and ſette at libertie all the priſoners of the Tower, or the more parte of them,Priſoners de| [...]red. namely, the late Duke of Northum|berlandes ſonnes, the Lordes Ambroſe, Ro|berte and Henrye. Alſo, Sir Andrewe Dud|ley, Sir Iames Croftes, Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, Sir Iohn Rogers, Sir Ni|cholas Arnolde, Sir George Harper, Sir Ed|warde Warner, Sir William Sentlow, Sir Gawen Carewe, William Gibbes Eſquier, Cutbert Vaughan, and dyuers other.
[1] Moreouer aboute thys ſeaſon, dyuers learned men beeyng apprehended, and in priſon for matters of Religion, were broughte before the Byſhoppes of Wincheſter and London, and o|ther the Byſhoppes and Commiſſioners ap|poynted therefore, who vppon the conſtante ſtandyng of the ſayde learned men in their opi|nions, whyche they hadde taken vppon them to mainteine, as grounded vppon the true worde of God, as they proteſted, proceeded in iudge|mente agaynſte them, and ſo diuers of them were brente at London in Smithfielde, and in dyuers other places, as in the Booke of Monu|ments ye may reade.
[1] In February next folowing, Doctor Thirle|by Byſhoppe of Ely, and Anthony Lord Mon|tagewe, with a very honorable traine of Gentle|men and others, rode forth of the Citie of Lon|don toward Rome as Ambaſſadors, ſente from the King and Queene, to confirme this newe reconciliation to the Pope.
William Fe| [...]erſton, alias [...]eſtable a [...], nameth [...]ſelfe King [...]ward the [...].
[1] And the eyght and twentith daye of May nexte following, the aforeſayde counterfeyte Prince was broughte in a carte from the Mar|ſhalſea through the Citie of London, with a pa|per ouer hys head, wherein was written, that he named hymſelfe Kyng Edward.
[1] And from thence was conueyd to Weſtmin|ſter, beeyng ledde rounde aboute the Hall, and ſhewed to all the people there: and afterwarde taken out of the Carte and ſtripped, and then whipped rounde aboute the Palace at the ſame Cartes tayle, and withoute more puniſhment, was diſcharged, and ſet at libertie.
[1] But the nexte yeare following, for that hee had ſpredde abroade that King Edwarde was aliue, and that he had ſpoken with him, hee was agayne apprehended, and arraigned of hygh treaſon, whereof beeyng condemned, he ſhortly after was drawen to Tiborne, and there hanged and quartered the thirtenth of Marche.
[1] About thys tyme, Edward Courtney,The Lorde Courtney go|eth ouer into Italy. Earle of Deuonſhire, of whome before yee haue heard, howe hee was appoynted to remayne at Fo| [...]ringhey vnder ſafe cuſtody, at length was ſette at libertie, came to the Courte, and gote licence to paſſe the Seas, wente into Italy, where ſhortly after he ſickened, and dyed within foure|teene dayes after hys ſickneſſe fyrſte tooke hym: he was honorably buryed in Padway.
[1] Thys Courtney was the onely ſonne and heyre of Henrye, Marques of Exeter, Couſin Germayne to King Henrye the eight, as is ſaid before.
[1] For the ſaide King and hee were deſcended of two ſiſters, Elizabeth and Katherine, two of the daughters of Kyng Edwarde the fourth, whych propinquitie of bloud notwithſtandyng, the ſayde Marques, for poyntes of treaſon layde againſt hym, ſuffered at the Tower hil, the thir|tith yeare of the raigne of King Henry the eight, to the greate doloure of the moſt of the ſubiectes of thys Realme, who for hys ſundry vertues, bare him greate fauour.
[1] After whoſe death, this yong Gentleman hys ſonne, beeyng yet a childe, was committed pri|ſoner to the Tower, where hee remayned vntyll the beginning of the raigne of thys Queene Mary (as before you haue hearde.)
[1] Thys Gentleman as it appeared, was borne to bee a Priſoner, for from twelue yeares [page 1764] of age vnto thirtie, hee hadde ſcarce two yeares libertie, within the whiche time hee dyed, and obteyned quiet, whiche in his life he could neuer haue.
[1] Ambaſſadors ſent to treate a peace be|tweene the Frenche king and the Em|peroure.In the moneth of May nexte followyng, Cardinall Poole, who hadde bin a great labou|rer for peace betwene the French Kyng and the Emperour, beeyng accompanyed with Steuen Gardiner Byſhop of Wincheſter, and Chan|cellor of Englande, the Earle of Arundell Lorde Stewarde, and the Lorde Paget, were ſent by the Kyng and Queene ouer the Sea to Calais, and from thence went to the Towne of Marke, where they mette with the Ambaſ|ſadours of the Emperoure and the Frenche Kyng.
[1] From the Emperoure were ſente the By|ſhoppe of Arras, with other.
[1] From the Frenche King was ſente the Car|dinall of Loraine, & the Conneſtable of France.
[1] In thys treatie, Cardinall Poole ſate as pre|ſident and Vmpiere in the name of the Queene of England.
[1] This peace was greatly laboured, where at the firſte, there was muche hope, but in the ende nothing was concluded, wherefore the ſeuen|tenth day of Iune, thys aſſembly was diſſol|ued, and the Engliſh Ambaſſadors returned a|gayne into Englande.
An. reg. 3. In the beginning of September .1555. Kyng Philip went ouer into Flanders to the Empe|rour hys father.
A greate flood encreaſed by rayne.And in the moneth of October nexte follo|wing, fell ſo greate a rayne, that the abundance thereof cauſed the Thames to ſwell ſo hygh, that for the ſpace of foure or fyue dayes, the Boates and Barges rowed ouer all Sainte Georges fielde, and the water roſe ſo hygh at Weſtminſter, that lykewiſe a boate myghte haue bin rowed from the one ende of the Hall to the other.
[1] Commiſsio|ners ſent to Oxforde.About this time, the Byſhoppes of Lincolne, Glouceſter, and Briſtow, were ſent in commiſ|ſion to Oxford by the Popes authoritie, to ex|amine Ridley and Latimer, vpon certayne ar|ticles by them Preached, whiche if they woulde not recant, and conſente to the Popes doctrine, then hadde they power to proceede to ſentence agaynſte them as Heretikes, and to committe them ouer to the ſecular power.
[1] Thoſe two Doctors neuertheleſſe ſtoode con|ſtantly to that whyche they hadde taught, and woulde not reuoke, for whyche cauſe, they were condemned, and after burned in the Towne ditche at Oxforde, the ſixtenth daye of Octo|ber.
[1] In the tyme of whoſe examination, bycauſe the Byſhoppes aforeſayde declared themſelues to bee the Popes Commiſſioners, neyther Rid|ley nor Latimer woulde doe them anye reue|rence, but kepte theyr cappes on theyr heads, wherefore they were ſharpelye rebuked by the Byſhoppe of Lincolne, and one of the officers was commaunded to take off theyr cappes.
[1] Of theſe menne, and the manner of theyr deathe, yee may reade at large in the Booke of the Monuments of the Churche.
[1] The one and twentith of October,A Parliament. a Par|liamente was holden at Weſtminſter, in the whyche amongſt other thyngs the Queene bee|ing perſwaded by the Cardinall (and other of hir Cleargie) that ſhee coulde not proſper, ſo long as ſhee kepte in hir handes any poſſeſſions of the Churche, dyd frankely and freely reſigne and render vnto them all thoſe reuenewes ec|cleſiaſticall, whych by the authoritie of Parlia|ment, in the tyme of Kyng Henrye, hadde bin annexed to the Crowne, called the fyrſt frutes and tenthes of all Byſhoprickes, benefices, and Eccleſiaſticall promotions. The reſignation whereof, was a greate diminution of the reue|newes of the Crowne.
[1] Duryng the tyme of this Parliament,The death of Stephen Gard|ner Byſhop of Wincheſter. Ste|phen Gardiner Byſhoppe of Wincheſter, and Chancellor of Englande, dyed at hys houſe called Wincheſter place, beſyde Saint Marye Queries in Southwarke, the ninth day of No|uember, whoſe corps was ſhortly after ſolemne|ly from thence conueyd to hys Churche of Wincheſter, and there buryed.
[1] After whoſe deathe,The Archby|ſhop of Yorke Nicholas Heathe Archebyſhoppe of Yorke, was preferred by the Queene to the office of the Chauncel|loure.
[1] In the moneth of Marche nexte following,1556 there was in manner no other talke, but of the greate preparation that was made for the Queenes lying in Childbed, who hadde alrea|dye taken vppe hir chamber, and ſundry Ladies and Gentlewomen were placed about hir in e|uerye office of the Court. In ſo muche, that all the Courte was full of Midwiues, Nurſſes, and Rockers, and this talke continued almoſt halfe a yeare, and was affirmed true by ſome of hir Phiſitions, and other perſons about hir. In ſo muche, that dyuers were puniſhed for ſaying the contrary.
And moreouer, commaundemente was gy|uen in all Churches for Proceſſion, with ſup|plications and prayers to bee made to Almigh|tie God, for hir ſafe deliuerie. Yea and dyuers prayers were ſpecially made for that purpoſe.
And the ſayde rumor continued ſo long,A rumor that Queene Mar [...] was deliuered of a Prince. that at the laſt, reporte was made, that ſhee was delyuered of a Prince, and for ioye thereof, Belles were roong, and Bonefiers [page 1765] made, not only in the Citie of London, but alſo in ſundrie places of the Realme, but in the ende, all proued cleane contrarie, and the ioy and ex|pectatiõ of the people vtterly fruſtrate: for ſhort|ly it was fully certified (almoſt to all men) that the Queene was as then neyther deliuered of childe, nor after was in hope to haue any.
Of this the people ſpake diuerſly.
Some ſayde, that the rumor of the Queenes conception was ſpredde for a policie.
Some affirmed that ſhe was with childe, but it miſcaried.
Some other ſayd, that ſhee was deceiued by a Timpany, or other lyke diſeaſe, whereby ſhee thoughte ſhee was with childe, and was not. But what the troth was, I referre the reporte thereof to other that know more.
[1] Aboute thys tyme, Brookes Byſhoppe of Glouceſter, was by the Cardinall ſente downe as Commiſſioner from the Pope to Oxforde, there to ſy [...]e vppon the examination of Tho|mas Cranmer, Archebyſhoppe of Caunterbu|rie, in ſuche things as ſhoulde bee layde to hys charge by Iohn Story, and Thomas Martin, Doctors in the lawes, ſent ſpecially in commiſ|ſion from the Queene. At which time, the ſayde Archebyſhoppe makyng lowe obeyſance to them that ſate in the Queenes name, ſhewed no token of reuerence to the Byſhoppe that was the Popes commiſſioner,Thomas Crã| [...] Archby| [...]op of Can| [...]bury con| [...]ned. who neuertheleſſe pro|ceeded againſte hym as Iudge, and conuicted hym of Hereſie. According to the whiche ſen|tence, the one and twentith day of Marche next followyng, hee was diſgraded by Edmonde Bonner and Thomas Thirleby, Byſhoppes of London and Ely, ſente downe for that pur|poſe, and hee was burned in the ſame place where Ridley and Latimer before hadde ſuf|fered. [...] brent.
[figure appears here on page 1765]
[1] Before hys deathe, by the perſwaſion of a Spaniſhe Frier, named Frier Iohn, a reader of Diuinitie in Oxforde, and by the counſayle of certayne other that putte him in hope of life and pardon, hee ſubſcribed to a recantation, wherein he ſubmitted hymſelfe wholly to the Churche of Rome, and continued in the ſame mind to out|warde appearance, vntill hee was broughte out of priſon, to goe to the fire. Afore whoſe execu|tion, a Sermon was made by Doctor Cole, Deane of Poules, in Saint Maries Churche in Oxforde.
[1] And in the ende of hys Sermon, the ſayde Doctor Cole prayed the people to en|cline their eares to ſuche things as the ſayde Cranmer woulde declare vnto them by hys owne mouth, for (ſaith hee) hee is a man verye repentaunte, and will heere before you all re|uoke hys errors.
[1] Neuertheleſſe, hee dyd cleane contrarye; and with manye teares proteſted [...] that hee had ſubſcribed to the ſayde recantation agaynſte hys conſcience, onely for feare of deathe, and hope of lyfe (whyche ſeemed to bee true) for when hee came to the ſtake, and the fyre kyn|dled, hee putte hys ryghte hande into the fyre, and helde it there a good ſpace, ſaying, that the ſame hande ſhoulde fyrſte burne, bycauſe it held the penne to ſubſcribe agaynſte hys Lorde God.
[1] Immediately after the deathe of the ſayde Byſhoppe Cranmer,Cardinall Poole made Archbyſhop of Canterbury Cardinall Poole was made Archebyſhoppe of Caunterburye, who duryng the lyfe of the other, woulde neuer be conſecrated Archebyſhoppe. Who ſo deſireth to ſee more of thys matter, maye ſee the ſame at large in the Booke of the Monumentes of the Churche,Perſecution for religion. where you ſhall alſo fynde that about thys tyme many were in trouble for Re|ligion.
[1] The eyght and twentith daye of the afore|ſayde moneth of Marche,Newgate ſet on fire. by the negligence of the keepers mayde of the gaole of Newgate in London, who lefte a Candle where a greate deale of Strawe was, the ſame was ſette on fyre, and brente all the tymber worke on the Northe ſyde of the ſayd gate.
[1] The Sommer nexte followyng, was a newe conſpiracie broughte to lyghte, whyche was,A conſpiracy. to haue raiſed warre in the Realme agaynſt the Queene, for mayntenaunce whereof, theyr fyrſte enterpriſe was to haue robbed the trea|ſurie of the Queenes Exchequer at Weſt|minſter, as it fell out afterwardes in proofe.
[1] The vtterer of whyche conſpiracie was one White, who at the beginning was made priuie to the ſame, wherevpon dyuers of the conſpira|cie, namely, Henrye Peckham, Danyell, De|thicke, Vdall, Throckmorton, and Captayne Stanton, were apprehended, and dyuers other [page 1766] fled into Fraunce. Moreouer, Sir Anthony Kingſton knight was accuſed and apprehended for the ſame,Sir Anthony Kingſton de|parteth thys lyfe. Execution. and dyed in the way comming to London.
[1] The eyght and twentith of Aprill, Throck|morton and Richarde Veale, were drawen to Tiborne, and there hanged and quartred.
[1] The nintenth of May, Stanton was like|wiſe executed.
[1] Ro. Greene.The eyght of Iune, Roſſey, Dedike and Be|dell ſuffered at Tiborne for the ſame offence.
[1] Stow.The eyghtenth of Iune, one Sands, yonger ſon to the Lord Sands, was executed at Saint Thomas Waterings, for a robberie commit|ted by him and others to the value of three M. pound.
[1] The ſeuen and twentith of Iune, eleuen men and two women, were hadde out of Newgate, and in three cartes conueyd to Stratford the bowe, where for Religion, they were brente to aſhes.
[figure appears here on page 1766]
[1] An. reg. 4. The eight of Iuly, in the beginning of thys fourth yeare of ye Queenes raigne, Henry Peck|ham and Iohn Danyell were executed,Execution. and af|ter they were dead, were headed on the Tower hill: theyr bodyes were buryed in Barking Church.
[1] This yeare, the hote burning feuers and o|ther ſtraunge diſeaſes which began the yeare be|fore,Great deathe. conſumed much people in all parts of En|glande, but namely, of moſt auntient and graue men, ſo that in London, betwene the twentith of October, and the laſt of December, there dyed ſeauen Aldermen, whoſe names were Henrye Heardſon, Sir Richard Dobbeslate Maior, ſir William Larſton late Maior, Sir Henrye Hoblethorne late Maior, Sir Iohn Champ|neis late Maior, Sir Iohn Aileph late Sheriffe, and Sir Iohn Greſſam late Maior.
[1] Aboute this time came to London an Am|baſſador to the Queene from the
Emperoure of Cathai, Moſcouia, and Ruſſelande,
An Ambaſſa|dor out of Muſcouia. 1557
[1] Alſo aboute thys tyme, the Lorde Sturton, for a verye ſhamefull and wretched murther committed by hym vppon two Gentlemen, the father and the ſonne, of the ſurnames of Har|gill, beeyng hys neere neighbors, was appre|hended and committed to the Tower of Lon|don.
[1] And although the Queene ſeemed to fauour hym muche, as one profeſſing the Catholyke Religion, yet when ſhee vnderſtoode the trueth of hys vile deede, ſhee abhorred hym, and com|maunded that hee ſhoulde be vſed accordyng to Iuſtice: wherefore ſhortly after, he was brought to Weſtminſter and there araigned and founde giltie, and hadde iudgemente as a murtherer to be hanged.
[1] And for the ſame fact were lykewiſe condem|ned foure of his ſeruantes, and the ſeconde daye of Marche nexte following, the ſayde Lorde with hys ſayde ſeruauntes, were conueyde by the Queenes guarde from the Tower of Lon|don through the Citie, hee hauyng hys armes pinioned at hys backe, and hys legges bounde vnder the Horſe bellie, and ſo caryed to Saliſ|bury, where the ſixth daye of Marche nexte, hee was hanged in the market place,The Lorde Stutton han|ged. and his foure ſeruauntes were hanged in the Countrey, neere vnto the place where the murther was commit|ted.
Thys yeare for the more parte,A great deart [...] and after great plenty [...] there was in Englande a greate dearthe, namely of corne: for Wheate and Rye were commonly ſolde for fyue ſhillings and ſyxe ſhilings a buſſhell, and in ſome places at hygher prices. But in the later ende of the yeare toward Harueſt, the price fell ſo muche, and ſpecially after newe corne was come into the Barne, that within leſſe ſpace than eyghte weekes, from ſyxe Shyl|lyngs, it fell to ſyxteene pence a buſſhell, and leſſe.
[1] Thys preſente moneth of Marche,The returne of K. Philipp [...] into England [...] Kyng Philippe, who a long ſeaſon hadde bin in Flan|ders to take poſſeſſion and gouernemente of the lowe Countreys as is aforeſayde, did nowe re|turne into England, and paſſed through Lon|don, beeyng accompanyed with the Queene, [page 1767] and diuers nobles of the Realme.
[1] The foure and twentith of Aprill, Thomas Stafford, ſeconde ſonne to the Lord Stafforde with other, to the number of two and thirtie per|ſons, comming forthe of France by Sea, ar|riued at Scarbarrough in Yorkeſhire, where they tooke the Caſtell, and helde the ſame two dayes, and then were taken without effuſion of bloud.
[1] The ſayde Stafford and Richard Sanders, otherwiſe called Captayne Sanders, with three or foure others, of the which one was a French man, were ſente vp to London, and there com|mitted to priſon in the Tower.
[1] The ſaid Stafford and four others, were ar|raigned and condemned, wherevpon, the eyghte and twentith of May, beeyng Fridaye, the ſaid Stafforde was beheaded on the Tower hill, and on the morrowe three of his compa|nye, as Strelley, Bradford, and Proctor, were drawen from the Tower to Tiborne, and there executed.
[1] Their heads were ſette ouer the bridge, and theyr quarters ouer the gates aboute the ſame Citie.
[1] Captaine Sanders had hys pardon, and ſo eſcaped.
[1] The fyrſte of May, Thomas Percye was made Knyghte and after Lorde, and on the next daye hee was created Earle of Northumber|lande.
[1] The Queene gaue to him all the landes whych had bin his auncetors remaining at that time in hir handes.
[1] In thys ſeaſon, although the Frenche Kyng (as was ſayd) was verye loth to haue warres wyth Englande, yet the Queene tangling hir ſelfe contrarye to promiſe in hir huſbands quar|rell, ſente a defyance to the Frenche Kyng, by Clarenceaux Kyng of armes, who comming to the Citie of Remes where the ſayde King then lay, declared the ſame vnto hym the ſeuenth of Iune, being the Monday in Whitſon weeke, on the whyche daye, Garter and Norrey Kyng of armes, accompanyed with other Herraultes, and alſo with the Lorde Maior, and certayne of the Aldermen of the Citie of Londõ, by ſounde of three Trumpettes,Queene Ma| [...] proclay| [...]eth open [...]e with the French King. that rode before them, pro|claymed open warre agaynſt the ſayde Frenche Kyng, fyrſte in Cheape ſyde, and after in other partes of the Citie, where cuſtomarily ſuche Proclamations are made, the Sheriffes ſtyll ridyng wyth the Herraultes, tyll they hadde made an ende, although the Lorde Maior brake off in Cheape ſyde, and went to Saynte Peters to heare ſeruice, and after to Poules, where according to the vſage then, hee wente a Proceſſion.
[1] Kyng Philippe bycauſe of the warres to|wardes, betwixte him and the Frenche Kyng, the ſixth of Iuly paſſed ouer the Calais, and ſo into Flaunders, where on that ſyde the Seas hee made greate prouiſion for thoſe warres, at whyche tyme, there was greate talke among the common people, muttering that the Kyng makyng ſmall accompt of the Queene, ſoughte occaſions to be abſent from hir.
[1] Neuertheleſſe, ſhe ſhortly after cauſed an ar|my of a thouſand horſemen, and four thouſande footemen, with two thouſande pioners, to bee tranſported ouer to hys ayde, vnder the leading of dyuers of the nobilitie, and other valiãt Cap|taynes, whoſe names partly followe.
[1] The fiftenth of Iuly, the Lady Anne of Cleue departed thys life at Chelſey, and was hono|rably buryed at Weſtminſter the fifth of Au|guſt, a Lady of righte commendable regarde, courteous, gentle, a good houſekeeper, and verye bountifull to hir ſeruauntes.
[1] The eyghtenth of Auguſt, was a ſolemne obſequie celebrate in the Churche of Sainte Paule in London, for Iohn Kyng of Portin|gale, who departed thys lyfe in Iulye laſt paſt.
[1] The Lorde Treaſorer was chiefe mour|ner.
[1] The Queenes army beeyng tranſported o|uer to Calais (as before yee haue hearde) mar|ched to ioyne with Kyng Philippes power, the whyche already beeyng aſſembled, hadde inua|ded the Frenche confynes, and beeing come be|fore Sainte Quintines, planted a ſtrong ſiege before that Towne, to the reſcue whereof, the Frenche Kyng ſente a greate armye, bothe of Horſemerme and footemen, vnder the leadyng of the Conneſtable of Fraunce,Fifteene or ſixteene thou|ſand footemẽ, and a three or four thouſand horſemen. whiche armye conſiſted of aboute nyne hundred men at armes, with as manye lyghte horſemen, ſeauen or eight hundred Reiſters, two and twentie enſignes of Lanſquenetz, and ſixteene enſignes of Frenche footemen.
[1] They hadde alſo wyth them fiftene peeces of greate artillerie, to witte, ſixe double Can|nons, foure long culuerings, the reſidue ba|ſterd culueryngs, and other peeces of ſmaller molde.
[1] The Conneſtable thus guarded, vppon S. Laurence daye, whyche is the tenth of Auguſt, approched the Towne, meaning to putte into the ſame ſuccours of more Souldyers, wyth Dandelot the Admirals brother, that was with|in the Towne not furniſhed with ſuche a gar|riſon as was thoughte expedient for the defence thereof agaynſte ſuche a power as Kyng Philip hadde prepared againſt it.
[1] The Duke of Sauoy, and other Captaynes of the army that lay at ſiege before the Towne, aduertiſed of the Conneſtables commyng to|wards them, aſſembled the moſt parte of theyr horſemen togither, and with all ſpeede made to|wards a paſſage diſtant from the place wher the French army ſtoode houering, aboute a two En|gliſhe myles, and beeyng gote ouer, they deui|ded themſelues into ryghte troupes of horſemẽ, led by the Erles of Aygmond, Horne, Mauſ|field, the Dukes of Brunſwike and others, bee|ing in all to the number of fyue thouſand menne of armes beſyde the Swart Rutters and lyghte horſemen, whych gaue ſuche a furious and cruell charge vpon the Frenchmen, that they not able [figure appears here on page 1768] to reſiſt the ſame, were altogither defeated, and theyr battayles as well horſemen as footemen putte to flyghte, whereof Kyng Philip hauyng knowledge, purſued them with all his force, in whiche purſute, there were ſlayne of the French|men a greate number, the chiefe whereof were theſe that follow. Iohn of Bourbon Duke of Anghien, the Vicount of Turaine, the eldeſt ſon of Roch du Mayne, the Lorde of Chandenier. with a greate number of other Gentlemen that bare armes in the fielde.
[1] And ther wer takẽ theſe priſoners following.
[1] Within two or three dayes after this ouer|throw, King Philip with the Engliſh armie vn|der the gouernment of the Erle of Pembroke, and others, came to the ſiege afore S. Quintines, and ſo was the ſiege greatly reenforced, and on the .xxvij. of Auguſt by the ſpeciall ayde and helpe of the Engliſhmen, the Towne of Saint Quin|tine was taken. For when the other Souldiours after diuerſe aſſaultes were repulſed and gaue o|uer, the Engliſh men of a ſtoute courage gaue a newe onſet, by reaſon whereof the towne was taken. And in rewarde of their well doing, King Phillip graunted them the ſaccage of the ſayde towne. But the Swart Rutters which keepe no rule when they be ſtrongeſt, ſet vpon the Engliſh+men, in taking of the ſpoyle, and killed a greate number of them.
[1] This grudge was with much difficultie ap|peaſed, and men thought that if the Engliſhmen being much fewer in nũber had not bin oppreſſed with the multitude of the other, that it woulde haue growne to a great ſlaughter on both parts. At the aſſault the Lorde Henrie Dudley, [...]e L. Henrie Dudley ſlaine. yongeſt ſonne to the Duke of Northumberlande was ſlaine with the ſhotte of a great peece, as he ſtou|ped vpon his approch to the wall, and ſtayed to rippe his Hoſe ouer the knee, thereby to haue bene the more apt and nymble to the aſſault.
[1] After the winning of this towne, newes in poſt were brought into England to the Queene, who cauſed general Proceſſions to be made, and Te Deum to be ſung, giuing all laude and prayſe to almightie God for this great victorie. And in the ſtreetes of euerie Citie and Towne of the Realme were made Bonefires with greate re|ioyſing: which ſodaine ſhort gladneſſe, turned verie ſhortly after to great long ſorrow. For if ought were woon by the hauing of Saint Quin|tines. England gat nothing at all, for the gaine thereof came onely to King Philip. But the loſſe of Calais, Hammes and Guiſnes, with all the Countrey on that ſide the Sea (which followed ſoone after) was ſuche a buffet to Englande, as happened not in more than an hundred yeare be|fore, and a diſhonor wherewith this realme ſhall be blotted, vntill God ſhall giue power to redub it with ſome like requitall to the French.
[1] Doctor Weſton being (as you haue heard be|fore) Prolocutor of the Connocation houſe,Doctor Weſton. was at this time in diſpleaſure with Cardinall Poole, and other Biſhops, bycauſe he was vnwilling to reſigne his Deanerie of Weſtminſter to the Queene, whoſe purpoſe was to place there (as in olde time before) the Religion of Monks, whom in deede he fauoured not, although in all other things he ſtoode with the Church of Rome. Ne|uertheleſſe, by verye importune ſuyte, or rather compulſion, he with his Colledges reſigned the Deanrie of Weſtminſter. In recõpence where|of he was made Deane of Windſore, where not long after he was taken in adulterie, and for that fact was by the Cardinall depriued of all his ſpi|rituall liuings, from whoſe ſentence he appealed to the court of Rome. For the folowing of which appeale he fought ſecretly to depart the realme. But he was apprehended by the way, and com|mitted to the tower of London, where he remay|ned priſoner, vntill (by the death of Queene Ma|rie) Queene Elizabeth came to the Crowne, by whome he was ſet at libertie and forthwith fell ſicke and died.
[1] The common talke was, that if hee had not ſo ſodainly dyed, he would haue diſcloſed the pur|poſe of the chiefe of the Cleargie, meaning the Cardinall, whiche was to haue taken vp King Henries bodie at Windſore, and to haue burnt it as many thought.
[1] The thirtith of Nouember, being Saint An|drewes day, in the fore noone, the Queene came from Saint Iames to hir palaice at Weſt min|ſter, where ſhe hearde Maſſe, at the whiche, Sir Thomas Treſſham Knight receyued the order of the Croſſe, and was inſtituted Lord of Saint Iohns of Ieruſalem in England.
[1] At this tyme, although there was open ho|ſtilitie and warre betwene England and France,Calais not fur|niſhed with a ſufficient nũ|ber of men. yet contrarie to the common cuſtome afore vſed, the towne of Calais and the fortes there aboutes were not ſupplyed with anye newe accrewes of Souldiers, but rather withdrawne from thence, and diſcharged, which negligence was not vn|knowne to the enimy, who long before had prac|tiſed the winning of the ſayd towne and country.
[1] [page 1770] The French king therefore being ſharplye nettled with the late loſſe of Saint Quintines, and a great peece of his Countrey adioyning, and deſirous of reuenge, thought it not meete to let ſlip this occaſion, but rather to aduance the ſame with all expedition, according to the plot layd by the Coneſtable afore hande: the king yet neuer|theleſſe hauing an armie in a readines (although the Conneſtable were nowe priſoner, and there|fore could not be preſent himſelf) to employ wher moſt aduantage ſhould appeare, determined with al ſpeed to put in proufe the enterprice of Calais,The Duke of Guiſe with a great armie commeth to|ward Calais. which long and many tymes before was purpo|ſed vpon, as it was well knowne.
[1] This practiſe was not ſecrete, but that the Deputies of Calais, and Guiſnes had ſome in|telligence therof, and infourmed the Queene and hir counſaile accordingly, as well by letters, as by ſufficient Meſſengers: for not onely Iohn Hiefield maiſter of the ordinaunce was ſent from thence to giue aduertiſement of the French kings purpoſe, and to haue a ſupplie of things neceſſarie for the mounting of the great Artillerie whereof he had charge, but alſo ſir Raufe Chamberleyne, Captain of the Caſtell, was likewiſe ſent to giue the like aduertiſement, who returned not paſt two or three dayes before the Duke of Guiſe came thither with the armie. And ſo eyther by wil|ful negligence, or lacke of credite by the Queenes Counſaile here, this great caſe was ſo ſlenderly regarded, that no prouiſion of defence was made, vntill it was ſomewhat too late.
[1] [2] [3] The Duke of Guiſe beeing generall of the French armie, proceeded in this enterpriſe wyth maruellous ſpeede and no leſſe policie. For ap|proching the Engliſh frontier vnder color to vit|taile Bollongne and Arde, hee entred the ſame vpon a ſodaine on Newyeares day,1558 a ſorie little plot of grounde, entrenched at Sandgate, and then deuided his armie into two partes, ſending one part with certaine peeces of great artillerie a|long the Downes by the ſea ſide towardes Rice|banke: and the other part furniſhed alſo with bat|terie peeces, marched ſtraight forth to Newnam bridge, meaning to batter theſe two Fortes both at one tyme, which thing he did with ſuch readie diſpatch, that comming thither verie late in the euening, he was Maſter of both by the next mor|ning: where at the firſt ſhot diſcharged at New|nam bridge,Newnam bridge taken by the French the head of the maſter gunner of that peece whoſe name was Horſley was clene ſtriken off. The captain hauing ſent to the lord Deputie of Calais for ſome ſupplie of men was anſwered that if he perceyued the enimies force to be ſuche, whereby his peece ſhoulde growe to be in anye daunger, that then he ſhould choke vp the artille|rie, and retire with his men vnto Calais for de|fence of the town, where they ſtood in great want of mẽ alſo, euen to the perill of loſing of the whole if the enimies came forward to beſiege it. Here|vpon the captaine within Newnam bridge per|ceyuing he might haue no ſuccors, retired wt his ſouldiers vnto Calais, in ſuch ſecret wiſe, that the Frenchmen perceiued it not of a pretie while, in ſo much yt they ſhot ſtil at the fort, when there was not a man within it to make reſiſtance, & by that time yt they were come to Calais, the other part of the French army that went by the ſea ſide wt their batterie, had won Ricebanke,Ricebanke ta|ken by the French. being abandoned to their hands. The next day the Frenchmen with fiue double Canons & three Culuerings, began a batterie frõ the Sandhilles next Ricebank againſt the curtayne betwixt the water gate, & the ſouldi|ers priſon on the wal, & continued the ſame by the ſpace of two or three dayes, vntill they had made a little breache next vnto the water gate, which neuertheleſſe was not yet aſſaultable: for yt which was broken in the day, was by them within the [figure appears here on page 1770] [page 1771] towne made vp againe in the night ſtronger than before. But the batterie was not begonne there by the French, for that they intended to enter in that place, but rather to abuſe the Engliſhe, to haue the leſſe regarde to the defence of the Caſtell, which was the weakeſt part of the towne, and the place where they were afcerteyned by theyr eſpyals to winne an eaſie entrie: ſo that whyle our people trauayled fondly to defende that coun|terfeyte breache of the towne wall, the Duke had in the meane ſeaſon planted fiftene double Ca|nons agaynſt the Caſtell, which Caſtell beeing conſidered by the rulers of the Towne, to be of no ſuch force as might reſiſt the batterie of the Canon (by reaſon it was olde and without any Rampires) it was deuiſed to make a traine with certaine Barelles of powder to this purpoſe, that when the French men ſhoulde enter (as they well knew that there they would to haue fired the ſaid traine, and blowne vp the keepe, and for that pur|poſe left neuer a man within to defende it. But the Frenchmen hauing paſſed through the ditche full of water, and therby with their clothes wrin|ging wette as they paſſed ouer the trayne, they moyſted ſo the powder, that it woulde not take fire when it was giuen, and herevpon the French+men eſpying the traine, auoyded the ſame, ſo as that deuiſe came to no purpoſe, and without any reſiſtance they entred the Caſtell, and thought to haue entred the towne by that way. But by the prowes and hardie courage of ſir Anthonie Ager knight, and Marſhal of the towne, with his ſoul|diours they were repulſed, and driuen backe again into the Caſtell, and ſo hard followed that oure men forced them to cloſe and ſhutte the Caſtell gate for their ſuretie, leaſt it ſhould haue bene re|couered agaynſt them, as it was once attempted by ſir Anthonie Ager, [...] Anthonie [...]ger and his [...] ſlaine. who there with hys ſonne and heyre, and a Purſeuant at Armes called Ca|lais, with diuerſe other, to the number of three or foure ſkore Engliſhmen loſt their lyues.
[1] The ſame night after the re [...]ule of the French+men, whoſe number ſo encreaſed in the Caſtell, that the towne was not able to reſiſt their force, the Lorde Wentworth beeing Deputie of the Towne, appoynted Nicholas Fellow, alias Gui|nes, and Richard Turpine, alias Hammes, to go to the Frenche within the Caſtell, to demaunde Parlee, wherevnto they aſſented, put forth of the poſterne two French Gentlemen, and in pledge for them receyued into the Caſtell Iohn Hiefield Maiſter of the Ordinance, and Edmonde Hall one of the Coneſtables of the Staple. Herevpon they falling in talke aboute a compoſition: at length after ſome long debating of the matter, they concluded in this ſort. Firſt that the Towne with all the great artillerie, vittayles, and muni|tion, ſhould be freely yeelded to the French king, the lyues of the Inhabitants onely ſaued, to whõ ſafe conduct ſhoulde hee graunted to paſſe where they lyſted, ſauing the Lorde Deputie with fiftie ſuch other as the duke ſhould appoynt, to remaine priſoners, and be put to their raunſome.
[1] The next morning,Calais deli|uered to the French. the Frenchmen entred and poſſeſſed the Towne, and forthwith all the men, women, and children were commaunded to leaue theyr houſes, and to goe to certaine places appoynted for them to remain in, til order might be taken for their ſending away.
[1] The places thus appoynted for them to re|maine in, were chiefly foure, the two Churches of our Ladie, and Saint Nicholas, the Deputies houſe, and the Staple, where they reſted a great part of that day, and one whole night, and the next day vntil three of the clock at after noone, without either meat or drinke.
[1] And while they were thus in the Churches, and thoſe other places, the Duke of Guiſe in the name of the French king, in their hearings made a Proclamation, ſtraytly charging all and euery perſon that were Inhabitants of the Towne of Calais, hauing about them any money, plate, or iewels, to the value of one groate, to bring the ſame forthwith, and lay it downe vpon the high Aulters of the ſayde Churches vppon paine of death, bearing them in hand alſo, that they ſhould be ſearched. By reaſon of which Proclamation, there was made a great and ſorrowfull offer|torie.
[1] And while they were at this offring within the Churches, the Frenchmen entred into theyr houſes, and ryfled the ſame, where was found in|eſtimable ryches and treaſure but ſpecially of or|dinance, armor, and other munition.
[1] About two of the clocke the next day at after Noone, beeing the ſeuenth of Ianuarie, a greate number of the meaneſt ſort, were ſuffered to paſſe out of the towne in ſafetie, being garded through the armie with a number of Scottiſh light horſe|men, who vſed the Engliſh men very well and friendly, and after this euery day for the ſpace of three or four days togither, there were ſent away, diuerſe companies of them till all were aduoyded thoſe only excepted, that were appoynted to be re|ſerued for Priſoners, as the Lorde Wentworth, and others.
[1] There were in the towne of Calais fiue hun|dred Engliſh ſouldiours ordinarie, and no mo.The garniſon of ſouldiours that were in Calais. And of the towneſmen not fully two hundred fighting mẽ (a ſmall garniſon for ye defence of ſuch a towne) and there were in the whole number of men, women, and children, as they were accom|ted (when they went out of the gate) foure thou|ſand and two hundred perſons. But the Lorde Wentworth Deputie of Calais, ſir Rauf Chã|berlaine Captain of the Caſtell, Iohn Harleſton [page 1773] Captaine of Ricebanke, Nicholas Alexander Captaine of Newnam bridge, Edward Grym|ſtone the Comptroller, Iohn Rogers Surueyor, with other, to the number of fiftie (as aforeſayde) ſuch as it pleaſed the Duke of Guiſe to appoynt, were ſent priſoners into France.
[1] Thus haue ye heard the diſcourſe of the ouer|throw and loſſe of the towne of Calais, the which enterprice was begonne and ended in leſſe than eight dayes, to the great maruaile of the worlde, that a towne of ſuch ſtrength, and ſo well furni|ſhed of al things as that was, (ſufficient numbers of men of warre onely excepted) ſhould ſo ſodain|ly be taken and conquered, but moſt ſpecially in the winter ſeaſon, what time all the Countrey about being Mariſhe grounde, is commonly o|uerflowne with water.
[1] The ſayde Towne was wonne from the French king by king Edwarde the thirde, in the time of Philip de Valois then French king, and being in poſſeſſion of the kings of Englande two hundred. xi. yeares was in the tyme of Philippe and Mary King and Queene of Englande loſt within leſſe than eight dayes, being the moſt no|table fort that England had. For the winning whereof, king Edwarde aforeſayde, in the .xxj. yeare of his raigne, was faine to continue a ſiege eleuen Monethes and more. Wherefore it was iudged of all men, that it coulde not haue come ſo to paſſe, without ſome ſecrete trecherie.
[1] Here is alſo to be noted, that when Queene Mary and hir Counſaile hearde credibly of the French mens ſodaine approch to that towne, ſhe with all ſpeede poſſible (but ſomewhat too late) rayſed a greate power for the reſkue thereof, the which comming to Douer, ſtayed there aboutes till the towne was woonne, either for that theyr whole numbers was not come togyther, or for that there were not Shippes readie ſufficient to paſſe them ouer, although the winde and weather ſerued verie well to haue tranſported them thy|ther, till the Sunday at night after the Towne was deliuered: for then began a marueylous ſore and rigorous tempeſt,A terrible tempeſt. continuing the ſpace of foure or fiue dayes togither, that the like had not beene ſene in the remembrance of man. Where|fore ſome ſayd that ye ſame came to paſſe through Nigromancie,Grafton. and that the Diuell was rayſed vp and become Frenche, the truth whereof is knowne (ſayth maiſter Grafton) to God.
[1] [2] True it is that after the ſayde tempeſt be|ganne, for the time it laſted, no ſhippe coulde well brooke the Seas, by reaſon of the outragious ſtor|mes. And ſuch of the Queenes ſhippes as did then aduenture the paſſage, were ſo ſhaken and torne with the violence of the weather, that they were forced to returne in great danger, and not with|out loſſe of all their tackle and furniture, ſo that if this tempeſtnous weather had not chaunced, it was thought that the army ſhould haue paſſed to haue giuen ſome ſuccors to Guiſnes, and to haue attempted the recouerie of Calais. But if the ſame armie might haue beene readie to haue tranſported ouer in time, before the loſſe of Ca|lais, and whileſt the weather was moſte calme and ſweete, as was poſſible for that tyme of the yeare, the towne might haue beene preſerued, and the other peeces whiche through want of tymely ſuccours came into the enimies poſſeſſion. And thus by negligence of the Counſaile at home, cõ|ſpiracie of traytors elſwhere, force and falſe prac|tiſe of enimies, holpen by the rage of moſte ter|rible tempeſtes of contrarie windes and wea|ther, thys famous Fort of Calais was brought agayne and left in the hands and poſſeſſion of the French.
[1] So ſoone as this Duke of Guiſe, (contrarie to all expectation) had in ſo fewe dayes gayned this ſtrong towne of Calais (afore thought im|pregnable) and had put the ſame in ſuch order as beſt ſeemed for his aduauntage, proude of the ſpoyle, and preſſing forwarde vppon his good fortune, without giuing long time to the reſidue of the Captaines of the Fortes there, to breathe vpon their buſineſſe, the .xiij. day of the ſayd Mo|neth being Thurſday, with all prouiſion requiſite for a ſiege, marched with his armie from Calais, vnto the towne and fort of Guiſnes, fiue myles diſtant from thence. Of which Towne and Ca|ſtell, at the ſame time there was Captaine a va|liant Baron of England, called William, Lord Gray of Wilton, who not without cauſe ſuſpec|ting a ſiege at hande, and knowing the Towne of Guiſnes to be of ſmall force, as being large in compaſſe, without walles or Bulwarkes, cloſed onely with a Trench, before the Frenchmens ar|riuall, had cauſed all the Inhabitants of the town to auoyde, and ſo many of them as were able to beare armes, he cauſed to retyre into the Caſtell, which was a place well fortified with ſtrong and maſſie Bulwarkes of Bricke, hauing alſo a high and mightie Tower, of great force and ſtrength, called the Keepe.
[1] The towne being thus abandoned, the French men had the more eaſie approche to the Caſtell, who thinking to finde quiet lodging in thoſe va|cant houſes, entred the ſame without any feare. And being ye night at their reſt (as they thought) a choſen bande of ſouldiours appoynted by the Lorde Gray, iſſued out by a poſteine of the ſayde Caſtell, and ſlue no ſmall number of their ſleepie gueſtes, and the reſt they put out of their new lod|gings, and mangre the Duke and all the French power, conſumed all the houſes of the Towne with fire. That notwithſtanding, the ſayd duke with all diligence began his trenches, and albeit [page 1773] the ſhotte of the great artillerie from the Caſtell was terrible, and gaue him great impeachment, yet did he continue his worke without intermiſ|ſion, and for examples ſake wrought in his owne perſon as a common Pioner or labourer. [...]tyne. So that within leſſe than three dayes, he brought to the number of. xxxv. batterie peeces, hard to the brim of the Caſtell ditche, to batter the ſame on all ſides, as wel forth right as a croſſe. But his prin|cipall batterie, he planted agaynſt the ſtrongeſt Bulwarke of all, called Mary Bulwarke, thin|king by gayning of the ſtrõger to come more ea|ſily by the weaker.
[1] On Monday morning therefore by the breake of day, [...]rle layde [...]e Mary [...]arke. they had layde two batteries to the ſayde Bulwark .xiij. Cannons in the one, & nine in the other, with which they plied it ſo well, as that by noone they had not onely diſmounted their coun|ter batterie within, but alſo cleane cut away the hoope of Bricke of the whole forefront of theyr Bulwarkes, whereof the filling being but of late digged earth, did crimble away, which the enimie finding about two of the clocke in the ſame after noone, ſent fortie or fiftie forlorne Boyes wyth ſwordes and targets to view & aſſay the breach. The ditch at that place before the batterie was not. xxiiij. foote brode, nowe aſſuredly not a do|zen, nor in depth aboue a mans knees, wherefore with ſmall adoe they came to the breache, and with as little paine came vp the ſame, the climbe was ſo eaſie, from whence hauing diſcharged certaine Piſtolles vpon the Engliſh men, and receyued a few puſhes of the Pyke, they retyred, and making report of the eaſineſſe of the breache, ſtreight a bande or two of Gaſcoignes (as it was thought threw themſelues into the ditche, and vp they came. Thẽ a little more earneſtly the Eng|liſh men leaned to theyr tackling, theyr flankers walked, theyr Pykes, theyr Culuers, their pots of wildfire were lent them, the Harquebuſh ſalu|ted them,The Gaſ|coignes put backe. ſo as ioly maiſter Gaſcoigne was ſet down with more haſt than he came vp with good [figure appears here on page 1773] ſpeede, and ſo ended Mondayes worke, ſauing that vpon the retyre from the aſſault, they gaue ſeuen or eight ſuch terrible tyres of batterie, as tooke cleane away from them within, the toppe of theyr Vawmure and Maundes, leauing them all open to the Canons mouth. Whereby ſurely but for night that came on, the Engliſhmen had beene forced to haue abandoned the place.
[1] At this aſſault was ſlaine of Gentlemen, one captaine Bourne an Engliſhman, verie valiant, alſo a Spaniſh Gentleman, and common ſouldi|ours to the number of fortie or fiftie. There was alſo ſore hurt at the ſame aſſault, one other Spa|niſh Captaine, with diuerſe other, whom for the auoyding of tediouſneſſe I let paſſe.
[1] The Lorde [...]ray cõmen| [...] his ſoul| [...]ers.At night the Lorde Gray came to the Bul|warke, and hauing rendred thankes to God for that dayes good ſucceſſe, did greatly commende them all for theyr manfull defence and valiaunt behauiour, exhorting them to continue therein, as the onely thing wherein their ſafetie and good name did reſt.
[1] The batterie (as before is tolde) hauing layd the Bulwarkes open, they within were enforced for winning of a new Vawmure, to entrench within the Bulwarke ſixe foote deepe, and nine in thickneſſe, which maruellouſly did ſtrengthen the peece, the ſame being of no great largeneſſe before.
[1] By the next day beeing Tueſday, they had planted two batteries m [...], the one in the Market place of the Towne, to beate a Curteyne of the bodie of the Caſtell, of ſixe Canons, the other vp|on the Rampire of the towne of three peeces, to beate the Catte and a flanker of the Barbican, which two garded one ſide of the Mary bulwark.
[1] This morning they beſtowed moſt in battering at the Flankers, which the day before they had felt, and in deede wanne euerie one from them within, ſauing that of the Catte, which lay high and ſomewhat ſecrete, and an other at the ende of a Bray by the gate on the other ſide of the Bul|warke, all the reſt, as thoſe of the garden Bul|warke which chiefly behelde the maine breach of [page 1774] the Barbican, and of the Keepe, were quite bere|ued them. And beſides the enimie continually in|terteyned the breach, with .viij. or. ix. tires ye hour.
[1] [2] [3] In the afternoone about the ſame houre, that they made their attempt the day afore, a regimẽt of Swiſſes, with certain bands of Frenchmẽ ap|proched the dike, as if preſently they would haue giuen the aſſault, but there they did ſtay, ſending to the breach only a captain or two, ſeeking ther|by to haue diſcouered what flankers yet were left to them within, wherin they were preuented, the L. Gray hauing before warned the gũners not to diſcloſe them, but vpon extremity. And thus after an houres play with the harquebuſh only, and a light offer or two of approche, this people retired them, & gaue the Canon place againe, which by night had driuen them within a newe to become moldwarps, & to entrench thẽſelues with all ſpeed poſſible. The morrow being Wedneſday, by the peepe of day, all the batteries began, & without in|termiſſion held on till one of the clocke in the after noone, & eſpecially yt in ye market place ſo preuai|led as hauing cleane ruined the old wall, did driue through the rampire, and a new countermure of earth rayſed vpon the ſame, where the L. Gray himſelfe ſitting vpõ a for me,The daunger which my lord Gray eſcaped. with ſir Henry Pal|mer, and maiſter Lewes Diue his L. couſin and deputie, made a faire eſcape, the forme being ſtri|ken a ſunder vnder thẽ without any further harm to any of them, though ſundrie other that day and the other following loſt their liues on the ſame curteyn by the foreſayd battrie, which ful in flank did beat it, wherein yet was his Lordſhips onely abode as his chiefeſt place to view and regard the behauiour and need of all the other limmes, from which alſo a quoite might be throwne into Ma|ry bulwarke. The enimies Canon (as is ſayde) hauing playd thus all the morning, and wel ſear|ched as they thought euery corner that flankers might lurke in, about the foreſaid houre of one of the clock, the Engliſhmẽ might deſcrie the trench before the breach to be ſtuffed with Enſignes, the L. Gray ſtreight expecting that which followed, gaue word incontinently to euery place to ſtand on their gard, encoraging euery man to continue in their wel begon endeuor. A tower yt was called Webs tower, & yet ſtãding, which flãked one ſide of the beaten bulwarke, he ſtuffed with .xx. of the beſt ſhot wt curriers. Theſe things no ſooner thus ordred.The Swiſſes and Gaſcoigns giue the aſ|ſault. but that .viij. or .ix. enſignes of Swiſſes, & three of Gaſcoignes, do preſent themſelues vpon the counterſcarfe, & without ſtay the Gaſcoignes flew into the ditch, run vp the breach, whom they within receyue with harquebuſh ſhot, but they re|quite the Engliſhmen againe with two for one. The top of the vawmure or rather trench, the e|nimie boldly approcheth, the pyke is offred, to hãd blowes it cõmeth. Then the Swiſſe with a ſtate|ly leaſure ſteppeth into the ditche, & cloſe togither marcheth vp the breach, the fight increaſeth, wax|eth very hote, the breach all couered with the e|nimies. The ſmall ſhot in Webbes tower began now their parts, no bullet that went in vaine, on the other ſide againe .xx. of the Spaniards on the inſide of the Brayes had laid themſelues cloſe till the heate of the aſſault, & then ſhewing thẽſelues, did no leſſe gall the enimies thã the tower. Thus went it no luſtilier aſſayled thã brauely defended. At laſt after an hours fight & more, the gouernors without, finding the great ſlaughter that theyrs went to, & ſmall auaile, and perceyuing the two litle Caſemates of the tower & Brayes to be the cheifeſt annoyances, did cauſe a retire to be ſoun|ded, & withall three or four of the canõs in ye mar|ket place, to be turned vpõ Webs tower, ye which at two tyres brought cleane downe the ſame vpõ the ſoldiers heads, wherin two or three were ſlain outright, others hurt to death, & who eſcaped beſt, ſo maimed or bruſed, as they wer no more able to ſerue. The enimie this while hauing breathed, & a brace of. C. ſhots put forth only to attend vpõ the few Spaniards that kept the corners of the brays the aſſault of freſh is begon, & their beaten bandes with new companies relieued. The L. Gray alſo ſent into the bulwarke two. C. freſh men. Now grew the fight heauy vpõ the Engliſhmen, al their defence reſting in the pike & bill, their chiefeſt flan|kers being gone, their places to beſtow ſhot in ta|ken from them, their fire workes in maner ſpent, the Spaniſh ſhot on the other ſide ſo ouerlayd, as not one of them but was eyther ſlain or marred, ere a quarter of ye aſſault was paſt. The eaſineſſe of the fight thus alluring the enimie, vnappointed companies flew to the breach, and courage was on euerie ſide with them, what hauock they made it is not hard to geſſe. My L. Gray perceyuing the extremitie, ſent to the two forenamed flãkers, that they ſhould no longer ſpare. They ſtreight wẽt off, the ditches and breach being couered with men. Theſe vnlooked for gueſts, made the enimie that was cõming to pauſe, and the other alreadie come to repent their haſt. Three or foure bouts of theſe ſalutations began to cleare well the breach, though the ditch grew the fuller at night. At laſt parted with no great triũph of others winnings, (for as the Engliſhmen within wẽt not ſcotfree) ſo ſurely no ſmall number of their enimies car|kaſſes, toke vp their lodgings in the ditch yt night.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] My L. Gray this night came into the Bul|warke, where after prayſe firſt to God, hee gaue thanks and cõmendations to them all. The ſlain men he cauſed to be buried, the hurt to be remoued and looked vnto, ſawe the breach repayred, en|quyred of their lackes, and as he might ſupplyed the ſame. They that were great could not be hel|ped, as cornepowder, fireworks, yea & pikes began [page 1775] to faile vs. The moſt part of the night he here be|ſtowed, & longer as was thought had taried, had not a ſkaberdleſſe ſword about one of the ſouldiers as he went in the [...]rong and darke amongſt thẽ,L. Gray [...] by miſ| [...]e. thruſt him almoſt through the foote, whervpon he withdrew him to be dreſſed, vſing firſt vnto the ſouldiors and exhortation to arquite themſelues no leſſe valiantly the next day, aſſuring them, that one or two more ſuch bankers as this laſt, gyuen to the enimie, would coole their courages for any mo aſſaultes. This night now, great noiſe & wor|king was heard in the ditch, wherevpon the Bul|wark once or twiſt was on alarme. At the laſt with Creſſets it was eſpied, that they were ma|king abridge. [...] French [...] bridges. The morning came, and then the ſame was ſeene to bee finiſhed, emptie Eaſkes with ropes faſtned togither, & ſawed boordes layd theron [...] This yet did but put them within, in a certaintie of that which before they accõpted of, & ſtood prepared for. To be ſhort, the enimies ſpent all the day till it was full two of the clocke in bat|terie, & beating at the two laſt flankers, which at length they won frõ them within, & the gunners of either ſlain, whervpon the L. Gray taking coũ|ſaile of ſir Henry Palmer, M. Lewes Diue, and Montdragon the leader of the Spaniards, it was reſolued, that there might be order to make a fu|cacie within the bulwarke, and preſently to with|draw all frõ thence, ſauing a certain for a face and ſtale to til in the enimy, & thẽ to haue blowen it vp whole. [...]fton. In this meane time, the duke of Guiſe ha|uing giuen order to M [...] Dandelot Coronell of the French footmen, yt be with his bandes ſhould be in a readineſſe to giue the aſſault when ſigne ſhoulde be giuen, he withdrewe him to an higher ground, from whence he might plainely diſcouer the behauior as wel of his ſouldiors in the aſſault giuing, as alſo of the defendants in anſwering the ſame, and perceyuing not ſo many of the Eng|liſh part appearing for defence (as he doubted ther would) gaue order forthwith, that a regiment of his moſt forwarde Lancequenets ſhoulde mount the breach to open the firſt paſſage, and that M. Dandelot with his French foote handes ſhoulde backe them, which order was followed with ſuch hote haſt, and deſperate hardineſſe, that entring a deepe ditch full of water from the bottom, [...]ati [...]e. wherof to the top of the breach, in ſome places was well nere fortie foot, wtout feare either of the water be|neath, or the fire aboue, they mounted the breach. And whereas the duke had prepared (as ye haue healed bridges made of plankeboordes, borne vp with caſkes and emptie pipes, tied one to another, for his men to paſſe the ſayd ditch, many of them now at this aſſault, without care of thoſe brid|ges, plunged into the water, and tooke the next way to come to the aſſault, which hote haſt not|withſtanding, the aſſaylants were at the firſt ſo ſtoutly repulſed and put backe by the defendants, being furniſhed with great ſtore of wildfire, and other fucaſies for the purpoſe, that they were tur|ned headlong one vpon another, much faſter than they came vp, not without great waſt & ſlaugh|ter of their beſt and moſt forward ſoldiors, to the ſmall comfort of the ſtoute duke, who (as is fayde before) ſtood all this while vpon a little hill to be|hold this buſineſſe. Wherefore not enduring this ſight any longer, as a man enraged, ran among his men, ſo reprouing ſome, and encouraging o|ther, that the aſſault was foote hote renued, with much more ved [...]mencie and furie than before, and with no leſſe ſtordie obſtinacie and deſpera|tion receiued by the defendants, whereby all the breach beneath was filled with French careaſſes This notwithſtanding, the Duke ſtill redoubled his forces with freſh companies, and continued ſo many aſſaults one vpon another, that at the laſt charge, being moſt [...]ehement of all the other, the Engliſh men beyng tyred, and greatly miniſhed in theyr numbers, by ſlaughter and bloudie woundes, were of fine force driuen to auoyd, and ſo after halfe an houres fight, the enimie [...]tred, which when the Lord Gray behelde, he leaped to the top of the rampire, wiſhing of God that ſome ſhot would take him, when one that ſtoode next him, by the ſcarffe ſodainly pulled him downe, o|therwiſe the effects had well declared the earneſt|neſſe of the prayer: he was not yet vp again when a [...] Canon ſhotte gra [...]ed vpon the ſame place from whence he fell.
[1] The fight within the Bulwarke yet laſted, to the great ſlaughter of thẽ that defended it. My L. Gray preſently called to maiſter Lewes Diue, & others that were about him to follow him to the gate. The maze was ſuche that beſides his ſonne maiſter Arthure Gray and nowe Lorde Gray maiſter Lewes Diue, Captaine Brickwell, and halfe a dozen of armed Corſlettes, not a manne elſe did follow him. By this meanes of the Eng|liſhe meane were cleane dryuen oute of the Bulwarke, the enimye yet not daring to paſſe the Brayes, gaue them that eſcaped, good leyſure to recouer the gate, where my L. Gray holding the wic [...]e [...] himſelf, receyued them in.
[1] Vppon the takyng of this Bulwarcke, the Souldiours of Wheteleys Bulwarcke and the baſe Court in diſcomfiture abandoned theyr charges, flying to the Caſtel [...] ſo that more than the Keepe, and the bodie of the Caſtell, no part was free from the enimie. My Lorde Grey hauing receyued all his, cauſed the Gates to bee rammed vppe.
[1] Thus were the chiefe Bulwarkes and vtter lymmes of the Caſtell of Guiſnes obteyned by the French, on Saint Sebaſtians day,Grafton. being the xx. of Ianuarie, but yet not without great ex|penſe [page 1776] of bloud on both ſides: for of the Frenche part there were ſlaine in thoſe aſſaultes aboue the number of eight or nine hundred, and of the Engliſh not many fewer: amongeſt whome the greateſt loſſe light vpon thoſe fewe Spaniards and Wallons that were come to aſſyſt the Eng|liſhmen at that preſent.
[1] It was nowe night [...] a Trumpettor came to the ditches ſide in the baſe Court, and ſounded a ſommons, who being called vnto and aſked what he woulde, tolde that hee was ſent to my Lorde Gray by the Duke of Guiſe, with offer of parlee if it woulde be hearkened to. The Souldiers no ſooner hard theſe newes, but forſaking the walles came all in rowte togithers, and confuſedly ſpea|king to their Chieftaine the ſayde Lorde Gray, prayed him to hearken to the Meſſage, and to haue conſideration of theyr lyues, which ſo long as any hope remayned, they willingly had ven|tured. The Lorde Grayes aunſwere was, that he marueyled, eyther what cauſeleſſe miſtruſt of his caring for them was now come vpon them, or what ſodaine vnwoonted fayntneſſe of mynde had ſo aſſayled them, as to cauſe them in ſuche diſorder to forſake their places, and leaue the walles naked, hee willed them to returne to the ſame.
[1] My Lorde Gray hereof tooke counſaile. It was thought good not to reiect the offer, the ex|tremitie on euerie ſide weyed. The Trumpettor receyuing anſwere, accordingly departed, and without long abode returned again, requyring in the dukes behalfe hoſtages for a truce during the Parle [...] from vs, he mynding to deliuer the like in|to the Caſtell. From him in fine Monſieur De|ſtrees, & a Gentleman of the kings chamber were ſent in: and maiſter Arthure Gray my Lordes ſonne, and maiſter Lawes Diue, were put out. Monſieur Dandelot in the Brayes receyued them, and caried them ouer the vnfortunate Bulwarke, being come vppon naked and newe ſlaine Carkaſſes, ſome of them ſprawling yet and groning vnder their feete, were onely the earth they trode on. So paſſing downe the breach ſom|what to the eaſe of the former heauie ſight, they ſaw it and the ditche little leſſe fraught with the enimies corpſes. So to the campe they came, and were lodged in the ſayde Dandelots tent.
[1] [2] The next day in the morning, the Lorde Gray was to meete with the Duke abrode, be|tweene them willingly one houre was ſpent in talking withoute agreement, onely vpon thys poynt, that the Lord Gray would haue his bands depart with Enſignes diſplayed, which woulde not be yeelded vnto: ſo he returned, and the ho|ſtages alſo therevpon were ſent in. Monſieur Deſtrees not being yet come forth, my Lord was no ſooner entred againe, but that the ſouldiours eftſoones forſaking the walles, willingly to the preſent cutting of all theyr owne throtes, (if Monſieur Deſtrees himſelfe had not beene, with a fewe Captaynes and Gentlemen of the Lorde Grayes owne retinue) came and met him, crying vpon him to haue pitie vpon them. The Lorde Gray herewith ſtayed, and pauſing a while, had this ſpeech. The onely pitie (if fonde I cannot ſay) that I haue of you, hath cauſed me this day to make ſuch offers of cõpoſition, as neyther your honeſties, nor my honour, nor eyther of our du|ties, in my thought may well beare, which refu|ſed to take harder to the vtter defaſing of our cre|dites ſince the beſt would blot it. If I woulde, Souldiours, your ſelues (me thinketh) in ven|geance thereof ſhould turne your weapons vpon me, and ſacrifice ſo heartleſſe a Captaine, rather than to take it as a token of a pitifull Captaine ouer you, and to yeeld thankes for the ſame. We haue begonne as becommed vs, we haue yet helde on as duetie doth binde vs, let vs ende then as ho|neſt dutie and fame doth wil vs. Neither is there any ſuch extremitie of deſpayre in our caſe, but that we may yet dearely ynough ſell our ſkinnes ere we loſe them. Let vs then eyther march out vnder our Enſignes diſplayed, or elſe herewith die vnder them diſplayed.
[1] The Souldiours herewith in a mutenie flat|ly anſwered, that they for his vainglorie woulde not ſell their lyues. The deſperateneſſe of theyr caſe was not vnknowne vnto them (ſayde they) and that theyr lyues in other ſeruice myght yet auaile theyr Prince and Countrey. In this now further to venture, was but like oxen to be thruſt to the Butcher. That his Lordſhip was not to expect any one blow of their handes.
[1] Herewith in haſt came one from Monſieur Deſtrees that ſtoode at the Rampire, aduyſing him to ſende his Souldiours to the walles, other|wiſe that the Swiffes would aſſuredly enter. So conſtrayned his Lordſhip promiſed them to com|pounde, and ſo he gat them to the walles. Then my Lord going to counſayle, at length agreed vpon theſe conditions.
[1] Firſt, that the Caſtell with all the furniture therein as well vittayles as great artillerie, pow|der, and all other munitions of warre, ſhoulde bee wholy rendred without waſting, hyding or mi|niſhment thereof.
[1] Secondarily, that the Lorde Gray with all the Captaynes, officers and other, hauing charge there, ſhould remaine priſoners at the dukes plea|ſure, to be raunſomed after the maner of warre.
[1] Thirdly, that all the reſt, as well ſouldiers as others, ſhoulde depart with their armors, & bag|gage, to what parties it ſeemed them beſt, neuer|theleſſe to paſſe without ſound of drum or trum|pet, or enſigne, and to leaue them behinde.
[1] [page 1777] Theſe Articles ſent by Monſieur Deſtrees to the duke were accepted, and ſo in the after noone, the duke himſelfe came and receyued the keyes of my Lorde Gray, who preſently went out, and was giuẽ to the Marſhall Strozzi, and from him ſold to Monſieur de Randan, by whom he came into his brother ye Counte de Rochefoucault his handes, and there reſted, till he was redeemed for xxiiij. thouſand Crownes.
[1] The day following, to with the .xxij. of Ia|nuarie, all the ſouldiours of the ſayde fortreſſe of Guiſnes, as well Engliſh as ſtraungers, wyth all the reſt of the Inhabitants, and other (excep|ted the Lorde Gray himſelfe, maiſter Arthure Gray his ſonne, ſir Henrie Palmer Knight, Mondragon Captayne of the Spaniards, and other men of charge reſerued by the compoſition) departed with theyr bagge and baggages from thence towardes Flaunders. At whoſe iſſuing forth, there were eſteemed to the number of eyght or nine hundred able men for the warre, part Engliſh, and part Burgonians. Of Spa|niards ſo few were left, as no account is to bee made of them, in maner the whole number of them being ſlaine and ſelling theyr lyues ryght dearely according to the order of good and hardie ſouldiours.
[1] Thus endes this ſiege, wherein for breuityes ſake, we haue left to ſay any thing of the proui|ſions that the Lorde Gray made agaynſte the ſame, of the aduertiſements that from tyme to tyme hee ſent to King Philippe and Queene Marie, and of theyr aunſweres, of the ſundrie aduentures which they of Guiſnes had with the enimies during their being about Calays, and of the greate and many booties that were there ta|ken. Onely in a worde or two will I adde what bandes of ſtraungers were within the peece, by|cauſe thereof as in an other thing or two, I finde maiſter Grafton in his Chronicle ſpeake at ro|uers. Firſt came in Mondragon, with two Spa|niardes more, verie valiaunt men, whom did fol|low within a day or two, about foure or fiue and thirtie other Spaniards, all ſhotte, of whiche (as I haue hearde) there went not fiue oute of the Caſtell.
[1] There came one Captaine Deſquie a Bur|gonian, with two hundred Souldiours, Pykes moſt. This bande was appoynted to the Marie Bulwarke, whoſe Captaine beeing full of the Gowte, and an impotent manne, would not yet be from his charge, but in his bed ended his life in the Bulwarke. And ſo of this ynough.
[1] But now after the winning of this Towne and Caſtell,Grafton. the Duke aduyſing well vppon the place, and conſidering that if it ſhould happen to be regayned by Engliſhe men, what a noy|ſome neighbour the ſame myght be to Calays, nowe beeing Frenche, and ſpecially what em|peachment ſhoulde come thereby for the paſſage thither from Fraunce, conſidering alſo the neare ſtanding thereof to the Frenche Kings Fortreſſe of Arde, ſo that to keepe two Garniſons ſo nigh togither ſhoulde bee but a double charge, and not onely needleſſe, but alſo daungerous for the cauſe afore rehearſed.
[1] Vpon theſe conſiderations (as the Frenche menne wryte) hee tooke order for all the greate Artillerie, vittayles, and other Munition, to bee taken forth, and the Caſtell wyth all the Bulwarckes and other Fortifications there, with all ſpeede to bee razed and throwne downe, and the ſtuffe to be caried away, and employed in other more neceſſarie places.
[1] Then reſted nothing within all the Engliſh Pale on that ſyde vnconquered,Hammes Caſtell. but the little Caſtell or Pyle called Hammes, whiche though it were but of ſmall force, made by Art and induſtrye of mannes hande, and beeyng altogyther of olde woorkemanſhippe wythoute Rampyres or Bulwarkes: yet neuertheleſſe, by the naturall ſituation thereof, beeyng on all ſydes enuyroned wyth Fennes and Mariſhe groundes, it coulde not eaſilye bee approched vnto, eyther wyth greate Ordinaunce for the batterie, or elſe wyth any armie to encampe there for a Siege, but hauing one ſtrayte paſ|ſage thereto by a narrowe Cawſey, trauer|ſed and cutte through in dyuerſe places, wyth deepe Dytches, alwayes full of water, whiche thing beeing well forſeene by Edwarde Lorde Dudley then Captayne there, hauing as good cauſe to ſuſpecte a Siege there, as his neighbours had afore the Frenche mennes comming to Guiſnes, cauſed all the Bridges of the ſayde Cawſey beyng of Woodde to bee broken, to gyue thereby the more empeachmente to the Frenche, if they ſhoulde attempte to approche the ſame as ſhortly after they did, and kepte dy|uerſed of the paſſages.
[1] But to delyuer the Duke and his Soul|diours from that care, there came to hym glad newes from thoſe that hadde charge to watche the ſayde Cawſey, howe the Captaine hauyng intelligence of the rendring of Guiſnes, ſecrete|ly the ſame nyght, hadde conueyed himſelfe, with his ſmall garniſon by a ſecrete paſſage ouer the Mariſhe into Flaunders: whereby the Duke beeing nowe paſte care of any further Siege to be layde in all that Frontier, tooke order forth|wyth to ſeaze the ſayde little Fort into his han|des, as it was eaſie to doe, when there was no re|ſiſtance.
[1] When this peece was once ſeazed by the Frẽch, then remayned there none other place of defence or ſtrength of the Engliſhe on all that ſyde the [page 1778] Sea, for the ſafegarde of the reſt of the Coun|trey, whereby the Frenche King became whol|ly and throughly Lorde and maiſter of all the Engliſhe Pale, for nowe (as yee haue hearde) there was neyther Towne, Caſtell, nor other Fortreſſe, more or leſſe on that ſyde (ſauyng Bootes Bulwarke neare to Graueling, whiche after King Philippe kepte as his) but that it was eyther taken awaye by force, our elſe a|bandoned, and lefte open to the enimie. And as the Frenche menne wryte) beſyde the great ry|ches of Golde and Siluer, Coyne, Iewelles, Plate, Woolles, and other Marchandice (which was ineſtimable) there were founde three hun|dred peeces of Braſſe mounted on Wheeles, and as many peeces of Iron, with ſuche fur|niture of Powder, Pellettes, Armour, Vyt|tayles, and other munitons of warre ſcarcely cre|dible.
[1] Thus haue you hearde the whole diſcourſe of the conqueſt of the noble Towne of Calays, with all the Engliſhe Fortreſſes and Countrey adioyning made by the duke of Guiſe, the newes whereof, when they came to the Frenche King, no neede to aſke howe ioyfullye they were re|ceyued, not onely of him and all his Court, but alſo vniuerſally through the whole Realme of Fraunce. For the which victorie, there was (as the maner is) Te Deum ſung, and Bonefires made euerie where, as it is woont to bee in caſes of common ioy and gladneſſe, for ſome rare bene|fite of God, inſomuche that ſhortly vppon the Conqueſt, there was a publike aſſembly at Pa|ris of all the ſtates of Fraunce, who frankely in recompence of the Kings charges employed in winning of Calays, and the places aforeſayde, and for maintenance of his warres to bee conti|nued afterwardes, graunted vnto him three mil|lions of French Crownes, whereof the Clear|gie of Fraunce contributed one Million, beſides their Diſmes. And no maruell though the French did highly reioyce at the recouerie of Calays out of the Engliſh mens handes, for it is conſtantly affyrmed of many, that be acquainted with the affayres of Fraunce, that euer ſithence the ſame Towne was fyrſt woonne by Engliſhe menne, in all ſolemne Counſayles aſſembled to treate vppon the ſtate of Fraunce, there was a ſpe|ciall perſone appoynted to putte them in re|membraunce from tyme to tyme of Calays, as it were to be wyſhed that the lyke were v|ſed in Englande, vntill it were regayned from the French.
[1] Now ſeemed euery day a yeare to the French King, vntill hee perſonally had viſited Calays, and his newe conquered Countrey: wherefore about the ende of Ianuarie hee tooke his voyage thither, accompanied with no ſmall number of his Nobilitie.
[1] And immediately vpon his arriuall there, he per vſed the whole towne, and euery part thereof from place to place, deuyſing with the Duke of Guiſe for the better fortification thereof, what ſhoulde be added to the olde, and what ſhoulde be made new, and what ſhoulde be taken away. And after order taken for that buſineſſe, he pla|ced there a noble man,Monſieur de Thermes made captain of Calays. and no leſſe valiant knight of the order, called Monſieur de Thermes to bee Captaine of the towne, and ſo departed again in|to Fraunce.
[1] After the French Kings departure from Ca|lays, bee made greate haſte for the accompliſh|ment of the maryage, mooued betweene Fraun|ces his eldeſt ſonne, called the Dolphyn, and Marie Stewarde, daughter and ſole heyre of Iames the fyft late King of Scotlande, which Princeſſe if Scottes had beene faythfull of pro|miſe (as they ſeldome bee) ſhoulde haue maryed King Edwarde the ſixth. For the breache of which promiſe, beganne all the warre betweene Englande and Scotlande, as you hearde in the latter ende of the lyfe of King Henrie the eight, and in the begynning of King Edwarde the ſixth.
[1] This maryage (ſayth Grafton) though it be not of my matter, I thought not to omit, for that many things were meant thereby, whiche thankes bee to God neuer came to effect. But one ſpeciall poynte was not hydden to the Worlde, that by meane of the ſame the realme of Scotlande ſhoulde for euermore haue re|mayned as vnited and incorporate to the crowne of Fraunce, and that as the ſonne and heyre of euerie Frenche King doth ſucceede to the inhe|ritaunce and poſſeſſion of a Countrey called the Dolphine, and is therefore called Dolphyn. And like as the Principalitie of Wales apper|teyneth to the eldeſt ſonne of Englande, who therefore is called the Prince of Wales: euen ſo the Dolphyn and heyre of Fraunce ſhoulde thereby haue beene King of Scotlande for e|uermore, whiche name and tytle vppon thys maryage was accordingly giuen to Fraunces, Dolphyn and beyre apparaunt of Fraunce, to bee called Kyng Dolphin. The meanyng whereof was vtterly to exclude for euermore any to be king of Scotland, but onely the eldeſt ſonne of Fraunce.
[1] This memorable mariage was ſolemnized in the Citie of Paris,The mariage of the Queene of Scots with the Dolphin. the foure and twentie day of Aprill, in the yeare of Chriſt .1558. wyth moſt magnifique pompe and tryumphe, and ho|noured wyth the preſence of the moſte parte of the Princes, Prelates, Lordes, and Barons of both the Realmes, as it were for a confirmation of this newe aliaunce, which as it was muche [page 1779] to the aduauntage and benefite of Fraunce, ſo nothing coulde bee more preiudice, and deroga|tion to the Crowne of Scotlande, as a deuiſe tending to the perpetuall abolition and extin|guiſhment of the name and ſtate of kings in that Realme.
[1] In this meane tyme alſo the Queene Do|wager of Scotlande, hadde done what in hir lay, to procure the Scottiſhe Nobilitie to make warres agaynſt Englande, but they beeing not wylling thereto, Monſieur Doyſell Coro|nell of certaine bandes of Frenchmen, c [...]me to Aymouth within ſixe myles of Berwike, and fortified that place, making ſundrie roades and inuaſions into Englande, in reuenge whereof the Engliſhe men made the lyke inroades into Scotlande, wherevpon the Scottiſh men in their owne defence (as ſome pretend) were dryuen to haue warres, and therevpon the Earle of Hunt|ley was made Lieutenant of the Scottes bor|ders, who remayning there, by the helpe of the Frenchmen did many diſpleaſures to the Eng|liſhmen. This warre was begunne in the yeare laſt paſt, and ſo continued, during the whiche manye ſkirmyſhes and dyuerſe proper feates of Armes were put in practiſe, betwixt the par|tyes (as in the Hyſtorie of Scotlande, it ſhall by Gods helpe further appeare,) where we ſhall ſpeake of the doyngs in the yeares .1557. and .1558.
[1] But nowe to returne to the matter of Eng|lande from whiche I haue in parte digreſſed. The newes of this Conqueſt of Calays were not ſo ioyfully receyued in Fraunce, as they were generallye grieuous and diſpleaſaunt to the whole Realme of Englande: but ſpecially to Queene Marie, who beeing a Princeſſe of hearte and courage, more than commonly is in womankynde, thought hir ſelfe ſo much tou|ched in honour by the loſſe of hir ſayde towne and poſſeſſions on that ſyde the Sea, as ſhee counted hir lyfe yrkeſome, vntyll the ſame were eyther recouered againe, or the loſſe re|doubled wyth ſome like victorie agaynſte the French elſewhere.
[1] In reſpect whereof, ſhee ceaſed not to tra|uaile after wyth King Philippe hir Huſbande, as wyth hir owne priuie Counſayle, and the Lordes of the Realme, whiche waye ſhoulde bee beſt to reuenge this iniurie, and ſpeciallye nowe whyleſt the Frenche King was occupied in warres wyth King Philippe, to endamage ſome of his Countreys by waye of inuaſion, and to ſurpriſe ſome of his Townes vpon the ſo|dayne. And amongeſt ſundrie deuiſes, none was thought ſo fitte to bee attempted, as an ha|uen Towne in Brytayne called Breſt,Breſt in Bry|tayne. whiche in the tyme of King Richarde the ſeconde was kept and mainteyned with an Engliſhe Garni|ſon, vntill the ſayde King rendered the ſame to the French King agayne by compoſition.
[1] This Towne as well for the conuenient ſi|tuation alwayes readie to receyue freſhe ſuc|cours and vittayling out of Englande by Sea, as alſo for that it was knowne to the Queene and hir Counſayle at that preſent, not to bee furniſhed with anye Garniſon of Souldiours, ſufficient to repulſe the power of a Prince vp|pon the ſodayne, was thought to bee the beſt marke to be ſhotte at for the tyme. Wherefore vppon thys caſe well debated, there was ymme|diately order gyuen to Edwarde Lorde Clyn|ton then highe Admyrall of Englande,The Lorde Clynton Ad|myrall. wyth all expedition to prepare himſelfe wyth all the Queenes Shippes of warre, furniſhed with Souldiours, Munitio [...] and vittayle, to ioyne wyth the Admyrall of King Philippe, who had lyke order from the ſayde King to ioyne wyth the Nauie of Englande for the atchieuing of this enterprice.
[1] But before I declare to you the aduenture of theſe two greate Nauies by Sea, it ſhall not bee impertinent to touch ſome accidents in the mean time by lande.
[1] Whyle King Philippe beeing abſent from the lowe Countrey,Monſieur de Thermes cap|taine of Ca|lays. was (as you haue hearde) occupyed wyth his warres in Fraunce, Mon|ſieur de Thermes the newe Captaine of Ca|lays, beeing a manne verie expert in the warres (whoſe propertie is neuer to neglect anye tyme of aduauntage) caſte in hys mynde howe during King Philippes abſence, to doe ſome ſingular ſeruice to the Frenche King his maiſter. And eſpying well the negligence of the Flemminges his neighbours, howe little they vnderſtoode the great weakning of theyr Countrey by the loſſe of Calays, and that there was no newe pro|uiſion made for the defence thereof, more than was before, whyleſt Calays was Engliſhe, by the loſſe whereof, theyr Frontyers were nowe become open for the French at all times to enter: He therefore taking out of Calays ſo many of hys Souldiours as myght bee ſpared from thence, adioyning to them all the forces of the French Garniſons in Arthoys, Bollonoys, and Pycardie, whereof togither with the Souldiers of Calays, being to the number of ſeuen hundred footmen, and three hundred lyght horſmen Scot|tiſh, there were aſſembled fourtene Enſignes of the French footemen .xviij. vanlins of Almains, four or fiue .C. men at armes of France, beſide the light horſmen Scottes, amounting in the whole to the number at the leaſt of nine thouſand foote|menne, and fiftene hundred horſemen, entred into Flaunders wyth full determination to ſpoyle and waſte all King Philippes Countrey [page 1780] along the Sea coaſt, and namely a proper Hauen Towne called Dunkyrke, and with like purpoſe to haue ſurpriſed the towne of Graueling if occaſion woulde ſo ſerue.
[1] This Captayne following his enterpriſe, of a policie paſſing by the towne of Graueling, layd ſiege to a little towne not farre from thence cal|led Berghes, which hee wanne in a ſmall time, and with ſmall reſiſtaunce, leauing the ſaccage of the ſame vnto his Souldiours, where they founde manye good bootyes. And wythoute long ſtaying they marched foorth to Dunkyrke aforeſayde, and planting a ſiege in lyke manner there, battered the ſame ſo ſharpely with the Canon,Dunkyrke be|ſieged, taken, and burnt by the French. that within leſſe than foure dayes hee became maiſter of the Towne, whiche hee in lyke maner put to the ſacke, where was founde more plentie of ſpoyle and good bootyes, than in any place before, ſo farre foorth as the meaneſt ſlaues and lackeyes came away riche. And af|ter ſetting the Towne a fyre (whereby all in the Countrey about were marueylouſly put in feare) and the Frenche ſpreading further abroad, waſted the moſt fruytfull quarter of all that part of Flaunders, euen almoſte vnto Newporte: But yet bycauſe that Monſieur de Thermes tell diſeaſed of the Gowte, the armye wythdrewe and encamped within halfe a myle of Graue|ling, and for his more eaſe, he hymſelfe laye in Dunkyrke, and in the meane tyme dyuerſe ſkyrmyſhes fell oute betweene the Frenche men, and them of the garniſon within Graue|ling.
[1] Counte Eg|mond.During whiche paſtyme, the Counte de Ayguemount (or as he is commonly called Eg|mont) Lieutenant Generall for King Philip in the lowe Countrey, wyth all haſt poſſible aſ|ſembled all the power as well of King Philips Garniſons, as alſo of menne of warre in the lowe Countrey, to the number of fourtene or fiftene thouſande footemen, and two or three thouſande horſemen, whereof there were fiftene hundred Swart Rutters, determining ſo to af|fronte the Frenche, that eyther they ſhoulde paſſe no further into the Countrey, or at the leaſt waye to empeache them from the Siege of Graueling, whereof there was greate appa|raunce.
[1] Monſieur de Thermes hearing of thys po|wer aſſembled (though ſcarcely well recouered) made all poſſible haſte towarde Graueling, where hee was no ſooner arryued, but that hee ſawe his enimyes readie raunged in the fielde. By reaſon whereof his ſtudye was nowe no|thing elſe but how he myght bring home his ar|mie in ſafetie to Calais.
[1] The Counte de Egmond eſpying the French menne bent to marche away wyth the ſpoyle of the Countrey, cutte betweene them and home, placing his battayles in ſuch order, that the Frenchemen had no way to paſſe, but vppon the Sandes betweene the Towne and the Sea: Where as by good chaunce laye a great fleete of Queene Maryes Shippes of warre,Engliſh ſhips annoy the French. within the daunger of whoſe Gunſhot, the Frenchmen had no ſhyft but to paſſe as their iourney lay. And ſo being forced eyther to famiſh or to fight at diſad|uauntage.
[1] Mounſieur de Thermes wythoute ſtaying any longer, cauſed hys vauntgarte to paſſe ouer the Ryuer ſomewhat neare the Towne, to auoyde the ſhotte of the Engliſhe ſhippes. And ſtaying vpon the further ſide for the reſidue of hys battayles, there came ſuche thicke hayle|ſhotte of Artillerie oute of the Towne on the one ſyde, and from the Engliſhe Shippes on the other ſyde, that there was a full batterie made vppon the Frenchmen on all ſydes, which they neuertheleſſe abode, without breaking or|der for the tyme, when ſodainlye appeared be|fore them two great troupes of Horſemen,A valiant coſet giuen vpon the Frenchmen by Counte Egmond. of fiftene hundred a peece, parte Swart Rutters, and part Burgonians, whereof the one in front, and the other in flanke, gaue ſtrong charges vpon the French vauntgarde, who being well backed with their other battayles (whereof the moſt part then had paſſed the Riuer) ſtoutly repulſed theſe two firſt troupes, though not without loſſe of many their beſt ſouldiours.
[1] So thus both partyes being at a ſtay, and ſe|uered ſomewhat aſunder, the Counte Eg|monde hymſelfe wyth eyghtene hundred menne of Armes, and hys foote battayles following, afore the French had well recouered breath, re|charged vppon them wyth all his forces togy|ther, ſo terribly that hee ſhockte all theyr bat|tayle, and the number tooke them to flyght, wythout further tryall. So by that tyme that the footemen on eyther ſide came to the puſhe of the Pyke, the victorie was ſoone had, by reaſon (as the French men reporte) that the Almaynes beaten backe with Artillerie, as well of the towne as of the ſhippes aforeſayd, brake their order, and came not to the ſhocke,A great vic|torie. whereby the whole charge of the battaile reſted vppon the Frenche bandes onely.
[1] [2] This fielde was foughten the .xiij. of Iuly 1558. vpon the Sea ſandes neare to Graueling, where beſides thoſe that were ſlaine, being eſtee|med to the number of fiue thouſand fightingmen,Priſoners taken. ther were taken priſoners the Marſhal de Ther|mes Captaine of Calays, Monſieur Senerpont Gouernour of Bollongne, Monſieur Villebou gouernour of Picardie, Monſieur Annebault ſon to the late Admirall Annebault, knight of the or|der, Mon. de Moruillieres gouernor of Abuile, [page 1781] Monſieur de Chaune gouernour of Corbie, be|ſide a great number of other Gentlemen, vali|ant Captaynes and ſouldiours, but ſpecially the bandes of Calais went to wrecke, ſo as very fewe returned home to bring tydings: which gaue ſuch a terrour to the Souldiours remayning in Calais, that it is verilye beleeued, that if the Admiralles of Englande and Flaunders hadde beene preſent there wyth theyr Nauies, as the ſayd other few Ships of England were, and vp|pon thys ſodaine had attempted Calais, wyth the ayde of the Countie Egmonde hauing his power preſent: the Towne of Calays myghte haue beene recouered agayne wyth as little difficultie, and happily in as ſhorte tyme as it was before gayned by the Duke of Guiſe. But the ſayde Admyrals, (as it appeared) knew no|thing thereof. Wherefore following theyr pre|ſcribed courſe, and ioyning togyther at the place appoynted, ſayled from thence wyth proſperous wynde and weather, and by the .xxix. day of the ſame Moneth, and in the ſayde yeare, wyth ſeuen ſkore Shippes of warre, appeared by the breake of the day before the Hauen of Conqueſt, commonly called Conquet in Brytayne: At whoſe arriuall there (as the maner is) they ſoun|ded theyr Trumpettes, and with a thundering peale of great ordinance, gaue a lowde Salue to the Brytaynes: and by eight of the clocke the ſame morning, maugre al the power of the coun|trey, being aſſembled there in Armes, with many peeces of great Artillerie, to defende the entrie of their port, the Engliſhmen manning forth their Shipboales, with many valiaunt Captaynes and ſouldiours, recouered landing,Conqueſt or Conquet takẽ and burnt. and wythin ſhort tyme became maiſters of the ſayde towne of Conquet, which they put to the ſaccage, with a great Abbay, and many pretie. Townes and Villages nea [...]e there aboutes, where our men found great ſtore of pyllage and good booties.
[1] This done, they marched into the Countrey, and burnt many Villages and houſes, and after [figure appears here on page 1781] withdrewe downe to the Sea ſide, where theyr ſhips lay readie to receyue them.
[1] But the Flemings beeing couetous of the ſpoyle, paſſing further into the lande, before they coulde recouer their Shippes againe,A great ſlaugh|ter of the Fle|mings. were en|countred by the power of the countrey, by whom there were ſlaine of them to the number of foure or fiue hundred.
[1] The Admyralles perceyuing the power of the Countrey greatly to encreaſe, and hauing intelligence that the duke of Eſtampes the Frẽch Kings Lieutenant in Brytayne was very neare comming on, with a greate number of Horſe|men and footemen, eſteemed to bee about twen|tie thouſande (as the Frenchmen themſelues af|fyrme) thought not beſt to attempt any aſſault agaynſt the Towne of Breſt, or to make longer abode there. But yet in hope to doe ſome further exployte elſewhere, they laye there houering on the coaſt a while to vnderſtande the demeanour of the Brytaynes: but by this tyme there was ſuch numbers of people rayſed in all thoſe parts for defence of the ſame coaſtes, that the Admy|ralles afterwarde attempting in dyuerſe places to lande theyr menne, and fynding eche where more apparaunce of loſſe than of gayne, retur|ned home wythoute atchieuing any further en|terpriſe.
[1] In this meane time,
An reg. 6.
[1] [page 1782] During whiche tyme there was nothyng done betweene them woorthie memorie, more than dayly ſkyrmiſhes of no great account. Ne|uertheleſſe, the Countrey of Fraunce coulde not but ſuſteyne extreeme damage, in ſo long ſu|ſteyning ſuche a mayne multitude, ſpecially of men of warre, which thoſe two mightie Kings hadde aſſembled. And day by day came freſhe companies to eyther partye, ſo as it was thought a thyng impoſſible that ſuche two Princes beeing ſo neare, coulde departe wyth|oute ſome cruell bloudye battayle to determine theyr quarelles: But God in whoſe handes are the heartes Kings, (when leaſt hope was) conuerted theyr obſtinate myndes from warre to peace, whiche came chiefely to paſſe by the mediation of the Dutches of Lorraine, who hadde beene a long and earneſt trauayler to that ende, and neuer ceaſſed, vntill by his in|terceſſion, both the ſayde Kinges appoynted ſpeciall Commiſſioners to treate vppon peace. So that after diuerſe conferences, they at laſte concluded vppon all controuerſies, excepte the matter of Calays, whereof Queene Mary by hir Ambaſſadours requyred reſtitution: But the Frenche partye woulde in no wiſe heare thereof. By reaſon of whiche dyfficultye, thys treatie coulde not come to anye good con|cluſion.
[1] King Philippe thinking himſelfe bounde in honour to ſtande in that caſe with the Queene hys wyfe, who for hys ſake had entred into a needleſſe warre againſt Fraunce, and thereby loſt hir ſayd towne, with all the Countrey adioyning (as you haue hearde before) did therefore ſtay a long time before hee concluded peace wyth the French king.
[1] Queene Marie ſeeing no likely hoode, nor ha|uing any hope of the reſtitution of Calays, and conſidering alſo, that moſt of hir affayres had but hard ſucceſſe, conceyued an inwarde ſorrow of mynde, by reaſon whereof aboute September nexte ſhee fell ſicke of a hote burning Feuer, which ſickneſſe was common that yeare through all the Realme, and conſumed a marueylous number, as well Noble men, as Biſhops, Iud|ges, Knightes, Gentlemen, and rich farmours: but moſt of the Cleargie, and other auncient and graue perſons. In which while the Queene lay languiſhing of a long ſickeneſſe, and ſo conti|nued vntill the .xvij. of Nouember next betwene the houres of fiue or ſixe in the morning, and then ended hir life in thys worlde, at hir houſe of Saint Iames beſydes Weſtminſter, when ſhe had raigned fiue yeares, foure Monethes, and eleuen dayes, and in the .xliij. yeare of hir bodi|ly age.
[1] The ſame Euening (or as ſome haue writ|ten the next day) dyed Cardinall Poole Legate of the Biſhop of Rome, late afore made Archbiſhop of Canterburie, at his houſe ouer againſt Weſt|minſter called Lambeth.
[1] This Cardinall was diſcended of the houſe of Clarence, that is to ſay,The deſer [...]|tion of Car|dinall Poo [...] one of the yonger ſonnes of Margaret Counteſſe of Saliſburie, daughter of george Duke of Clarence, brother to king Edward the fourth.
[1] The death of this ſayde Queene made a marueylous alteration in thys Realme, name|ly in the caſe of Religion, which like as by the death of King Edwarde the ſixte it ſuffered a chaunge from the eſtabliſhment of his time: ſo by the death of this Queene it returned into the for|mer eſtate againe.
[1] [2] [3] Of ſuch learned men as had written and did liue in hir dayes there were many, of whome no ſmall number ended theyr lyues alſo duryng that ſhorte tyme of hir raigne, ſome by fire, and other in exile. Iohn Rogers borne in Lanca|ſhire, wrote dyuerſe Treatiſes, tranſlated the Byble into Engliſhe with notes, and publiſhed the ſame vnder the name of Thomas Mathew: hee ſuffered in Smythfielde the fourth of Fe|bruarie, in the yeare .1555: Nicholas Rydley Biſhop firſt of Rocheſter, and after of London, ſuffred at Oxforde in the ſayd yeare .1555. Hugh Latimer borne in Leyceſterſhyre, ſometime Bi|ſhop of Worceſter, a notable Preacher, and a moſt reuerende father, ſuffred at the ſame place, and in the ſame day and yeare wyth Byſhoppe Rydley: Iohn Hoper borne in Somerſetſhyre, Biſhop firſt of Glouceſter, and after of Worce|ſter, ſuffred at Glouceſter. Anno .1555. Iohn Bradforde, borne in Mancheſter, a notable Towne in Lancaſhire, a ſober, mylde, and diſ|creete learned man, ſuffred at London the fyrſt of Iuly in the foreſayde yeare .1555. Stephen Gardiner Biſhop of Wincheſter borne in the Towne of Saint Edmondes burie in Suffolke, of King Henrie the eightes Counſaile, and in King Edwardes dayes committed to warde within the Tower, releaſed by Queene Marie, made Lorde Chauncellour, and ſo dyed a ſtowte Champion in defence of the Popes doctrine, and a great enimie to the profeſſours of the Goſ|pell: Iohn Philpot borne in Hamſhyre, ſonne to ſir Peter Philpot Knight, was Archedeacon of Wyncheſter, ended his lyfe by fyre in the yeare aforeſayde .1555. the .xviij. of December, going then on the .xliiij. yeare of his age: Thomas Craumer borne in Notinghãſhire Archbiſhop of Canterburie, a worthie Prelate, in ſundrie ver|tues right commendable, ſuffred at Oxforde the xxj. of Marche .1556. Richarde Moriſon knight borne in Oxfordſhyre, wrote dyuerſe treatiſes, and deceaſſed at Strauſburge the .xvij. of March [page 1783] 1556. Iohn Poynet borne in Kent, Biſhoppe of Rocheſter firſt, and after of Wincheſter, deceaſſed likewiſe at Strauſburgh, about the tenth or ele|uenth of Auguſt. Anno .1556. Robert Recorde a Doctor of Phiſick, and an excellent Philoſopher, in Arithmetike, Aſtrologie, Coſmographie, and Geometrie moſte ſkilfull, hee was borne in Wales, diſcended of a good family, and finally departed this lyfe in the dayes of Queene Mary: Baltholmew Traheron diſcended of a worſhip|full houſe in the Weſt partes of Englande, deane of Chicheſter, departed this lyfe in Germanie, where he lyued in exile, aboute the latter ende of Queene Maryes raigne: Cutbert Tunſtall Biſhop firſt of London, and after of Durham, borne in Lancaſhire of a right worſhipfull fa|mily, excellently learned, as by his workes it may appeare Doctor of both the Lawes, departed this life in the yeare .1556. Richarde Samſon By|ſhop of Couentrie and Lichfielde, wrote cer|taine Treatiſes, and departed this life Anno. 1555. Lucas Sheparde borne in Colcheſter in Eſſex, an Engliſh Poet: Iane Dudley daugh|ter to Henrie Gray Duke of Suffolke, wrate di|uerſe things highlye to hir commendation, of whome ye haue hearde more before here in thys Hyſtorie: William Thomas a Welchman borne, of whome ye haue lykewiſe heard howe he ſuffred for Treaſon, wrote the Hyſtorie of Ita|lie, and other things verie eloquently: Iames Brokes a Doctor of Diuinitie: Iohn Standiſh a Doctor likewiſe of the ſame profeſſion, greate defenders of the Popes doctrine, as by their wor|kes appeareth: William Peryne a blacke Frier by profeſſion, and a Doctor alſo of Diuinitie, wrote in defence of the Maſſe, and preached Ser|mons which were prynted of like ſtuffe: Iohn Baret borne in Lynne, a Doctor of Diuinitie, and ſometyme a Carmelite Frier, but reuolting from the Popes Religion, became an earneſt ſet|ter forth of the Goſpell, but eftſoones hee fell off, and returned to hys former opinions nowe in the dayes of Queene Marie: Henrie Lorde Stafforde, ſonne to Edwarde Duke of Buc|kingham, amongſt other things which he wrote, he tranſlated a booke out of the Latine into Eng|liſh, intituled Vtriuſ poteſtatis differentia, that is, the difference betwixt the two powers, which booke (as ſome thinke) was firſt compyled and ſet forth by Edwarde Foxe Biſhop of Hereford: Iohn Hopkins tranſlated dyuerſe Pſalmes of the Pſalter into Engliſh meeter, whiche are to bee founde amongeſt thoſe appoynted to be ſung in Churches.