[1] [2] [3] [4] But now to returne vnto sir Thomas Wiat. Af|ter that the Londoners were reuolted to him, as be|fore ye haue heard; the next daie being tuesdaie the thirtith of Ianuarie, he marched foorth with his bands, and six péeces of ordinance (which they had gotten of the quéenes) besides their owne. And first they came to Cowling castell,Cowling ca|stell. an hold of the lord Cobhams, foure miles distant from Rochester, and not much out of the waie towards London, whither they were now fullie determined to go, in hope of friends which they trusted to find within and about the citie. At their comming to Cowling, knowing that the lord Cobham was within the castell, they bent their ordinance against the gate, breaking it with sundrie shots, and burning it vp with [...]er, made a waie through it.The lord Cobham. The said lord Cobham defended the place as stoutlie as he might, hauing but a few against so great a number, and so little store of mu|nition for his defense: he himselfe yet discharged his gun at such as approched the gate right hardilie, and in that assault two of his men were slaine. After this assault, and talke had with the lord Cobham, sir Thomas Wiat marched to Grauesend, where he rested that night.