[1] The eight and twentith of Nouember next follow|ing, it was commonlie reported,A report that the quéene was with child. that the quéene was quicke with child, & therefore commandement was giuen by Edmund Bonner then bishop of London (and as it was said not without the com|mandement of the councell) that there should be made in most solemne manner one generall proces|sion in London, wherein the maior, and all the com|panies of the citie were in their liuerie [...], at whose returne to the church of Pauls, there was soong ve|rie solemnlie Te Deum for ioy therof. The same daie at this procession was present ten bishops with all the prebendaries of Paules. The copie of the coun|cels letter implieng the aforesaid commandement touching the generall procession here followeth, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam.