22.1. An absolution pronounced by car|dinall Poole to the parlement house.
An absolution pronounced by car|dinall Poole to the parlement house.
[1] _OUr lord Iesus Christ, which with his most pretious bloud hath re|deemed and washed vs from all our sins and iniquities, that he might purchase vnto himselfe a glorious spouse without spot or wrinkle, and whom the father hath appointed head ouer all his church; he by his mercie absolue you. And we by the apostolike authoritie giuen vnto vs by the most holie lord pope Iulius the third (his vicegerent in earth) doo ab|solue and deliuer you, and euerie of you,Pope Iulie the third [...] cardinall Poole his au|thoritie apo|stolike. with the whole realme, and the domini|ons thereof, from all heresie and schisme, and from all and euerie iudgements, cen|sures and paines for that cause incurred. And also wee doo restore you againe to the vnitie of our mother the holie church, as in our letters of commission more plainelie shall appeare.