[1] [2] After whose death,The archbi|shop of Yorke lord chãcellor. Nicholas heath archbishop of Yorke, was preferred by the quéene to the office of the chancellor. ¶She likewise gaue the priuie seale to the lord Paget, and made him lord priuie seale, Iohn Stow. these were both Londoners borne. In this moneth of Fe|bruarie, the lord maior of London and the aldermen entered into Bridewell, and tooke possession thereof, according to the gift of king Edward, now con [...]|med by queene Marie.] In the moneth of March next following, there was in maner no other talke, but of the great preparation that was made for the quéens lieng in childbed, who had alredie taken vp hir cham|ber, and sundrie ladies and gentlewomen were pla|ced about hir in euerie office of the court.