[1] [2] [3] At whose arriuall there (as the manner is) they sounded their trumpets, & with a thundering peale of great ordinance gaue a lowd salue vnto the Bri|tains: and by eight of the clocke the same morning, mauger all the power of the countrie, being assem|bled there in armes, with manie péeces of great ar|tillerie, to defend the entrie of their port, the Eng|lishmen manning foorth their shipboats, with manie valiant capteins and soldiors, recouered landing, and within short time became masters of the said towne of Conquet, which they put to the saccage, with a great abbeie,Conquest or Conquet ta|ken and bur|ned. and manie pretie townes and villages neere thereabouts, where our men found great store of pillage and good booties. This done, they marched into the countrie, and burned manie villages and houses: and after withdrew downe vnto the sea side, where their ships laie readie to receiue them. But the Flemmings being couetous of spoile, passing further into the land,A great slaughter of the Flem|mings occa|sioned by their owne coue|tousnesse. before they could recouer their ships againe, were incountered by the power of the countrie, by whome there were slaine of them to the number of foure or fiue hundred.