[1] [2] The lord admerall hauing continuallie béene a|brode on the seas for the space of thrée moneths or more, with a nauie of eight and twentie ships and o|ther vessels, accompanied also with the viceadme|rall of the low countries, that had vnder his gouern|ance fourteene ships of the emperours, met with the said prince the ninetéenth of Iulie, about the Néedles, and from thence accompanied him vnto Southampton,The arriuall of the prince of Spaine in S [...]uthamptõ. where he arriued the morrow after the twentith of Iulie, the earle of Arundell lord ste|ward of the quéens house being sent from hir to pre|sent to him the George and the garter of the order (of the which fellowship he was at the last chapiter hol|den by the confréers chosen one of the companie) met him vpon the water, and at his comming to land, presented the said George and garter vnto him. At his landing he was receiued by the lord treasuror, [...] is receiued [...] the nobilitie [...] lords. the bishop of Lincolne, the lord Saint-Iohn, and o|thers, by whom he was first conueied to the church, and from thence to his lodging.