[1] [2] After the French kings departure from Calis, he made great hast for the accomplishment of the mar|riage, mooued betweene Francis his eldest sonne,The mariag [...] betwéene the Dolphin and the princes [...]e of Scots. called the Dolphin, and Marie Steward daughter & sole heire of Iames the fift late king of Scotland: which princesse, if the Scots had bin faithfull of pro|mise, as they seldome be) should haue married king Edward the sixt. For the breach of which promise be|gan all the warre betwéene England & Scotland, as you heard in the latter end of the life of king Hen|rie the eight, and in the beginning of king Edward the sixt. This mariage (saith Grafton) though it be not of my matter, I thought not to omit, for that manie things were meant thereby, which thanks be to God neuer came to effect. But one speciall point was not hidden to the world, that by meanes of the same, the realme of Scotland should for euermore haue remained as vnited and incorporat to the crowne of France: and that as the sonne and heire of euerie French king dooth succéed to the inheritance and pos|session of a countrie called the Dolphin,Why the son and heire of euerie Fren [...] king is called the Dolphin. & is therfore called Dolphin; & like as the principalitie of Wales apperteineth to the eldest son of the king of England, who therefore is called the prince of Wales: euen so the Dolphin heire of France should thereby haue béene king of Scotland for euermore: which name and title vpon this mariage was accordinglie giuen to Francis Dolphin and heire apparant of France, to be called king Dolphin. The meaning whereof was vtterlie to exclude for euermore anie to be king of Scotland, but onelie the eldest sonne of France.