[1] [2] In September,Death of the Duke of Nor [...]|folke the duke of Norffolke departed this life at Fremingham castell in Norffolke, and there was honorablie buried among his ancestors. ¶The 26 of October,A Spaniard hanged. Iohn Stow. a Spaniard was hangd at Cha|ringcrosse for killing an Englishman, there was of|fered for his life by other strangers 500 crownes, but all that would not staie iustice.] On fridaie the same 26 of October, those honest men that had béene of Throckmortons quest, being in number eight (for the other foure were deliuered out of prison, for that they submitted themselues, and said they had offen|ded like weakelings, not considering truth to be truth,Eight of ma|ster Throck|mortons [...] appéere in th [...] starchamber but of force for feare said so) these eight men I saie (whereof maister Emanuell Lucar and maister Whetston were chéefe) were called before the coun|cell in the Starrechamber, where they affirmed that they had doone all things in that matter according to their knowledge, and with good consciences, euen as they should answer before GOD at the daie of iudgement. Where maister Lucar said openlie be|fore all the lords that they had doone in the matter like honest men, and true and faithfull subiects: and therefore they humblie be sought my lord chancellor and the other lords, to be meanes to the king and quéenes maiesties, that they might be discharged and set at libertie: and said that they were all con|tented to submit themselues to their maiesties, sa|uing and reseruing their truth, consciences, and ho|nesties.