[1] [2] Thus were the cheefe bulworks and vtter lims of the castell of Guisnes obteined by the French, Ric. Grafton. on saint Sebastians daie, being the twentith of Ianu|arie, but yet not without great expense of bloud on both sides: for of the French part there were slaine in those assaults aboue the number of eight or nine hundred, and of the English not manie fewer: a|mongst whom the greatest losse lighted vpon those few Spaniards and Wallons that were come to as|sist the English at that present. It was now night:A trumpetter from the duk [...] of Guise to th [...] lord Greie. when a trumpetter came to the ditches side in the base court, & sounded a summons: who being called vnto & asked what he would, told that he was sent to my lord Greie by the duke of Guise, with offer of a parlée if it would be harkened vnto. The souldiors no sooner heard these newes, but forsaking the walles came all in rowt togither, & confusedlie speaking to their chiefteine the said lord Greie, praied him to har|ken to the message, & to haue consideration of their liues, which so long as anie hope remained, they wil|linglie had ventured. The lord Greies answer was, that he maruelled, either what causelesse mistrust of his caring for them was now come vpon them, or what sudden vnwoonted faintnesse of mind had so assailed them, as to cause them in such disorder to for|sake their places, and leaue the walles naked, and he willed them to returne to the same.