[1] [2] In respect whereof she ceased not to trauell after with king Philip hir husband, as with hir owne pri|uie councell, and the lords of the realme, which waie should be best to reuenge this iniurie: and speciallie now whilest the French king was occupied in wars with king Philip, to indamage some of his countries by waie of inuasion, & to surprise some of his townes vpon the sudden. And among sundrie deuises,Force inten|ded against Brest in Bri|taine. none was thought so fit to be attempted as an hauen towne in Britaine called Brest, which in the time of king Richard the second was kept and mainteined with an English garrison, vntill the said king ren|dered the same to the French king againe by compo|sition. This towne as well for the conuenient situa|tion alwaies readie to receiue fresh succors and vit|telling out of England by sea, as also for that it was knowne to the quéene and hir councell at that pre|sent, not to be furnished with anie garrison of sol|diors, sufficient to repell the power of a prince vp|on the sudden, was thought to be the best marke to be shot at for the time. Wherefore vpon this case well debated, there was immediatlie order giuen to Ed|ward lord Clinton then high admerall of England,The lord Clinton ad|merall of En|gland sent [...] against [...] with all expedition to prepare himselfe with all the quéenes ships of warre, furnished with soldiors, mu|nition & vittels, to ioine with the admerall of king Philip, who had like order from the said king to ioine with the nauie of England for the atchiuing of this enterprise.