[1] [2] ¶Thus much for sir Nicholas Throckmortons ar|reignement, wherein is to be considered, that the re|pealing of certeine statutes in the last parlement, was the chiefe matter he had to alledge for his ad|uantage: whereas the repealing of the same sta|tutes was meant notwithstanding for an other pur|pose (as before you haue partlie heard) which statutes, or the effect of the chiefe branches of them haue béene since that time againe reuiued, as by the bookes of the statutes it maie better appeare, to the which I re|ferre the reader.The lord Tho. Greie beheaded.] The eight and twentith of Aprill, the lord Thomas Greie, brother to the duke of Suffolke, was beheaded at the tower hill, a proper gentleman, and one that had serued right valiantlie both in France and Scotland, in the daies of the late kings Henrie and Edward.