[1] [2] [3] [4] Herewith turning backe, he might [...] how Bret,The reuol|ting of the Londoners. and the other capteins of the whit [...]ootes with their bands being vpon the hill, and at his backe, made great and lowd shouts sundrie times, crieng; We are all Englishmen, we are all Englishmen: fashioning themselues in araie, readie bent with [page 1095] their weapons to set vpon the duke, if he had made anie resistance: wherevpon the duke willed the pée|ces that were bent against Rochester, to be turned vpon Bret and his fellowes. But vpon further con|sideration the shot was spared,The duke with the cap|teine of the gard, &c: put to their shifts. and the dukes grace, with the capteine of the gard, considering with wo|full hearts their chiefe strength thus turned against them; and being thus inuironed both behind and be|fore with enimies, shifted themselues awaie, as did also their companie. Sir Thomas Wiat accompa|nied with two or thrée, and not manie mo, came forth halfe a mile from Rochester, to méet Bret and the o|ther capteins, amongst whom was sir George Har|per, notwithstanding his former submission to the duke. Their méeting verelie séemed right ioifull both in gesture and countenance, & therewith hauing saluted each other, they entered all togither into Ro|chester. The lord of Aburgauennie & the shiriffe were greatlie abashed when they vnderstood of this mis|hap, for they doubted that such as were euill disposed before, would not be greatlie amended thereby. The shiriffe being then at Maidstone,The shiriffe of Kent rideth to the councell. hasted to come to Malling, where the lord of Aburgauennie laie, and vpon his comming thither, he tooke aduise to ride in post to the councell, to know their minds how they would direct them. Sir Thomas Wiat and his asso|ciats were greatlie recomforted with this new sup|plie added to their strength, by the reuolting thus of the Londoners: and verelie it bred no small hope in all their hearts that wished well to his enterprise, that he should the better atteine vnto the hoped end of his purpose. But it pleased God otherwise, who ne|uer prospereth anie that attempt such exploits with|out publike and lawfull authoritie.